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Everything posted by KDIGGZ

  1. Yep, if you come from a single parent household you are already at a huge disadvantage because there's only 1 or often 0 incomes to support the family so you are going to grow up poor or lower middle class which then influences your friend circle, education, overall outlook on life. They say you are typically as successful as your 5 closest friends so that influences your decisions in life. Let alone no father means no discipline or someone to show you how to be a man and do the right things in life. My wife loves my "toxic" masculinity like when I provide and protect her and even the small chivalrous things that my dad taught me like opening doors and being a gentleman. We need more men and less of these sissy boys that they have today.
  2. Herbert lol!! Nobody should take these shows seriously. They always say crazy things to try and get attention
  3. Yes I agree, let's do something about gang violence! These teenagers have no father so they run around in gangs to try and be a part of something that they are lacking at home. Step 1, promote strong family values and incentivize families staying together rather than giving more money to single moms with multiple baby daddy's. Step 2, incentivize education. You can drop out of school but if you do you will automatically be enrolled in the military. Step 3, HARSH punishments for any gang related activity. If they broke up the mafia they can easily break up these gangs.
  4. None of us know or could even comprehend it if we did have all of the answers. It's a personal choice and a personal journey to try with our tiny human brains to understand why we are here and what our purpose is. If you think we are just existing with absolutely no purpose or higher calling then I think that is a lonely existence and maybe there's more to it than that. I wouldn't write it off because bad people say they believe xyz but meanwhile don't live it. Humans are fallible. And that's why I think we need more of a purpose, whatever that means to you
  5. If you haven't figured it out yet, humans are bad. They can do bad things in the name of whatever they want: religion, politics, race, geography, tribes, whatever they can latch on to that makes the other side different. Just because bad people can twist something great into something bad means that the words have any less meaning or can change your own life any less. It's a personal journey, I wouldn't be so quick to write it all off. It's never too late.
  6. You think life is difficult NOW? Life has never been easier in human history and that is the problem. People have no purpose. We need to get back to strong family values, hard work, and determination.
  7. If they wanted a mass casualty event they would drive a car through the parade or use a bomb. This was just gang violence that normally goes on in lefty cities that never gets reported on the news. Bring everyone downtown and now there are people caught in the cross fire. Gang shootings probably happen every night in KC and we never hear about it until now.
  8. So your argument is that because bad humans are religious then religion is bad?
  9. Nope it's nice out here in the country. Lots of good people. I never go to the city so why would I be in fear? How so? This stuff doesn't happen out where I live and literally everyone owns guns. Most guys learn to shoot as kids and learn how to be responsible gun owners when they are adults. In the city there are no fathers and lots of gangs. Why would anyone want to live there? Even the richest people have dirtbags walking down the street right in front of their house. Now that's bizarre
  10. "Josh Allen training with Tom Brady" would be the headline we need but will never see
  11. If they had the gang culture we do here they would be smart to. I try not to ever go to cities and if I do yes I'm protected
  12. They were teenage black boys. Not old enough to legally own guns. That's why I do. This stuff happens every single day and it's never reported.
  13. These were gang members. That's why responsible people should have guns. You made the case for us.
  14. Thank goodness there were good guys with guns too! Not just a bunch of sitting ducks. The usual suspects. Just another day in da hood. The only reason anyone cares this time is because the news was there and accidentally caught it going down and was forced to report it.
  15. Bass has a hook to his kick. None of the best kickers do. Get a good kicker please
  16. Shooter at Joel Olsteen's church had Pro-Palestine and antisemitic language written on their weapon. She was taken out by 2nd amendment loving off-duty officers. You will likely never hear about this story on the news. Doesn't fit their narrative.
  17. That's transphobic to deny their gender identity. Clearly this shooter was having issues dealing with their sexuality. This poster should be ashamed of himself/herself/themselves
  18. He made $20 mil being a spokesperson for Pfizer. He made $12 mil as Superbowl winning TE of the KC Chiefs. I'm not allowed to saying anything beyond that or I'll get kicked off the forum for political talk
  19. KC has a better and younget roster and will only continue to get better. Another decade of 1 and done for the Bills in the playoffs
  20. He has one of the top podcasts in the world, he won his 3rd Superbowl, he's going into the hall of fame, he made more money doing a Pfizer commercial than he made with the Chiefs this season, and his future wifey is a billionaire. He can basically do whatever he wants for the rest of his life. I doubt he cares what fans of other teams think of him
  21. You thought the drought years were bad always losing to Brady? He was only the 2nd best player in history. Welcome to another decade + of pain
  22. Yes the Chiefs proved you definitely don't need the #1 seed. But you would need 4 great Josh games in a row to win the Superbowl. He likely has never had 4 good games in a row in his entire life. We need a new gameplan that doesn't rely so much on Josh being amazing every game.
  23. They have slumps because their game plan is for Josh to be superman every week. Even the best players have off games. When he's off the Bills lose. Check the stats That's not a sustainable model for success. Simple as that.
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