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The Voice of Truth

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Posts posted by The Voice of Truth

  1. I think you are right that one of them will likely end up being the Bills QB. Even if Fitz plays well for the rest of the year, I think this is the year Buddy drafts a quarterback to start grooming under Fitz. If Fitz sucks, well then they have to bring somebody in for obvious reasons.


    The scary thing is, according to most experts, Barkley is the best QB in this class. He doesn't look very good to me on the football field for an elite QB. He certainly is no Peyton Manning or Tom Brady. Also, I know he is still just a kid but he does not have the personality traits necessary for a true franchise quarterback. He is not very well spoken. He is not a natural leader.


    It sucks, but the Bills are likely going to draft one of these guys. If Barkley is really the best, we're in trouble. If there is a better one from the bunch who can truly blossom, let's hope we find him. I certainly don't want a Jake Locker or a Blaine Gabbert ruining our hopes for another three years. I seriously can't take much more.


    I pray to God Fitz is good this year and then we can take our time identifying our future QB and grooming him.

  2. I think we are going to see Lee more on the field along with Chandler and Fitz will be throwing to both of them.

    Lee has shown to be reliable and you could be right but I still think that is a significant downgrade from Nelson. However, our run blocking with that lineup could create some monster holes. We'll see how it goes. I personally hope TJ steps up and Fitz finally proves that he can throw a somewhat reliable deep ball. It seems the coaches don't have a ton of faith in TJ though. It's almost like they think he doesn't know the playbook well enough yet or something.

  3. Unfortunately, I really think David Nelson's injury hurts us. Donald Jones has never proven to be consistent and I don't see anything great coming out of him. David Nelson was a very big target that created a lot of mismatches. He seemed very reliable and on the same page with Fitz. In my opinion, it was clear he was our 2nd most valuable receiver. Now, the only two reliable targets Fitz has are Stevie and Chandler. Barring someone else steps up (come on TJ!), the Nelson injury will sting all year.

  4. I am not ready to crown Spiller. He was taken down by a couple of arm tackles in the last game. Also, his field vision still has me nervous and hole-choice is still very questionable.


    However, when he makes a big play, I have a bit of a celebration for him.


    Spiiiiiiilllllllaaaaaaahhhh duh duh duh! (same tones and meter of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" song haha)


    The only problem with this celebration is you have to make sure nobody is in the room with you. Otherwise, your reputation may be sabotaged for life.

  5. Fitz threw one inaccurate interception. It was also a dead duck ball (he sucks at throwing spirals which is crucial in the winds at The Ralph). He threw one interception that was a very bad decision. He stared down Stevie Johnson who was being covered by Revis and threw a long out route from nearly the opposite hash to the far sideline. And then he threw one of the worst interceptions I have ever seen. I don't care if there was a miscommunication between him and David Nelson. Did he not know Cromartie was right there? I thought his strength was diagnosing defenses and having field awareness? One of the worst decisions I have ever seen that lead to a pick 6.


    So to sum it up, he threw some painfully inaccurate balls. He threw som dead ducks (to be expected). He made some bad decisions. And he made some jaw-dropping horrendous decisions.


    Yep I'll be nervous everytime he throws.


    It will take a few weeks of consistently good results to get me to relax a bit.


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