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Everything posted by KDIGGZ

  1. Highly disagree. If the Bills quit playing scared and scored 30 points per game who is going to stop them?
  2. Beane was too scared to make the deal some of us were hoping for. Trade up in the first round to get a star WR is apparently not meant to be
  3. They should have "reworked" it by trading him
  4. On WGR they did a mock draft and a 4th allowed them to move up to 22 I believe. The difference was getting Brian Thomas jr or not. Worth it
  5. If this SOTU proves anything it's that whatever party you identify with you only care about them owning the other side and you don't actually care about this country or the policies. Biden was a tired old man yelling to get off his lawn. Half of the time he couldn't finish the sentence without drifting off. He said the economy is going great, but the truth is people can't afford to feed their families with inflation and the costs of groceries, gas, and day to day provisions. And then he said more money to Ukraine, student loans, Israel. How tone deaf can you be? Then he said you can cure cancer with vaccines? Wtf? It was an absolute trainwreck and you get online seeing Dems celebrating it. Yikes, how out of touch with reality can you be? The Republicans had an easy win if they just put a seasoned politician out there and said this guy is out of touch and we will do whatever we can to actually help people and not fund wars. But they send out this girl that looks like she never gave a speech in her life and is usually just in the back of the room judging everyone. I don't know why they keep pushing out these abortion laws and now IVF. Do they never want to win another election again? That's not what people are asking for. Yikes! So in conclusion, everyone is dumb and I'm moving to an island in the Bahamas as far away from civilization as I can get.
  6. Ughh the Republicans can't get out of their own way. That was probably the worst State of the Union in history. The old man was yelling about potato chips! This has to be a simulation. All the Republicans have to do is be normal and measured and they send out this lady who has never given a speech in her life apparently. What a mess tonight was. I should have watched 90 Day Fiancee
  7. There's a lot of fans who must enjoy pain. Masochists
  8. I have more than I know what to do with. It might sound strange, but I've never shot anyone before. Weird! I'm 3D printing a new holster as we speak!
  9. I will resign from using re-sign incorrectly
  10. Enough of this nonsense. Who's with me?
  11. Jaleel White's career got off to a fast start as well but soon fizzled. Family curse?
  12. Probably should have skipped dessert. Been there done that
  13. Is that a typo? Hopefully that's with all kinds of crazy incentives
  14. Let's review his hit list of government officials before we decide if this is good or bad 😉
  15. Elon has F U money meaning he's not under anyone's power. He doesn't have to bow down to the deep state and that makes him dangerous in their eyes. Whoever is really running this country needs to be defeated. It goes deeper than Democrats vs Republicans. They own politicians on both sides
  16. Because Musk voted for Biden then said he made a huge mistake and now everyone hates him. He was Time's person of the year like 3 years ago and will likely accomplish more than any human in history when he's finished
  17. Watch his tape. He can have all of the measurements and still be very underwhelming
  18. They said he acted like he was running for political office and not trying to be the leader of a team. I don't think he's a jerk I just don't think he fit in with the locker room culture
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