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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Everything posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. Still a light, fast, not really tough defense without much sack production from the front four. Why? The personnel haven't really changed all that much
  2. Thanks, send your request to one bills drive I could use the pay raise
  3. I'd like my team to win something of note. If your aunt had stones, she'd be your uncle
  4. There's a material difference between signing a 30+ edge and a 24-25 yo WR. I mean, that's pretty easy.
  5. Used to it. I'm not expecting anything more than 2-3 sacks this season, tops.
  6. https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZDBxc29kYng2bnlubmg1eWg1NTF2bzFhNjhoZWJlaDQ1YjhpaXpreCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf/giphy.gif
  7. Hey, occupational hazard for bringing on an 85 year old edge rusher.
  8. Not lashing out at Miller. Lashing out at Beane for gross mismanagement. So an average of 4 sacks per season since he arrived. That comes out to about 5 mill per sack. Great work if you can get it.
  9. Yeah? You like spending 20 mill a year on a guy who's produced nothing in a season and a quarter? Cool, cool. You do you, boss.
  10. Lotta 10 sack edge guys out there over 35? That's the minimum for a guy at his pay grade. Again, best of luck
  11. Not understanding why the Bills couldn't have done it like the rams did it, one year rental, whatever happens happens. 6 years 120 million for an edge over 30 is just stupid
  12. What an atrocious contract that was. Should have been a fireable offense, it's lead weights on the ankles when you're trying to swim. Can we REALLY roll the guy out there this year?
  13. https://youtu.be/8U7xpGi5SsU?si=eOlZ0134XaSXKhit
  14. Let's work this out then. How do you eliminate the modern concept of PI without fundamentally change the game? I'd say my minimum position would be to make it a 5 yarder, replay the down
  15. Get rid of pass interference as a concept. RETVRN to old-school football
  16. I'd like to see some more run plays NOT from the shotgun, give Cook a chance to get moving before hitting the line
  17. who doesn't enjoy seeing jerks get their just desserts?
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