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Posts posted by Jkgobills

  1. I'd like an organization that is relentlessly committed to improvement (playoffs only a start), from management and coaches down to players, and one in which the fans can have some confidence that those in positions of power have the judgement, expertise and intelligence to pursue that sort of success agenda. But hey, that's just me. Right now, I feel we have an organization relentlessly committed to selling a product, of suspect quality.



  2. Good synopsis Virgil. It's been a tough season for sure. This offseason will be very telling for the future of the franchise. Can the Pegulas attract top HC candidates? Can the GM fill holes that will arise in the roster through FA and draft?


    3. McCoy was the single best reason to watch this team all year. A special talent, doing amazing things on a football field.

    7. The curse of Rex (and Rob) appear real

    8. if they do a real HC search, and actually have choices between experienced and accomplished candidates, I don't think they will hire Lynn for HC.... For no reason other than the Bills can't get this one wrong.

  3. I feel that's due to the fact that so much of the organization from Wilson's ownership is still here, including Brandon, Littman, Overdorf, Berchtold, and trainer Bud Carpenter, plus a host of guys reporting to them.

    Under Wilson, we wouldn't pay top $ for coaches and he had little trust in GMs. The Bills had to back Nix into the role, bringing him back as national scout for 11 months before naming him GM. Likewise, Doug Whaley had to be eased cautiously through the door as director of pro personnel. Overdorf, to this day, oversees all player contracts which are approved by Littman and Brandon.


    To be honest, I wish we would do what the Jets did 2 years ago and what the 49ers might be about to do - clear everyone out, hold a careful search for a GM, let that GM hire his people including those who negotiate contracts, let the GM hire the coach.


    I don't see that happening.


    Agree with you on every point

  4. My point was only that the Bills FO will know who is actually interested and what is just media fodder floated by agent.


    Just said that the situation was different due to ownership issues and it was widely known that Ralph wouldn't pay the going rate for a top coach. No longer an issue, but the lack of a QB still persists. It's the same as two years ago and Rex Ryan would have been considered a name candidate . Some had him going to Atlanta. The lack of a QB or a top draft pick will mean the Bills likely won't land candidates with lots of options. Probably why they are floating their interest in Lynn out there. Don't want to disappoint the fan base by mentioning others that likely won't take the job.


    They are disappointing the fan base with the 17 years of futility. Per Tasker we are 90% scar tissue, we should be able to handle the reality that top candidates may still avoid the Bills organization.


    I understand completely the complexities of the last 10 years of Mr Wilson's ownership and how that negatively affected coaches and free agents alike. Still, the reality of who they can hire seems much more similar to those 10 years, than they do different.

  5. Different situation entirely . The owner was an octogenarian and much uncertainty over the team moving if he passed away.

    Has the team and organization become more attractive as a landing spot for top coaching talent under the new owner? This search, if they actually do one, will be telling, My guess, is that the Bills still remain an organization that is not sought after by top coaching candidates. So, I don't see it as an entirely different situation as two years ago, or the years prior.

  6. What is there in Lynn's resume that leads you to believe he will get more than one offer and be a hot commodity?


    He has been an RB coach for what, 14 years, including with Rex Ryan for 4 years and the Browns before that.

    He was a ST assistant with Denver for 3 years before that. He has never coached a different unit on the offense, and he has never coached a defensive unit.


    Compare and contrast with someone like Matt Patricia, who was an OLman, coached as an offensive assistant and offensive line coach, then switched to LB coach, then safeties coach, then DC, and has been DC for 4 years on a winning team. He's coached on both sides of the ball, coached in 4 different assistant roles, then been successful as a DC. He should rightly be viewed as a top HC prospect.


    I was kinda accused of suspecting any black guy interviewed as being a nod to the Rooney Rule, but that's no way it. I'm sure Lynn is an excellent RB coach, meticulous and detail oriented, and respected in the league, and I'm sure OC experience is hard to come by, but his experience just seems so limited and compartmentalized for him to really be a hot HC prospect. I would hope he could land an OC gig as a result of this year, and then move up from there. But on any team, taking 2 steps at once just seems like a recipe for failure.


    i would prefer Patricia, I would prefer a legitimate HC search. The Bills Brass already seems to be leaning toward Lynn (per reports posted on TBD). My point is that if the Bills believe him to be qualified per his resume (Parcells, Del Rio, and others besides Rex that he has worked with may be saying great things about him to GMs around the league), then others will come to a similar conclusion on their own. If Lynn has more than one offer, I can't imagine choosing the Bills over any other job out there.


    Also, I don't envision whoever is deemed "the best HC candidate league wide" to come to Buffalo,either.

    Look I know it's a very popular trend right now to bash the organization but IMHO this team already has the talent to be a playoff calibre team. The coaching of Rex Ryan was woefully inept and that has held us back the past couple of years. I have every confidence that the next HC and DC will get us there. Looks like it will be Lynn and Gus Bradley so might as welll jump onboard and enjoy the ride.

    It's not only a popular trend now, it has been popular for about 15 years. I see the roster talent as reasonable. Perhaps not far off from playoff level. Certainly more talented than 5 years ago. It's the organization, the odd reporting structure of coach / GM and owner. The influence of marketing on coach selection, and free agent signings. It's not how organizationally competent teams like the Giants, The Ravens, The Steelers, The Packers, the damn Pats, and The Broncos conduct their business. More so than the roster, it is the organization that concerns me. If it concerns me, a person without insider knowledge, I would be willing to bet it concerns the HC candidates gravely.


    Denver has an opening, they will get the best candidate that's out there.

  7. In light of everyone assuming because he is already here "it is his job to lose".

    What if he decides to interview and take another head coach offer? This franchise is such a dumpster fire it might happen.

    I mentioned this in a few other threads. It is reasonable to assume that someone who has Lynn's resume will get more than one offer. Why would he choose the Bills? They are organizationally incompetent.

  8. If Lynn is the best candidate for the Bills HC vacancy, then he will surely be coveted across the league. As Bills fans, we need to remember that two head coaches have walked away from this job. We also need to remember that candidates politely refused to even come in for an interview during the Mularkey and Marrone hirings. The Bills HC vacancy will be regarded as one of the least appealing opportunities by the HC candidates.

  9. yeah, forget today. the season ended last week when Rex couldn't even ice the kicker effectively. everything after that is meaningless. totally meaningless. let it all go. lets go get a coaching staff and prep for the draft. looks like a competitive roster but as long as the GOAT and Belichick are in NE, playoffs will required 11 wins.... not sure how this team gets there... we shall see



  10. Born into it, dad was from West Seneca, mom from Cheektowaga, and raised in Rochester in the 1970's, 80's and 90's where I lived until finishing graduate school in 1997. Left the area, but the Bills never left me.


    When the rumor mill was turning regarding the Bills leaving Buffalo a few years ago, I came to the conclusion that if the franchise left WNY, I could end my time as a fan. They stayed, and I stayed a fan.

  11. Anthony Lynn: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Lynn



    As player:



    As coach:


    Anthony Lynn has worked under 5 Head Coaches:

    That's a solid resume for sure. So solid, that he is sure to have other teams interested in him. Given the general state of the Bills organization, Lynn may very well choose to go elsewhere. Even if the Bills want him as their HC, Lynn might want nothing more to do with the Bills.

  12. Whaley and the Bills FO do a better job with pro talent evaluation than college talent evaluation. Overall, I think he has done a good job adding talent to a roster that had holes all over the place when he took over.


    However, if Pegs wants to clean house (including Whaley) to attempt to fully change the culture I'm all good with that too.

  13. Nice lyrics Virgil.


    What a mess it has all become. Missed XP's, botched onside kicks, dropped passes, bad passes, and a defense that couldn't stop the run.


    I feel like I did after the second game of the season.


    Rex has to go. At this point I would be fine with clearing out all coaching and front office personnel. And the Bills have to find a QB that can throw the ball effectively.


    Also, fire whoever was responsible for not knowing how to properly remove snow from the field....in Buffalo.


    This is what I think should happen now:


    Coming into this week, I said Taylor needed to show he is worth the option, that meant he had to be good in all 4 games. Well today's game I think sealed his fate of not picking up his option and most likely made him the next starting QB of the Browns as he will be the most intriguing QB on the market this off season and they desperately need help.


    So, with Taylor's fate most likely decided in the FO, what should they do now? Fire Rex? Play Cardale?


    1. DONT fire Rex this week UNLESS he refuses to try another QB, and fire him at end of season instead. There is no value in firing Rex with 3 games to go unless he wont bench Taylor and the FO and Staff want to see what else we have. A good argument could be made about seeing what Lynn could do as an auditor, however, if they truly like Lynn who has risen up the ladder quickly here already this year, then why risk damaging their belief in him by throwing him to the wolves with a team already deflated from missing playoffs. Just give him the reigns at end of season if he is really their guy.


    2. Make it EJ time, not Cardale. Cardale was not ready to be a college QB and lost his job, and he almost certainly isn't ready to play in the NFL. So why risk further hurting his confidence by throwing him in for the final games of a team in turmoil with nothing to play for? Let EJ go out and give him the chance to win a job either here or somewhere else in the NFL. Quite frankly, EJ has earned that by being a model citizen, doing everything asked of him, putting in the hours to get better, etc etc. Let him have these 3 games to show if he grew or not, I think he deserves the shot and I dont think Cardale is close to ready. If they like Cardale, let him battle for the job in the offseason with the what is likely the new coaching staff.


    Just my cents. Let Rex finish year before firing him and let EJ play for his career the rest of the season since Taylor didn't make the most of his opportunities. He was certainly hurt by injuries this year, but he also left too many opportunities on the field to warrant picking up his option at this point.

    Fair and reasonable points. All of them.
  15. Rex came to town riding the high horse oh his mighty defense. Today was the nail in his coffin. Rex and staff didn't scheme a good defense for this game (or many games this season), and were unable to make effective adjustments. Rex deserves verbal blasting from fans, sports radio hosts, and Pegula.

  16. Good post Virgil...you have hit a good stride with the post game thoughts.


    I agree with your assessments generally, but this game assured me that Rex doesn't have what it takes to call/game plan the right defense anymore. Yes the Raiders are good, but the defensive strategy of drop into coverage with little to no pass rush just doesn't make sense against this team. Especially when they were playing with replacements all over the secondary. Some heat on the QB would have helped them on the back end.


    The puzzling and ineffective schemes have occurred far too often this season and last season. Rex was given the staff he wanted (even Brother Rob), and the "fully pregnant" result is no better.


    I can't see how Rex gets another season if his defense doesn't finish very strong.

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