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Posts posted by Jkgobills

  1. As a kid, on the way to Buffalo from Rochester, my Dad would always say the following: "son, you are going to see and hear things today that are very wrong, and if you ever tell your mother I won't be able to take you to any more Bills/ Sabres games.


    Once at the old Aud, I saw a Montreal fan thrown from his seat while fighting with a Sabres fan and landed several rows below us. This was two seats down from me, I had a great view. (This was in the orange seats, if you ever sat in them you understand how this is possible). Its been more than 30 years since that happened, and I still haven't told my Mom!

  2. I would not get rid of whoever is in the pro personell department that identified : Zach Brown, Lorax, Corey Graham, incognito, Tyrod (no I don't think he is the answer), and whatever other pros we signed that start for this squad. Everyone else can go.

  3. I have mentioned the incident previously at this forum, but I will never forget entering the stadium to go to my seat at like 8:45pm for a Monday night game when we were in our glory years. I saw a fan in the concourse outside the bathroom just standing there, looking like he was literally about to pass out dead drunk.


    I said to my buddy: "Look at that guy! He is so drunk he is going to pass out!" and on that note, he literally fell to the ground beyond drunk out of his mind.


    This was right around 8:45/8:50 pm, as we were headed to our seats for the START of the game.


    I also thought "Why did he come?" Or pay money for the ticket?


    I can never figure out why they pay so much money to see so little of the game!

  4. I have been to games at the Rich/ Ralph/ New Era over the past 35+ years (I'm in my 40's). I have come to expect and have seen all of the following:


    1. Men pissing in sinks. (Once when I was a kid, right next to me...my Dad explained to me that we don't wash our hands at Bills games...ever).


    2. Fights...in the lots pre game, post game, in the concourse and in the stands. Once I saw two women square off and throw haymakers at each other in their seats in the upper deck. I have never been to a game and not seen a fight.


    3. People passed out drunk in their seats. (Why did they come?)


    4. Zubaz


    5. Some amazing fans, some $&sholes.


    I have lived out of state for 20 years. It took me 10 of them to get used to going to sporting events and numbers 1-4 never happening.

  5. Completely unfair, resorting to facts like that. Like most Bills fans, I would rather live under the illusion that we've kinda sorta "solved" the QB issue by finding diamond in the rough Tyrod. Seriously though ... you have listed at a minimum not just your 16 but also Winston/Mariota/Wentz/Dak as QBs any GM would take over Tyrod right now. So "Top 21" I guess. But as a good 50% of TSW posters will tell you, "talent is not the problem." It has something to do with poor coaching or injuries or the stars not aligning over Lake Erie or something. Until someone proves otherwise, I'm going with the simplest explanation: our roster just ain't that good.

    Agree with you. I was one of the fans that hoped the Bills had found a top 12 QB, but it looks more like a bottom 12 QB.

    I don't want to turn into more of a "one note charlie" than I am lately so I post less. I had my epiphany the first game vs the Ravens, when I watched anemic efforts on both offense and defense. And thought, OK, injuries, suspensions, rust, excuseexcuse.


    Then I watched NE put on a clinic missing star QB, TE, 3 OLmen, star defensive player. They got it done. And they continue to get it done.


    That's when I underwent my metamorphosis from Hopeful.


    There's something missing on this team, and while there may be thin spots or gaps in talent, mmm, not the whole picture. IMO.


    The 4-0 run after a putrid 0-2 start sucked me back in for a bit. Now I'm with you. From my seat, I can't tell what's wrong organizationally, but there are plenty of educated guesses we can make as fans.


    My additional "thought": the pro personell side of Bills FO has done a fantastic job, I won't list them all here, but the roster is full of players they brought in from other teams and have had huge impacts and occupy starting positions on both sides of the ball. The Bills have not been as successful with college talent evaluation. Maybe not a total FO reorganization, but one that thoroughly cleans out the college scouting department.

  6. Thought for sure the Bills would make adjustments to stop the run in the second half. Whatever they tried failed miserably. At one point it looked like the defensive strategy was to let Ajayi run so much that he would leave the game from cramps and exhaustion. Almost worked too.


    Oh......and f$&k Dareus !

  7. Tyrod at times did things that he can uniquely do. Extending a play with his legs, escaping what looked like a sure sack on a few occasions, and running for a TD. (He was the leading rusher today).


    He also ran away from phantom pressure on several occasions rather than step up into the pocket. Holds the ball too long at times. Doesn't anticipate throws well enough yet.


    At this point he isn't a good enough passer to win the game, when the ground attack is absent, and the receiving corps is thinned by injury. Only a few QBs are...and 27 or so out of 32 teams don't/ won't have one of them.


    Not ready to pass final judgement yet...I wasn't impressed with his play following the only game I saw in person this year (Jets). 9 more games and 9 more chances to look at all 22 footage. Would like to see some games with all of the weapons at Tyrods disposal.

  8. We'll see whether this physician who works for a fantasy football site has better info than Schefter and Rapoport.

    If it matters, I'm a physical therapist who knows these injuries well. I just have no idea the particulars of Shady's injury. Damn HIPPA laws!! Haha


    If the injury needs time to recover, I hope they hold Shady out. Don't want to have a repeat of the first several weeks of last season.

  9. @JeneBramel


    McCoy repeatedly told reporters was limited on Friday. Studies on NFL players note 33-40% risk of aggravation in first 7-10 d after injury.


    Note: No decision made yet on McCoy. Tweets from Schefter/Rapoport based on what they were told yesterday. Decision to come after warmups.


    I must have read the other posts and came to the wrong conclusion about Shadys status. Thanks for the clarification.

  10. they ran for almost 200 yards, why didn't they? We won the turnover battle 3-0 including a pick 6


    I keep waiting for this team to fold like we are so used to after all these years when they get in those situations and they still haven't, that is what impresses me the most

    That's what struck me during this game as well! There was a moment when I said aloud, "how are they gonna screw this up"...... And they never did, That's the mark of improvement for sure.

  11. Thank you for the review


    1. The lack of rhythm hurt Tyrod, but the lack of rhythm in some ways was caused by Tyrod, Inaccurate throws are tempo killers. Woods drop(s) hurt too.


    2. Shady was playing as well as he ever has today. On a field full of freaky athletes, he stands out for his ability to cut, accelerate, and stay balanced.


    6. Hard to imagine that Gilmore is a top 5 CB the way he played today.


    10. A road trip to the west coast and come back with a win, oh yeah Ill take it!

  12. You know the trend. Today it was Rams OL Rodger Saffold III. A couple weeks ago it was Some Guy IV. Or Steve Smith Sr. What, is Steve Smith Jr. playing in the NFL? Is there some concern that we would confuse the Pro Bowl receiver with his 2 year old son? Or, for that matter, from his future son in utero? From Sr.'s wiki page: "In 2014, he applied to the NFL for a jersey nameplate change from 'Smith' to 'Smith Sr.' upon the announcement of his future son's impending birth." Not to mention the proliferation of "Juniors" even when, as far as I can tell, "Senior" never played (and certainly still isn't playing) in the NFL. But I guess it brings clarity to the question: who sent out that stupid tweet about OBJ and a Kardashian? (Answer: this is apparently what OBS does with his free time.) Never again will I be confused about which Odell Beckham made that great catch/drew that idiotic penalty -- hey, that "Jr." on the jersey tells me it wasn't the Buick salesman in New Orleans.


    Meanwhile, P. Brown and Z. Brown go with the plain old "Brown" -- no first initial! -- on their uniforms. And I'm sorry, I can't remember which one is Brown 52 and which one is Brown 53, although the one wearing 53 seems to be making a whole lot more tackles. Maybe I should give up and root for going full medieval on NFL jerseys: Peyton, Son of Archie. Tyrod the Unready anyone?



    Thank you for that fantastic rant! Just hilarious! A subject that gets under my skin as well.

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