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The Voice of Truth

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Posts posted by The Voice of Truth

  1. Ok, it always amazes me how professional athletes seem to get these issues by walking through college dorms. The report is out ... Mario Williams held out of practice because the poor multi-millionaire has a sore foot. WHERE IN THE WORLD did he pick that up? Were they playing kick the can in the dorms? So big Mario your toes are hurting you ... don't you think that you have an obligation to at least show your face on DAY ONE of training camp? Aren't there some drills that you can participate with your foot in an ice bucket? What about being supportive of your teammates? This is not a good omen ... his poor little footsy. My goodness ... how many of us go to work with some minor issues and then take care not to aggravate what ails us ... not Mario. http://blogs.buffalo...-has-sore-foot/

    I'm with you on this. I think it's ridiculous. After a blockbuster contract, he had a lackluster year. The story is he is coming back pissed and focused on football now with all the personal baggage taken care of and in the rear view. Then on day one of training camp, he's sitting out. That's garbage and not leadership. My one concern is that his rookie year he had significant problems with foot injuries.

  2. Did anyone watch the game against the Bills? Did you see Kolb's performance in that game? If I were an Arizona fan or player, if that performance was at all typical of his yearly performance I'd be badmouthing him too. He was horrible. Now, was it his fault? I don't know. His O-line was horrendous and their was massive pressure etc. But it's not exactly like he was doing much to help it out. He looked like he sucked. We just have to hope that he is better suited to our system and our players and maybe he was banged up mentally and physically last year and those things were the reasons for his very poor performance. We also have to hope that EJ emerges early and can at least get enough of the team's confidence in him that they are content to rally behind him, especially the veterans. These are my hopes anyway.

  3. I know, I know, wait till he gets on the field. But last i checked, neither trentative or losman in their rookie campaign went to try and seek advice from one of the best QB's in the game. He's embracing the leadership and taking the initiative on learning what it takes to be the best. I appreciate that.



    I wish he would recap what they talked about that would be an interesting fly on the wall conversation. I'm curious what questions he asked.

    Chris Brown strikes again. Suckers!

  4. Are you guy serious? Yes a pattern is forming. There is one consistent thread in all of these stories. He is showing some tenacity and anger. I mean the defense is saying "Kill 'em". He's making fun of players on rival teams and posting pictures of him shooting guns in his off time. He's suing ex-fiancés in a pissed off way. I don't know about you guys but I like the new Mario. This is what I want to see out of my defensive players. Pissed off dudes who want to take it out on somebody. I'm not sure what the hell most of you are thinking.

  5. I was on the Geno Smith train for sure. I do not like what I saw from him post draft so I've got to eat some crow. At the same time I don't think he could have ended up in a worse situation. He is on a team that cannot develop a QB for their lives. Their offense is horrendous. The media in NY is going to scutinize every move the kid makes. He has the worst chance to succeed there. I don't think he is going to get a fair shake there. Sometimes that's how it goes. Some players just end up in bad situations who could have been great players in the NFL and end up being failures. That's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes.

  6. My take: Pay the man. If the only issue is money, then pay the man. If the problem is he thinks Buffalo is a loser franchise and he wants out of here, then there is not much we can do about it. The only option then would be to be be extremely hard bargainers and hold strong on the franchise tag no matter what even if he sits. Franchise him again next year to send a message to future free agents that you will not weasel your way out of Buffalo. You will be hurting yourself and your career if you try this bullsh*t. Pay the man if it's the money. After all, we've got cap space. He's a very good player who has no character issues and is very young. Unless there is something in the mix we don't know about here like injuries like Levitre's knee or something.

  7. If you read the article and what the texts actually said, I don't think the texts were as literal as they are being portrayed. I have never in my life ever had even for one second had a suicidal thought, and I went through a lot as a young man including the murder of my father. However, that doesnt mean I havent said it in some sort of context in a random comment, everyone has. That is the problem with text messaging though, you can not determine the context, tone, actual meaning, etc without the human interaction...they are just words that can be interpreted anyway they want.


    Honestly, I think it was a combo of just saying something to get an emotion, reaction, etc out of her. Hell, my ex girlfriend (we broke up 9 months ago) still from time to time says some **** to get sympathy or a rise out of me.


    And I am sorry, a few of those pills on a 295 lb man is not a suicide dossage over the course of a day. I have a real hard time believing that guy was seriously thinking of suicide and try to drug himself into oblivion. That kind of depression and drug use is hard to hide on a football team, you are with those guys so much and teammates pick up on things, especially with a guy like Mario who is such a polarizing figure due to his lofty status as a player and big contract.


    A week from now, no one will care nor talk about this incident. Its unfortunate for him that some low life lawyer and terrible ex fiance are trying to cause him personal harm in a petty lawsuit.

    I agree. 5 Hydocodone; please. That's nothing close to a suicidal dose. People who take those as a prescription take way more than that in a day sometimes who weigh less than Mario. He may have been saying "fade away" as in "get a buzz" hahaha.

  8. If she was truly only after his money, why end it before they got married?

    I guess that's the level of evil she is able to live with in herself. Make off with a little over a million, don't totally screw his life up hopefully and start a new life. If she's not after it, then give the ring back.

  9. I know some of this is being discussed in another thread. However that thread was started a long time ago before these texts were revealed. This is deserving of its own thread as it is gaining national attention big time (#2 headline on ESPN and is big on every other sports network right now). I think it's pretty pathetic to be honest this does not have its own thread. It's almost like we are scared to fully acknowledge it as Bills fans or something.


    I feel bad for the guy. His rep is being screwed over and his money is being taken from him. This chick is probably a witch and is getting the best of him.


    However, in the end, as usual, it is the guy who will come out looking like an idiot. I feel for him but we have to move on to how this will affect the Bills. How do you think it will? It's has to hurt his locker room presence. The only guy who can now take more of a bashing than him this season is Manti Teo. Just move on from this chick Mario! Take it out on the field! Get over this ho!


    Buffalo News Article

  10. It seems the optimisim on the board has skyrocketed with the new regime and now a new QB. Has Russ Brandon worked his marketing magic again or are we justly optimistic? I mean I must admit I'm hopeful, but ESPN has us at 30 in the power rankings. A lot of people are saying Manuel was a major stretch as a first rounder and it took fans a lot of convincing themselves to like the Marrone hire. Are we just wanting to believe the BS again and are just as gullible as they come?



    How good has Miami been since this decision? The wrong guy sets you back even further while you can turn your franchise around immediately with the right guy (Luck, RGIII, Wilson). The only guy that I could see doing that this year is Geno Smith and he is not perfect (nor do I think that he will be there).

    Oh so Saban is now blamed for all the regimes since him in the mid 2000's. Well then, I blame Wade Phillips and Mike Mularkey for the current Bills ineptitude.



    Brees was coming off of shoulder surgery and the Dolphins picked Culpepper over him. If you could get Drew Brees this year I would sacrifice every draft pick. You are arguing my point for me. There is no Drew Brees out there!!

    Yeah, and that's exactly why Nick Saban failed at Miami. He screwed up his QB pick. I think he might have admitted this publicly. However, I still like how he operated. He knew that you have to immediately address the QB position or you're going to be a failure. He didn't say, "oh I hope one falls to me next year." Get some balls and get a QB at all costs. There are good ones in this draft if they have their talents maximized and are developed well in a system. I'm hoping Marrone can provide this. Get one.

  13. We should just use 6 picks on QB with this logic. Why stop at 3? I totally understand that QB is our biggest need and the most important positon. With that being said if the right guy isn't there you can't just take him and hope that it works. Taking the wrong guy early sets your franchise back further (see Gabbert, Blaine or Quinn, Brady or Russell, Jamarcus). Get the right guy and if he isn't there don't panic. Wait a round or two if need be and get the franchise guy next year.

    I'm not operating from a place of "start winning when the opportunity presents itself". I'm operating from a "win now" place. Do u remember when Sean Patron took the job at New Orleans? What was his 1st move? Lock up Drew Brees at all costs. What were all these other inept organizations doing when Brees was on the market? The Bills were one of them. Go all out on QB. Period.

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