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Posts posted by RunTheBall

  1. Housing assessment and appraisals are different.


    Housing assessment = basis for property taxes - Low is good.


    Housing appraisal = basis for mortgage loans - High is good.


    Your appraisal is private and does not affect your taxes. It's used by mortgage companies to determine things such as loan ratios and can affect your rates. It's usually more reflective of what your house will sell for in your particular market.


    I just refinanced and my appraisal is significantly higher than my assessment.



  2. QUOTE(Alaska Darin @ Jul 20 2005, 08:30 PM


    In this day and age, unless you have a credit score in the teens (kidding, but only a little), there's little reason to be paying over 5.5% mortgage. In that scenario and at that rate or lower, it's VERY BAD financial planning to pay down a mortgage.





    This depends on what type of mortgage you're looking at. Mortgage rates are still great historically but you aren't looking at 30 yr fixed rates below 5.5% without excellent credit.



  3. This is 100% bullsht. If they wanted TH that bad they could have offered up a 2nd rounder earlier. They played hardball and lost to Tennessee. Too bad, enjoy Fraud Taylor's gimpy leg.


    The only thing you might argue is that if we held out until training camp, we might have been able to squeeze a little more out of TH, like a conditional second rounder. I think it was the right move to unload him now for the price that TD set back in April though.


    As for worrying about breaking an implied arrangement with another team that you're competing with for a playoff spot, that's ridiculous. The amount of internet indignation that gets posted on this board is hilarious.



  4. That is too bad, but the cynic in me doesn't really buy that a "large chunck" of why the kid was delusional.  The lime disease will go away, it sounds like he has some pretty serious mental problems, and I mean that in the most clinical terms, not as an insult.  I couldn't open your link, but I work in a health facility, and we have dealt with numerous cases of lime disease over the years.  It sounds like his problems are a bit bigger.  I hope he will be okay...



    Tertiary lyme disease (meaning infection of brain and spinal cord) can certainly cause the delusions and psychotic problems this kid had. The problem with lyme disease that gets to this stage is that its not always reversible. You can kill the bug but the damage may already be done.


    I don't know what you do at the health facility but they aren't teaching you enough about lyme disease.



  5. There's no question MW was pegged to eventually end up at LT but he developed slower than expected and will remain at RT. Using the retrospectoscope, MW is a bust as the #4 player picked overall so far but that doesn't mean he isn't a solid contributor. I was a big MW detractor at the beginning of the season and he definitely improved in the 2nd half but there's no way you can rate him, as many have, a "dominating" RT based on half a season. IF MW continues to develop and IF he signs a long term cap friendly extension THEN maybe we can look back and say he wasn't that bad of a #4 pick.


    I thought McKinnie was a turnstile at LT and a bust? Is this not correct?



  6. I usually take 10% of the total bill and double it whether its a fancy restaurant or the pizza dude. I don't like math.


    Is it better to leave a cash tip when you pay by credit card or doesn't it matter? If I do that I think someone is going to see 0 on the tip line of the credit card slip and think I'm a cheap bastard.


    Life is too short to stress over who I'm going to give my cash to.



  7. I think its only natural for fans in the NE area to talk more about a team thats won 3 of the last 4 superbowls than other teams in the area that aren't doing so well. That being said, I think Boston fans have taken bandwagoning to an impressive level. 5 years ago you barely heard a peep about the Pats. I mean hell, not long before that they were almost moving to Hartford and there wasn't an uproar like you would see in Buffalo or Cleveland. It took a rich guy to bail out the Boston area and save them the embarrassment of losing an NFL team to Connecticut.


    I'd love to have 3 out the last 4 Superbowls. I think Bellichik is probably one of the best coaches ever and Pioli is a solid talent evaluator. I know that as soon as the Pats start losing they'll drop off the radar here in NE faster than it takes a Mass-hole diver to cut off a semi with his Honda Civic.



  8. The best thing about being a doc is that I'm my own boss and have some partners to share the work load. The worst thing about being a doc is seeing how a profession based on compassion, caring, and healing people is now 100% a business and if you don't run your practice like that you'll go bankrupt. The worst thing about being a boss is having employees. Think about this guys - I have 8 nurses who work for our group, they all make 6 figures + working LESS than 40 hours a week and STILL B word! Are you kidding me??? That drives me up a wall. Overall though, I love my job and would do it again.



  9. I don't know what you take home as a teacher, probably nowhere near enough, but that seems like such a cake job to me I don't know why anyone would leave it.  Think about it you never have to work a weekend, holiday, or summer.  It might not be the best pay in the world, but it certainly leaves you some extra time to go and hustle up some pocket money in your down time.



    My wife is a teacher and the beneficiary of teacher's unions raping local taxpayers for years. Personally, I don't have a problem having some of the ridiculous amount of taxes we pay come back into our pockets. She makes upwards of 60k, full health, and a pension that is guaranteed. We're not even talking about how even if she was a poor teacher, she could never get fired because of tenure rules. Never works a weekend, never works a summer, never works a holiday. How many regular working joes get that?


    Teachers take home plenty and are well rewarded for the important jobs they do. You have to look at the whole package, not just upfront salary (which in many places is VERY good).


    80% of our local property taxes go to the Education budget, 20% municipal.

    80% of the Education budget goes directy to teacher benefits and wages.


    Think about that.



  10. Why don't we just trade TH for Orlando Pace and be done with it? I mean Duuuuhhh. TD is such an idiot.


    Seriously, I think we're in trouble at the LT position. We're going to hold our breath during camp and hope someone surprises us and becomes serviceable. Either that or every pass play that JP runs will be a roll- out to his right. I think it was the right move to let SF overpay for a gimpy JJ.



  11. I enabled WEP on my wireless router and got all sorts of connection problems. I have 3 machines that connect to the wireless router using windows XP networking to a D-link router. At each machine I enabled WEP and put in the correct network key. One would connect immediately, then drop the connection when I would connect with another machine. Then the previous machine would not connect at all. Then another machine would connect. Just weird stuff. I disabled WEP and each machine connects flawlessly. Bummer. I'll have to trust the neighbors.



  12. More of the same Sheldon stuff:


    May. 10 - Still on the roster after numerous attempts to trade him to Buffalo before (and during) April's draft, Shelton might not be a Cardinal for long. Reports out of Arizona indicate the team will release the offensive tackle after June 1 if it is unable to trade him before then. Arizona had extensive talks with the Bills regarding a trade of Shelton for RB Travis Henry, but that deal never materialized, and Green ended up drafting RB J.J. Arrington in the second round.

    Shelton was excused from the team's recent minicamp, reportedly because head coach Dennis Green didn't want him to get hurt and make a trade more difficult. Shelton fell out of favor with Green last season



    I would love to pick up Shelton after he gets cut on June 1st. Even if we don't want him, just sign him so we can all go over to the Cardinals board and laugh in their faces.



  13. Personally, I think the Emperor is pretty lame. He just sits in a big chair and stares out into space? Be cooler if he was a Scarface-gangster type, sitting in his hot tub surrounded by beautiful women puffing on a fat cigar eating prime rib and sipping on champagne.



    That's Jabba the Hut. When he put Lea in a steel bikini and put a leash on her, billions of kittens were sentenced to death.



  14. From what I understand, Jar-Jar's stereotype is racial in nature.  Supposedly, he speaks as if he were Jamaican.

    The "chosen one" and Messianic in my mind are two entirely different things.  I think Anakin might well have been the "chosen one" (in fact, the previews indicate such), but if he were Messianic in nature, he never would have strayed to the Dark Side and become Darth Vader. 


    I just find that portion to be a bit on the sacreligious side.





    Are you seriously reading this much into friggin STAR WARS??


    Holy sh--.



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