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The Voice of Truth

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Posts posted by The Voice of Truth

  1. Orton's quote on buffalobills.com: "This was the right team for me" - Translation: "This team has the weakest QB situation in the league. I'm going to get starts here."


    F****** unbelievable you guys. I honestly believe 90% of the "fans" on this board want the Bills to suck so you all can B word and moan about something.

    Not a chance. I would LOVE for the Bills to win and for EJ to bust out and be our future QB. Believe Me! Just living in reality.

  2. Watching the Baylor game you see how explosive an unorthodox they are offensively. They also are just as radical on Defense the first few plays they had everybody on the line of scrimmage bringing insane pressure. Their DC said we always strive for three and outs to get the ball back to the O, which is definitely my style of play.


    Art Also had this to say:


    " We are going to score, and we are going to win. “We do not try to go to the body to set up the knockout shot, We try to score on every snap.”


    This reminds me a lot of Chip Kelly, who I think will be very successful in the NFL and is the kind of coach I hope Pegula brings here.


    Here is more on Art and his philosophy;


    "At Stephenville and Houston, Briles earned a reputation as a motivator and as a coach for whom players loved to play. His ability to articulate a vision for his program, even in the darkest of times, is why he has been able to surround himself with good players, good coaches, and good people at every stop."


    "Ask any offensive-minded football coach how he plans to attack a defense and at some point — maybe after talking about establishing the run, or about getting the ball to his best players — he’ll say that his offense is designed to stretch the defense horizontally and vertically. The idea of using the entire field has long been part of basic football theory, but most offenses don’t follow through on that promise. When you watch the Bears, it’s evident that this is an offense unlike the others. While more and more college and NFL teams are adopting the same up-tempo spread philosophy Briles used at Stephenville, Baylor has stayed one step ahead by taking these ideas — from formations to play-calling aggressiveness to pace — to their extremes."


    "Two weeks removed from Baylor’s 73-point, 872-yard thrashing of West Virginia, WVU defensive coordinator Keith Patterson described the loss as “unlike anything I’ve ever been associated with in my entire life. It was just catastrophic in a lot of ways to our psyche.”



    Love it! Bring him in.

  3. This team is out of control:




    completely dressed down Hughes in front of the team. Wow. wow wow wow wow wow.


    "Marrone lined players up on one sideline and ripped into them for fighting. At one point, defensive end Jerry Hughes talked back to Marrone, leading to more shouting from Marrone in Hughes' direction, questioning him about whether he wanted to stay on the team.

    Players then ran sprints across the field in an apparent act of discipline.

    Looking directly at Hughes, Marrone used several profanities in telling the player to stop complaining.

    "Why can't you handle it as players?" Marrone yelled. He then motioned toward the locker room and said: "Do you want to play on this team?"

    Once again looking at Hughes, Marrone said: "If you've got a problem with me, you need to come and tell me.""


    Season appears to be spiraling out of control and it's not even week 3... OF THE PRESEASON!!!


    truly unbelievable. Can't remember things being this much of a train wreck since we fired our OC (can't even remember his name now, AVP?) before week 1 of the 09 season, then promptly had our hearts ripped out by new england week 1 on mnf.


    coincidently that season, we lost the hall of fame game, won our second preseason game, and then spiraled out of control for the final 3 preseason contests, with the offense looking terrible--blanked in the second to last preseason game, which led to the dismissal of the oc.


    things are looking eerily similar--but come all ye faithful, tell me why we're going to go 11-5 this year.


    actually, I'm going to adjust my win prediction from 4-12 to 2-14 right now.


    offense: can't score any points

    defense: lost it's 2 best players and only coordinator to have us playing good on that side of the ball since fewel

    special teams: worst in the year last year, retained the coach, thinking about keeping a kick off specialist?

    overall team: hates the coaching staff now, and must be wondering when the hell they can get out of buffalo, know marrone is a lame duck coach soon to be replaced by new owner, and their spot on the team is not a given.


    train wreck city boys--train wreck city.

    I actually love it. Marrone showing some balls. Hell, this what most of us as fans want to do to the players when they show a lack of dedication. I absolutely love it. Physical camps build tough teams.

  4. The QB threads on this board are just getting absolutely ridiculous

    One of my biggest concerns about EJ is even Florida State fans don't back him up. They watched him all through college and didn't trust him. It's not ridiculous. It's a serious and valid concern that we likely have still not solved this perpetual QB problem.

  5. If Peyton Were Our QB:


    Robert Woods would go to the Pro Bowl this year


    Sammy Watkins would be offensive rookie of the year and probably go to the Pro Bowl


    Spiller would lead the league in receiving yards for a running back


    And so on...


    I really feel for the players on our team that do not reach their potential because of the quarterback. It has to be frustrating. Even for the defense; just knowing that the offense can;t put up points or stay on the field is demoralizing. I'm really starting to doubt EJ (not that I didn't before, but just I feel more secure in my doubt now). I don't really see him turning into the franchise QB we all crave. And if he doesn't, we'll keep losing and lots of players will not get near their potential. Just sucks.

  6. It's all up to EJ. Manning would throw for over 5,000 yards with this team. We have plenty of weapons. It's about running the offense well. Firstly it's about getting into the right play and the right protection based on what you see in the defense. Then it's about making the right read once the ball is snapped. Then it's about delivering the ball effectively. If all these things happen, all of our offensive weapons will flourish. It's a tall order though.

  7. Definitely should have kept Byrd. I don't care if we thought we had to overpay. If we drafted and retained talent we whould have Whitner and Byrd. Maybe put whitner at strong safety. As always though, our future rides on the QB. We go as EJ goes and I'm not too confident about that. I think he has potential but we're basically betting our future on a guy some teams had a 4th round grade on and who has had surgery on both knees I believe. Not exactly a sure thing.



    He is a big physical MLB against the run..basically his strength/weaknesses/bottom line reads like a Brandon Spikes clone and is likely a hedge against hi not resigning after this year...

    I guess if the Spikes mold is what fits our scheme. I like a sideline to sideline guy though. Also with the emergence of the tight end, you need cover guys. I guess you can't expect too much in the third though.



    You must've forgotten the big Chris Williams signing. You remember, the guy who graded out one of the worst of the starting guards.

    Hahaha. Yeah I did forget actually. Hope it works out but like you said, he wasn't exactly a top performer. I still wouldn't mind a guard pickup in the 3rd.

  10. In that case, I look forward to Andre Johnson walking off the field shaking his head after being grossly under thrown. Repeatedly.





    Heard that the Patriots might be trading Mallett to the Texans. Could happen in light of this:



    Patriots will be going QB. Jimmy Garoppolo from Eastern Illinois.

    Just heard this on ESPN after the Pats took Garoppolo. Certainly would change things.

  11. The Texans just drafted a guard in the 2nd round of the draft. In other words, they did not address the QB position with their first two picks. This means that they have Fitz and Case Keenum on the roster. Fitz is listed first on the depth chart on the Texans website. It seems likely he will come into the season as the starter. It will at least be a bit interesting to keep an eye on during the season.

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