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Posts posted by RunTheBall

  1. 24 minutes ago, mannc said:

    I thought Mahomes was outstanding last night.  He played more than well-enough to win that game.  

    Mahomes looked like Josh last year needing to do it all himself and hoping someone besides himself makes a play once in a while

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  2. KC looked like the Bills so many games last year. They get blown out if Mahomes didn’t put that team on his back and basically will them to any points.


    KC has a tackle problem. Neither looked good, and Taylor was absolutely atrocious. Every coach in the NFL is blowing up the league office complaining about Taylor lining up 5 yards off the LOS and false starting every play. I can’t imagine he’s going to get away with that the rest of the season. Hutchinson was destroying him despite all that but it did give Mahomes that extra half second and that’s all he needs.


    All that being said, I fully expect KC to bounce back and be there at the end. If that were the Bills, the majority of this board would be saying the season is over and a few would be so happy they’d die from viagra induced heart attacks



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  3. The only thing I know for sure about this game and the entire season is that win or lose, this board is going to be an absolute SHT SHOW this year and I am HERE for it!


    The BBFS, PTSD, ABCD, Chaka-khan, Chaka-Kahn is in FULL EFFECT!


    I’m handing out free scripts for Valium and Prozac for everyone on this board because we are going to need it and it feels good anyway.


    How can you not love this place? We’ve got it all. Guys with reasonable analysis, guys who don’t know jack, guys who can describe the texture of Mike McDaniels taint. We’ve got it all!


    As Bart Scott says - CAN’T WAIT!


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  4. Leslie was a good DC for along time but his play calling got too predictable and stale after 6 years. It was the right call for him to step away whether or not it was totally his choice. Doesn’t matter, the Bills handled it with class for a guy who did a lot for this organization.


    McD taking over play calling is a good move. Not so we can all rip him a new one if it doesn’t meet expectations, but because I think McD understands situational football and we will see that in his play calling.


    We aren’t going to run the same defense, we can’t without Edmunds. There has to be an adjustment in responsibilities.


    I expect more disguised coverages now that Poyer/Hyde are healthy. More disguised pressures and a modest increase in blitzing. Pressuring the QB is the best way to effect elite QB’s, especially if you can do it with 4. Taylor Rapp is going to be on the field a lot in dime looks. Floyd is going to make his presence known especially when Von comes back (that was an underrated FA acquisition by Beane).


    So, against mid QB’s I expect a lot of the same because it works. What I see changing is against Elite QBs McD is going to inject a lot of that unpredictability we’ve all been clamoring for. 


  5. 3 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

    Bussin' with the Boys podcast at the beginning of July he said he hasn't worked out at all the last two off-seasons from the end of the season to OTA's.  He says its best for him because it gives him the mental and physical rest needed for the grind of the upcoming season.  He thinks guys that work out all the time always seem to be the one's that get hurt.  He wouldn't recommend it for everybody. 


    The clip would've got much more attention if he wasn't already a proven elite quarterback.


    I have no problem with Josh not hitting the weights in the off season. It gives his body time to recover from the beating it takes during the season. He’s already a monster, he doesn’t need to put on more muscle. I’m a retired IFBB Pro (bodybuilding) and there were times I’d take off 5 weeks straight, let the joints recover and come back better than before. People don’t understand the beating these guys take, especially Josh who throws his body around unlike most QBs. 


    It’s a nothing burger if he’s not actively weight training in the offseason. Some just want anything to latch onto to say Josh isn’t doing enough and have someone to blame when we don’t win the SB. Ridiculous.



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  6. Oldmanfan nailed it and it’s all a result of the severe anxiety Bills fan have that we won’t win the big one. BBFS has transformed into Buffalo Bills Severe Anxiety Syndrome.


    Relevant criticism of the team is warranted and desired. Not addressing MLB, rolling the dice at RT with Brown (although both bets have since been hedged), any other moves that were made or not made are all open to discussion/criticism (Boogie over Humphrey, etc)


    We can even criticize Josh as long as it’s based in reality. He needs to take what the D gives him, needs to get the ball out quicker, needs to take fewer hits, needs to take the shorter gimme throws, etc. What I don’t think is warranted is questioning his work ethic because you don’t become one of the top 3 QBs in the league after coming out if college considered the biggest project without having a phenomenal work ethic and he did that and then some. 


    Last year Josh carried this team and had to do too much. Any other QB would have been out 6 weeks with that elbow injury but we just act like that’s normal to start every game with a partially torn UCL. If there was an offseason where this guy had to just let loose and get mentally ready to come back again this one was it. 


    There’s no guarantee we are making the playoffs let alone the Super Bowl. I feel sorry for those of you who can’t enjoy the regular season and GREAT Buffalo Bills football because you are so all consumed with winning a Super Bowl that you can’t enjoy the ride. That’s pathetic honestly. And no, I’m not happy just winning the East and losing in the Divisional round. My parents have been season ticket holders since the AFL days and are now in their 80s. I need this team to win ONE before they go. So I get it. But I also get that there is so much luck involved that even if every single pundit chose Buffalo to win the SB we’d still have maybe only a 25% chance.


    So many of you miserable f**ks are missing out on so many enjoyable moments because you are so afraid this team won’t win it all that it is ruining the great discourse we used to have on this board and I honestly feel sorry for you.

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  7. This is a great pick up for insurance assuming Bernard doesn't work out. We just need someone who doesn't suck in that position and he's probably an upgrade over Bernard/Dotson. The guy had better stats than Tremaine, not that stats are the best indicator. As long as we have someone at MLB who isn't a complete liability we are good, and I think Kirksey provides that. We aren't looking for a Tremaine replacement as his best traits were elite physical ones not instincts. 

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  8. I’ve started popping Xanax before I come read this board.


    Week 6 was always the logical return date, and that’s AHEAD of schedule. 


    I’m sure Basham will take up the slack (oh wait….)


    Floyd/Rousseau is a good starting DE pair to start the season. I think Floyd is going to surprise a lot of people. McD wasn’t going to unleash him in the pre season

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  9. I was a HUGE Edmunds fan when we drafted him. Thought we’d be set for over a decade with a potential perennial All-Pro manning the middle of the D. Each year I got a little more disappointed. I was convinced Beane was going to extend him because of the constant praise we heard and the fact he traded up to get him. We could have extended him, the fact that we didn’t says A LOT about what McBeane thought. Edmunds is what he is. He isn’t going to all of a sudden make this big leap in year 6 into the LB we all wanted him to be.


    The fact is, linebacker isn’t a premium position and they made the call that Oliver at DT was more important than Edmunds at LB. I’m glad we didn’t extend him at the price he got. He’s better than anything we have on the roster currently though (besides Milano), so McD better have a scheme in mind to make up for that this season. I think he does. I think we will see a lot of Rapp and Neal in a big nickle/dime look on passing downs. I don’t think we are looking for an Edmunds replacement because you can’t replace those physical traits. 

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  10. Thank God for the non-vocal majority of Bills fans who don’t tweet or post on this board. Otherwise you’d think what was once the best fan base in all of the league had devolved into an anxiety ridden, whining, entitled bunch of sky-is-falling Pats* fans. 


    Here’s a reality check - the Tops shooting did not impact the play on the field. Kim Pegula’s cardiac arrest did not affect the play on the field. Losing to Miami in the heat did not affect the play on the field later in the season. Hamlin affected the play, Josh’s injury affected the play, Roger Saffold and Brown sucking affected the play. Getting out coached in every aspect by Cinci affected the play. 


    This team did not handle the pressure of being crowned SB favorites. The vocal fan base is so anxiety ridden, so desperate for a SB win that it’s severely impacting the discourse to the point that every single practice snap is over analyzed to death. 


    Talk to me after the first quarter of the season. Then I’ll be able to form an opinion on what this version of the Bills looks like and make a prediction on their future which will likely be completely wrong. 


    Even if we had the consensus best team by every clown “analyst” out there we’d still have less than a 25% chance to win it all because no one wants to think about the role LUCK plays in getting there. Does the ball bounce your way in an important game? Do the refs blow a call in your favor at a crucial moment? Does your normally reliable RB cough up the ball (Thurman) at the most inopportune time? So much luck comes into play but we can’t quantify it so we ignore it. That does not mean getting clearly outcoached, which happened last year against Cinci, isn’t a valid complaint or concern.


    I feel bad for those who feel in their hearts that if the team doesn’t win the Super Bowl then everything before that was a failure. They miss out on so much great football and fun because “the regular season doesn’t matter”. 


    My heart gets ripped out every Sunday when they lose but a Thad Brown tweet about a mid August practice doesn’t have an impact.


    Enjoy the ride.

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  11. It’s obvious Beane’s strategy was to upgrade the interior O-line, and he did. If the pressure is coming from the outside, Josh can dodge it and he’s one of the best at improvising outside the structure of the play. Dawkins is solid at LT as much as some like to bust him. Given the lack of competent tackle talent in the league relative to its demand, you have to pick your poison. Would I love 2 all pro bookends at tackle? Of course, but that’s not realistic. 

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  12. That’s motivator McD talk right there. That’s coaching. We know MLB will be a weak link and will probably be an open competition all season. The defense isn’t going to be the same without Edmunds so the MLB will not be asked to do as much. That slack will be picked up by the big nickle/safeties/scheme change. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a package with 1 LB, Johnson and Rapp on the field.


    Isabella is going to get a practice squad spot. Either that or a parking lot cut agreement if someone unexpected goes on IR.

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  13. When I was in college in the 90s it was ESPN 24/7. Not for the personalities, although they had some great ones, but because it was sports news. About 15 years ago they moved away from that into more sports entertainment. Now it’s just a complete and utter clown show with blow hards pushing a political agenda. The only thing I watch ESPN for now is live sports, that’s it. What a disappointment that network turned out to be. Even College Game Day is a shell of its former self.


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  14. Didn’t the father sell his fast food franchises for 200 million? 


    So we are supposed to believe this family took in Mike when he was a kid because they wanted to get a small percentage of a movie that would be made after he got into college (which they helped), made it to the NFL and made tens of millions as a LT?


    Sounds like Mike blew all his money and is looking for some cash to me but as always, need more information before drawing a firm conclusion.

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  15. 6 hours ago, Wacka said:

    She had a heart attack/stroke (maybe). This may be the most she recovers. Everyone has their own pace.

    I had stroke 9 years ago and could have had a fatal heart attack if the clot had gone to my heart instead of my head. I laid in the bed in the hospital and wondered if I would be anywhere near normal again.  Everyone has their own pace of recovery, that is IF they recover.  Luckily, I recovered almost completely.  Some people don't. You would mot know I had one if you meet me in person. It took me almost a year to recover. One thing it did was  make me  almost immune to things upsetting me.

    She suffered from global brain hypoxia from her cardiac arrest where as with your stroke there was a specific area of the brain that got lack of blood flow/oxygen.  Most of her recovery has already taken place in the first month or two but people aren‘t statistics so only time will tell. I doubt she ever works again but what’s more important is she has some quality of life with her family and being able to go to the Bills practice is a good sign.


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  16. 8 minutes ago, Ethan in Cleveland said:

    No Kim and more Terry seems unwise

    You won’t hear from Kim again unfortunately but her influence was not nearly what this board likes to pretend. Who cares that this guy got fired? Terry has the bucks, Terry makes the decisions (good or bad). Doesn’t matter who has the President title nothing is getting done with out the owner’s blessing. 

  17. 9 hours ago, newcam2012 said:

    I think you are being way too kind to McD. You call out Dorsey and Fraizer for their playoff failure.


    Yet, you seemingly transition to total support for McD. Who was the head coach during those playoff losses? Who was the head coach getting out coached and out classed the last two years and more? Who blew the game in 13 seconds? 


    The resounding answer is McD. Sure he can improve and hopefully he does. However, McD absolutely deserves to be hammered negatively for his continued playoff failures. Of course that won't be popular here. 


    Instead, the owner gives him a blank check and a seal of approval. Very perplexing. 

    It’s very simple newcam - I still give McD a lot of goodwill and slack for taking one of the worst franchises in the league, a perennial loser for 17 years, and turning us into Super Bowl contenders in a couple years. It was very apparent before Josh was drafted that the franchise was improving quickly. Has McD made mistakes? Absolutely. The entire team is built on continuous improvement, being “the best version of yourself”, and you can’t tell me that McD can’t learn from his mistakes like players do. You are one of those “what have you done for me lately” fans and that’s fine, I’m just on the other side of the spectrum. I’ve been through the bad, the ok, the horrible, the Super Bowl years, the drought and now back to consistent playoff contention. I’m not one of those guys who thinks the season is a failure if you don’t win the Super Bowl. I enjoy watching meaningful football in December and January, I had too many years where that was a pipe dream. So yeah I’m horribly disappointed when we get bounced from the playoffs earlier than expected but I then don’t start yelling “burn it all down” like many on here (not saying you hold that opinion).



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  18. I’m really glad McD is taking over the D. I think it will answer a lot of questions going forward and given both KC and Cinci have more talent on O, we need to be able to stop them a few times during a game. I think coaching makes a big difference in the playoffs and we’ve definitely been outcoached a lot. Dorsey got absolutely destroyed by Anarumo. Frazier was outcoached in almost every playoff game except NE. Dorsey has a year under his belt, and now McD is calling the plays. We will learn a lot.


    I agree with extensions. I’m one of those guys that would infuriate those who want McBeane fired because I agree with Beane when he says he wants to be competitive for the long term. I’m one of those guys who thinks a lot of luck needs to fall into place to win the Super Bowl and I’m not willing to throw away coaches who’ve been to the playoffs nearly every year they’ve been here. As long as they are learning from their mistakes and not repeating them then I’m willing to give them time to grow and improve. Why people think players can get bettter from year to year but coaches/GM’s can’t is beyond me. 

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