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The Voice of Truth

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Posts posted by The Voice of Truth

  1. I have more doubt than belief. Lots of teams had him graded as a middle rounds pick. Something of very significant concern to me is Florida State fans do not even endorse him. They do not believe in him. Jameis Winston came in the year after him and won a title. I hope I'm wrong about him. I love his personality and would love for him to succeed but my head says it's unlikely he'll pan out. If I were GM of the Bills and I liked a QB in this draft, I'd go after him.

  2. Ebron. Tight ends are huge for QBs. Since you're throwing down the middle of the field, the ball is not in the air as long for how much yardage you are throwing for. Just ask Beilicheat. He tried to be supremely dominant at the position with Hernandez and Gronk.

  3. Don't forget the hurry up in the 4th with a lead in the opener.

    I agree with you 100% here. This was a big mistake and I had worries this would be a very consistent problem.. And I say this not in hindsight but I was furious when it was happening. I'm still concerned with his clock management. However, I have been pleasantly surprised that I have seen the some coaching philosophy changes. They haven't run the extreme hurry up in some situations; smart. It shows me they are willing to change when they have made a mistake.


    I have an overall positive view of Coach Marrone at this point. However, only time will tell. He may make outrageously stupid decisions over then nexts week and I will then lose hope. However, his whole body of work thus far I would say is pretty good considering all circumstances. I'm really hoping we got a good one!



    Go Bills!

  4. I know people are probably saying " if we kicked the field goal then we would have won!" But I like it how he feels comfortable doing that, even though he had a practice squad QB in the game.


    OK. Now... Who thinks it was a bad move or was it a good move.


    Only thing I didn't like is how we ran the same play three downs in a row!!

    I loved it and I want to see more of it. I hope the fact that it failed doesn't discourage the coaching staff from doing it in the future.

  5. Pay him! I don't want some late 2nd or 3rd round pick. Pay the man. He honored his rookie contract. Now the Bills are being tightwads when it comes to retaining talent. He's not the best safety in the league but I don't care. I don't want an extra draft pick so we can bring in the next Terrell Troup.

  6. The Bills' trainers and medical staff had the final say. End of Story!

    If the player adamantly states, "I have the ability to play. I am going back in. It doesn't hurt that bad. I can run. This is what I worked my entire life for; to be a player in the NFL. Doc, we can evaluate the knee more after the game. Right now it's definitely loose enough to play. My team is depending on me. I need to get back out there. I'm going in Doc! this is what I live for! I'm going to go tell coach I'm ready to go! This conversation is over Doc." they might get their way.


    Let's not kid ourselves and think the player has no power in these situations. Yeah from a legal standpoint they don't probably. But from a real world standpoint they do.

  7. You're disappointed that a guy who is going to miss 4-6 weeks didn't go back into the game he got injured in? "Voice of Unrealistic Expectations" is more like it.

    Marrone even said in his press conference something like, "I saw him running around on the sidelines gettin warmed up. I was thinking he was going back in." How can somebody not play if they are jogging on the sidelines? I don't get it. It's not like he is a wide receiver who needs to juke on a dime and needs every ounce of agility. He should have gone back in. Lots of guys would have. And I don't know where you're getting 4-6 weeks. If he's out 6 weeks, I'll be really shocked. I'm thinking more like 3.

  8. There is a lot of talk about Freeman. I just watched the Marrone press conference from today. He said there is a good chance that the guy they will bring in will start the next game. This would be a good selling point for Freeman.


    I'm not sure my thoughts on Freeman. If anybody has seen the headlines about "leaking" information in Tampa, it was about how Freeman is in the drug program. This I'm sure factored into his release in Tampa. I'm not one to frown upon someone for personal issues, but something like this does affect leadership ability. I'm not sure I would want him if he is struggling with this.


    There is a reason people are unsigned right now. We're not exactly going to be bringing in Peyton Manning.


    To be honest, I'm disappointed Manuel is not playing. He should have gone back in last night. He was walking around and riding the bike and running around. He can play! you better believe if this were Favre, he would demand to play!

  9. CJ Spiller is mainly concerned with going into his contract year healthy. He is not a "do whatever it takes for the team" type of guy. He has his contract year in his sights and he is going to do what he has to do to get paid. I'm not saying he is an anti-team guy. He is not that either. He is not a total cancer by any means like a T.O. But he is not a grind it out guy who will play through pain and minor injuries for the benefit of the team.


    He is constantly "checking himself out" of games after just a couple of downs. He is very careful with his body. He is always coming up making sure he is not injured and at the slightest thought that he is injured, he'll err on the side of caution. He knows that running backs don't have a ton of longevity in this league and he has to get a big 2nd contract to build a nest egg. He knows his stock is high with his explosive abilities and a year on record with 6.0 yards per touch. He will get paid big if he goes into a contract year healthy and he knows it. Sucks for the Bills but this is a big part of how he operates.


    In addition, a lot of our team is soft. We heard all kinds of things about the new training staff. They must suck too. Injuries galore. This is not an excuse either Bills.

  10. No designing a scheme utilizing Spiller in space.


    No bubble screens to speed receivers. No HB screens to Jackson or Spiller.


    No use of rollouts and taking advantage of a mobile quarterback. No misdirection


    No use of clock management before half-time.


    What do you guys think?


    Hackett is in way over his head.

    So far, our running schemes have been horrible. The "stretch plays" we ran today were some of the worst play calls I have seen against a defense that you should not call those against. These are the plays where they hand the ball off and the back runs horizontal behind the line of scrimmage across the center hoping to find space. Hello Hacket! The Jets have a stout front seven and were getting penetration all day. This "strecth play" was playing right into their hands. Horrible! Our run scheme in game 1 was just inexcusable. Shotgun, hand it to the back next to EJ, run it up the middle everytime, haha. No playaction. Nothing. Needs a total makeover. Hacket doesn't know what he is doing.


    And you are right, no misdirection. Playcalling was so predictable.


    Also, play design was subpar. On a lot of the replays they showed on critical downs, EJ really didn't have anybody open to throw to. I blame this on play call and design.


    In regards to clock management, I think we are going to see a lot of issues with this regime. I hate to say it, but I think it could be the downfall of this regime if they don't change. Clock management is so huge in terms of winning games. I hope I am wrong and have seen too little of them to make an accurate judgment on this regime but their judgments in this department seem inept and incompetent thus far; especially in the first game and even in the second game, which, of course they got a pass for because they won.


    EJ looks like he is in over his head TBH. Hackett wasn't the guy throwing out of bounds.

    In regards to EJ being in over his head, he did look like it at times. I'm pretty sure he panicked on that last throw to Woods on 4th down with a couple minutes. The commentator was right. You have to give your guy a chance at least. I didn't even like the route for the play though. A "go route" on a critical 4th down is not a high percentage route. Stupid play call. Woods had one on one. Let him beat the guy on a slant or something.


    All of this being said I think the Jets D is very good.

  11. So when Fred gets the ball, defenders don't swarm to him?



    Not with the same intensity and anticipation. It is part of the defenses gameplan to "stop Spiller". It is basically one their keys to the game. If they stop Spiller, they think they'll stop the Bills offense. Therefore, they are anticiapating him getting the ball and ready to swarm him immediately. Since Fred is not as explosive, it is not as big a part of their defensive gameplan. Because of this, it is easier for Fred to find holes.

  12. Well, the defense completely keys on Spiller because he is so explosive. So when he gets the ball they are swarming to him. For this reason he has to be used as a decoy a lot which he was not. Also, the run scheme was so damn predictable. Hike it to EJ in the shotgun. Hand it to Spiller right next to him. They'll have to get more creative with the run than that. By the way, I was one of the few who said Chan was using him right.

  13. Firstly, I would like to say that I am not a fan of the extremely predictable run scheme. Every run play was basically hike it to Manuel in the shotgun and just hand it to either Fred or CJ next to him. Let them choose a hole and run. It was so predictable. Also, when the back gets the ball he has no forward momentum to gash the defense. It was horrendous. They'll have to mix this up more. I'm sorry but I'm not a fan.


    Secondly, I am going to be cussing Doug Marrone every week if he does not change his "up-tempo" offense at the end of games. I'm fine with running it (the up-tempo) up until about 4 minutes to go in either the half or the game. From there, you have to manage the clock as it best fits you; not just blindly run your up tempo offense as if the clock doesn't exist. I was ready to kill him on that three and out with about 5 minutes to go. Our runs were way too predictable and we used no time. Who on earth other than Doug Marrone didn't know for a fact that New England was going to manage the clock perfectly and win the game. He botched the hell out of this. If he does not change this, we'll lose games because of it. We may have lost today because of it. He will not succeed if he does not change.


    Way too many penalties killed drives. Usually on big plays that were drive starters we got them whcih is so frustrating. We'll have to work these out. Hopefully, the refs were just screwing us this game. New England had like no big penalties. Infuriating. However, if this is a real issue it will continue to bite us hard and this is also on Marrone.


    Our team is a bunch of p*ssies. Mario spent time on the sidelines in a huge game for us in the heat of battle. No more excuses Mario. You're the 2nd coming of Albert Haynesworth. Prove me wrong. Byrd is a b*tch now. Plantar Fascitis? My *ass. I guarantee if he was traded tomorrow it would magically heal over night. Suit up and shut up. You're under contract and this team is paying you $6.9 million to play. Every player is complaining about some knick knack little injury so they have an excuse if they play poorly. Go produce. I don't want to hear about your injuries. Every player has knick ups. You just B word about every little one. Lots of our players are like this and I'm sick of it. Toughen up. We're supposed to be a blue collar squad.


    Pettine is clearly light years better than Wannstedt. We made so many mistakes today and were in the game. I wanted to kill Spiller over that fumble. Pathetic. Too many stupid mistakes cost us and Marrone made some of them. I bet the players are in the locker rooms talking amongst themselves right now saying "what kind of clock management was that by coach?" It's hard to get in players faces and rip them when you're making big mistakes yourself.


    Get it together!!!

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