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Posts posted by Jkgobills

  1. How many linebackers, in the entire league, are fast enough to cacth Julian Edelman from behind?

    That was crazy to see someone that big chase down Edelman.

    He's so perfect for this system. Rex's defense is designed for ILB's to run sideline to sideline and not get disrupted by OL. He is the fastest MLB in the NFL, he ran a 4.45 at the combine and broke North Carolina's record for the 60 meter dash in college. At over 240 pounds he ran track for UNC. Crazy athlete.


    I had no idea about that! Thanks for the info.

  2. I will counter on McCoy. Until the Bills can consistently get runs of 5-6 yards in a row from him, he's not performing to expectations. His YPC must get better to help this offense.


    The better news is on defense. If this team starts playing like the "Rex Ryan Defense" meme we've heard for 2 years, that will be exciting and can keep Rex in his job, which I'd argue is important for team continuity.


    TT should improve without the Watkins distraction. Just get to know all his WRs. Good to see Clay more today.


    The negative yardage plays will happen with Shady given his style of running. However, the past two weeks he is clearly getting "north /south" sooner and even following an initial cut to the outside. The past 2 games the o line blocking appears different and McCoy is benefitting from the change in game plan.

  3. it makes me crazy that we made Fitzpatrick looks so good and in every other game he has been himself. That being said these were two great wins in a row and I am definitely excited about this season again.

    Fitz had a game that night that is the reason he has been in the league for so long. When he's hot, he's hot. And the Bills responded very well to a public and national humiliation that night. When I left that game, I never thought it would be possible to win these two games and the Bills be 2-2.

  4. someone should be fired for letting these past two wins happen.16-0 ? It's just not good enough for me. I needs stats. I need sacks. I need more than a win.

    I am a taxpaying cardholder. Clay bobbled and caught two tipped balls, Those should have been touchdowns for the money I am paying him.

    Oh and btw

    This just in


    Bills won against all odds. Again.



    Well done !

  5. Thanks for carrying on the "thoughts".


    3. Agree with you 100% on Shady. Makes moves that only a few in the whole of the NFL can.


    4. Offensive execution and function with Lynn are so much better than with Roman. Almost hard to believe the difference is this big.


    8. Blount and Bennett are bruisers. Zach Brown wore out L Blount today. M Bennett left game with shoulder injury due to contact. I wouldn't want to try to tackle these guys either, but the Bills D kept flying and hitting all day.



    And one of my own:


    When the season began, I had no idea what to think about the LB corps. Zach and Preston Brown have far exceeded my expectations.

  6. After 4 games:


    The defense has played tough 3 of 4 games, and looked dominant week 3 and 4.


    The offense plays better without Greg Roman, then with him.


    Shady has been an elite offensive player these past 2 weeks, making moves that only a few in the league can make.


    The Bills are 2-2, and they can't be written off just yet!


    Let's Go Buffalo!

  7. Cash is a freak....living about 20 mins from Duke, got to see a lot of him on TV and hear him interviewed on Radio. The problem is he played at the line of scrimmage as often as he did as a safety. He is a disruptive athlete, but not sure what position suits him in the NFL.

  8. This was a great draft!


    First two picks will likely be day 1 starters


    Third pick will play when Kyle Williams can't, and will replace Kyle in 2017


    Fourth pick is a great type of QB to try to develop. Sits and learns this year. By the end of the season, the coaches will know what his ceiling is, what Tyrod is capable of, and how to move forward for 2017.


    Fifth pick is a great round to take a RB. The Bills style of offense requires that they have healthy RB's. This guy looks like he has the type of running style that works well in the NFL.


    Sixth pick is a very fast WR. At best this position gets 4-5 targets per game. (Watkins, Clay, Shady going to each out touch the WR3/4) Why draft it Sooner?


    Seventh pick is a fast corner from a major program from a major conference. Maybe he makes it, maybe he is a special teamer. An argument could be made to take a corner sooner because it is a position of frequent injury. It might be an emphasis of the team for UDFA.


    Great job Buffalo Bills!

  9. You know Wes, right? I bring moonshine to the opener, finally got to meet him this year with his fiance whom I cannot remember the name of... but he mentioned you being a good fan. I think it was you.



    Come to the TBDAHOT... I bring it up every year. Some silly Canadian journalist got a half batch of it.

    Thanks for the invite! I didn't make it to a game this season (or last)....live in NC now....and my kids kept me busy this past fall with their sporting activities.


    Next year....I'm making it up for a game. I will bring a some "Mountain Dew" and we can share it around.

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