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Joe W

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Everything posted by Joe W

  1. Well you can go with that as another reason to disqualify him. The fact is he sued both Cooke's son and, incredibly, Charlie Casserly for his failed bid. And lost both suits badly. He won't be approved even if Kelly's former agent works for him. Not quite sure why everyone's labelled as a troll if they paint a realistic view of what's going on. Enjoy the sight lines and the plenty of space in the stadium, Brandon didn't discuss his inventory of tickets for the December games so once again the only people that will be seeing the games will the ones in the stadium. As far as being an insider everything i've predicted has come to fruition.
  2. Then it should be the Mecca of the NFL with fans flocking from afar to pay the lowest priced tickets, tail gate and take in the greatest sight lines in the NFL, that should be his marketing package. Unfortunately that is not the only reason to go see a game which is why he'll have crowds averaging about 55,000 for the last three home games and that might be generous.
  3. Milstein also bid on the Redskins with Snyder, he was rejected by the NFL mainly because of his propensity to sue. Nothing suggests that they would approve him this time around. The site also is smaller than Rich stadiums by 30% and has a lot of buildings / businesss that would have to cleared - it is by no means ideal. Another myth that has to be busted is that Jim Kelly will have anything to do future ownership of this team, just watch the interview he did with Koshinsky.
  4. Hmmmm, I've been many of those stadiums too and as White said it's not like first impression is that Rich stadium has appreciably better sight-lines. If this is the only thing that Brandon can hang his hat on to describe this as the "fenway" of the NFL he's in big trouble. The guy is a tool, if the sight lines are so incredibly great he should have no trouble selling tickets.
  5. It was typical Brandon stammering and double speak. One thing that could be gleaned was when asked about Roger's negotiation updates he gave a terse No. That means Rogers is hammering him about price in renewing that deal. Just as I said back in August. I was glad to see that White started to question this nonsense that the present stadium has the best sight-lines in the league. That nonsense ranks up there with Brandin saying the 90's Bills had trouble selling seats in December. This guy is a tool and is the constant is in this thirteen year incompetency.
  6. It's unlikely that Tony Farina has the scoop on everyone else. Just look at what happened to NYC in the last two days, there's no way Cuomo is spending $220 on stadium improvements. Best case is they announce a one year extension. Brandon hasn't even announced that Rogers has extended, that's the first step towards any lease deal.
  7. Highly doubtful that any long term lease has been reached. If anything they'll announce the one year extension. I'd trust a better source than the Niagara Falls Reporter.
  8. Brandon has no new tricks in his bag, he tried and failed with the major free agent route - TO and Mario Williams and the major HC/GM attempt - Shanahan, Gruden, Cowher If the teams still here, season tickets back to the 36,000 level, maybe lower.
  9. My deepest sympathies to Sullivan. It doesn't erase that he's a condescending blow-hard in his chats. Now jw, please follow my advice and do some reporting on the stadium and rogers nogotiations like I've advised you. You'll find out my analysis / interpretation is correct and, as Forbes dubbed it, this is "the most troubled franchise in the nfl ". I'm just warning anyone who's livlihood is connected to the Bills that they could find the rug pulled out from underneath very soon. Take the advise FWIW. JW
  10. Sullivan has no problem being a hard a$$, don't dish it out you cant take it. Besides the doomsday clock has started on this franchise, remember to wish Wilson a happy 94th birthday this week ! tick-tock tick-tock As well, when you see Brandon ask him how the lease and roger negotiations are going. I seem to recall you felt all was moving smoothly back in August, I disagreed. JW
  11. Excellent post. It sums up the hopelessness of the Bills ownership situation.
  12. He's the CEO of an organization thats asking for $220 M of taxpayer money for stadium improvements, he absolutely has to answer that question. If he can't answer it, tell him to call the owner, get the answer and report back ASAP. BTW, Brandon is a tool.
  13. Ralph is no savvy businessman what he is extremely lucky to have bought a franchise early in a phenomenal entity that is the NFL. He's mainly benefitedd by his long life span, its not like he was any type of inspired owner. No he has no plan in place, he basically cares less about WNY and the team will be sold in trust to the highest bidder. Sorry but that's the fact Jack !
  14. Can't believe you quote those as facts George Gillette was a failure as an owner look it up. Kelly has NO money group backing him
  15. He's just hiding worrying about his job security as any writer who's primary focus is the Bills should
  16. These games will be impossible to sell out. There's going to be a ton of tickets on the secondaries like stubhub. Why anyone would buy them at face from the Bills Ticket Office when theyre available at a discount is beyond me. Miami will only sell out and be on TV if Bills or TV station buy up the remainder.
  17. Sorry dude, your just looking through rose-coloured glasses. Wilson has absolutely no allegiance to WNY. The taxpayers of NYS have every right to know what his succussion plans are, he's asking for $ 200 million of their money and doesn't want to put up a dime of his own money. Don't misinterpret those HOF donations, that was vanity disguised as charity. Is Wilson cheap, not sure. Is he incompetant like his underlings, absolutely.
  18. Usually every time I describe the reasons while Brandon is such a tool the other posters pile on, calling me a troll. They're the ones I'm saying have finally seen the light.
  19. If you believe that I've got a "New" Peace Bridge to sell you. There's no sale while Wilson's alive - he's not about to pay the huge cap gains tax on the sale. So it's pick your poison : continue with the same sucky ownership and administration while he's alive or wait til he's dead but then the team in all likelyhood the team moves.
  20. Glad to see that so many are beginning to see the light as to what a tool this guy Brandon is. What exactly did he do when he was the GM of the team, sit there with his thumb up his a$$. I hope they allowed to be the "GM" of his fantasy team.
  21. Get the kids who wrecked mckelvins lawn after the patriots game, im sure theyd be willing to take dumps on their lawns
  22. Just listen to Branden stammer on about the tickets remaining for the Miami game and how tough it will be to sell them to get it on TV. All he had to do was opt in to the new blackputpolicy and that game would be on TV. You can hear the two WGR lemmings nodding in unision to what he says. No wonder this is the most troubled franchise in the NFL.
  23. comparing sell-outs / attendance to the nineties is comparing apples to oranges. The stadium was 7k larger then, as well they had 11 to 12 home games per year compared to 8 / 9 home games now. Remember Brandin sold a game to Toronto, but at least he was successfull in getting the preseason game returned this year. Branden is a TOOL !
  24. Great job on laying out the true facts about December attendance in the Ninties. Brandon likes to state percentages when he stumbles and stammers on comparing the last ten years to the 2000's. Another fact he glosses over is the increase in Canadian fans. He likes to use %'s to pat himself on the back for their increase, the main reason they have increased is simple: The Canadian Dollar has strengthened by 25 % in the last 5 years. The sooner that everyone realizes brandon's a tool and is a core reason for this franchises decline the better.
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