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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. http://www.suntimes.com/includes/elections...cvn_speech.html


    One of my favorite lines from her speech is:


    "because of strong American leadership in the past we don't hide under our desks anymore"





    ...Ya... We just get popped off while we SIT at our desks? Don't worry people, go back to your offices, no lead to leave the building.


    What is wrong with being prepared? You don't remember air raid drills?


    While we fight this war, why don't we all pitch in? Conserve, cut-back?


    A strong America is a UNITED America. Strong leadership unites the people, not divides them.


    An unjust, pre-emptive war people divided this country.

  2. I'd say individual liberty + personal responsibility + understanding of history + governing by the Constitution = Libertarian.


    That said, I'm not a member of the party because the stance on "Open Borders" is blindingly stupid.  Limiting the roll of the Federal government to the Constitution is something I completely agree with.



    You did say infrastructure is in the constitution, didn't you? Does the Northwest Ordinance count also?


    Am I safe in what I do?


    Please, please, say yes!... <_<:doh:

  3. Darin,


    That's the real reason these 3rd parties want to get the 5%.  Has nothing to do with anything more then getting the federal funds.  A lot of nepotism can occur when you have $75 million to campaign, and another $15 million to throw a party.  <_<

    Actually with all the security, etc...  $15 million out of our pocket isn't that much.



    It is still wasteful and imprudent. I wish they would adhere to the set of ethics they lay out for everyone else in the government.


    I can't take a gift over 20 bucks and this crap goes on? :doh:


    Hay wait? Was that bottle of Southern Comfort from that southbound yacht on the up and up?


    Ooops... probably $19.95?


    Darin is absolutely right... Completely cut the apron strings when it comes to this.

  4. You mean to tell me that the 2 big parties in charge have set it up so that the system gives a huge advantage to them?  NO WAY!  The next thing you'll try to convince me of is that there is a large contingent of lemmings on both sides following their parties blindly.



    No Way!


    How are you gonna get the masses to reform the beast? Does there have to be a revolt?

  5. You seriously think that they chose NY and scheduled the convention so late for some reason other than to take political advantage of 9/11?  Please.  This is NYC, hardly a bastion of Republican voters.  Prior to 9/11 it was pretty popular everywhere in the Republican states to mock out NYC as a center for liberal pansies.  Bush isn't here because he can win in NY, he is here to take advantage of 9/11, pure and simple.


    As far as responding when the s-h-i-t hit the fan, I thought we all responded, I wasn't aware that it was only republicans who did.  Thanks for clearing that up.  You see, that is what we mean by exploiting 9/11 for political gain.  Acting as if you people were the only ones who responded to that tragedy.  Frankly, I was never more ashamed of an American President than I was on that day.  He spent the day running and clueless.  I had a friend die on 9/11 that I've known since the '70s.  He was no republican.  I can guarantee you that he is turning over in his grave thinking that his death is being used to help re-elect GWB.



    Kind of a non-sequitar here... Just got me thinking of it...


    What was that old TV commercial for Pace picante?


    "Neeeew Yorrrk City?"


    Then the other cowboys proceeded to tie the one cowboy up.


    Sorry for my brief attempt at levity... Back to our regular scheduled program.

  6. I am a conservative.  I am little right of right wing.


    I cannot stand to watch Hannity & Colmes because Sean Hannity is like watching a little "nancy" in elementary school fight like a sissy.  He is a relentless mud slinger.


    So,....my point is I stayed away from watching FOX news last night because I thought I would take a chance and watch MSNBC.  I figured I would watch with an open mind and not allow myself to be influenced by the FOX talking heads.


    Do some of you lefties REALLY not believe that the mainstream media isn't liberal???    :P


    I would bet a million dollars that if you looked into Tom Brokaw's check register you would see a big check having been written to the Kerry Campaign.  This guy is a whore for the Democratic party.


    Ron Regan?  This clown needs to come out of the closet and get counseling.



    That is kind of funny that you mention that about Hannity, I always say the same thing. My father worked on the railroad and always says that if he (Hannity) worked back then and acted like that, he would get smacked around. Too bad there are rules against workplace violence now! :D Funny, Mario Cuomo put him in his place a while back... I think it went along the lines of: "Sean, you are a nice looking guy, how can you think the way you do?" :angry:


    Mainstream media IS liberal. What is wrong with that? Like most universities out there, the liberal thought process is more condusive to change and intellectual thought... GO AHEAD SHOOT ME! Take a look at NPR, at least they will stick in human interest stories, art, music, and what not.


    I am disappointed at McCain, he was reading from the teleprompter like a drone. It seemed painful on his part. It is almost like the cyborg republicans assimilated him... "Just by your time John, we will give it to you in '08". I really think he could have been the Teddy Roosevelt of the 21st century. Something, anything, needs to be done to shake up the 2 party system.


    For now I am voting for change. There is only one candidate that will have a chance at winning in '04, that will change things.

  7. It maybe true for those in power.  But I believe this has been the liberal talking line for years now.  It's has been what can we do to take from the rich and give to the poor, minorties and special interests. 


    Exiled if you have been paying attention, I am not for getting rid of welfare, unemployment, section 8 or anything else.  What I am for is making it more restrictive, and adding rules to ensure if you receieve benefits that you are working to better yourself, to get off the roles, and that you are working period.  I don't believe anyone should get a free ride.  If you're handicapped, then we always need people to stamp envelopes, paint fire hydrants, something.



    I have, that is what vexs me about you VA. I agree what you say, yet the times you layout the stereotypes, I am dumbfounded.

  8. Those are some good quotes but I was always partial to this,


    "Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you", the New Clinton Moto, coined in conjuction with Ted "The Killer Whale" Kennedy.




    Couldn't that be true for anybody in a position of power and prominence.


    You really believe? You are more resentful than I thought.


    On a lighter note... Just heard that they are protesting the Texan breakfest contingent at the RNC... Reminds me of:



    "Could we have kippers for breakfast

    Mummy dear, Mummy dear

    They got to have 'em in Texas

    Cos everyone's a millionaire"



  9. WHOA! Where did THAT come from?


    Is Guliani above criticism because he used 9/11 to garner support for Bush?


    Do you HONESTLY think he was thinking 'Thank God that Bush was president' DURING the attacks!? NO... And if you believe that, I have some swamp land in Florida that makes PRIME real estate. It's all political rhetoric!


    When have I EVER defended Kerry to the hilt? NEVER... he has a LOT of questions that need to be answered, but I'm sorry, but what Rudy did was not right. It's about time someone stopped making 9/11 and swift boat vets their whole campaign. NEITHER one of them talk about real issues!


    ENOUGH with the 9/11 and military record CRAP already. Don't put your glamour boys up on podiums, and use tragic events to prop up you candidacies. THIS goes for BOTH sides. What Guliani did is the same as what Kerry did with those 'staged' reunions of his.


    I will NOT back down off of this one. ANY mayor of ANY city would have acted the way he did when faced with that sort of attack. He's anything BUT a holier-than-thou figure, BELIEVE ME. Just ask his ex-wife.



    Remember, it is don't do as I do, do as I tell you with these guys.


    I am voting for change.


    These guys here feel that they have a lot to lose.


    All they do is shill doom and gloom.


    I gleaned a few life quotes:


    "However mean your life is, meet it and live it: do not shun it and call it hard names. Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Things do not change, we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts" ~Henry David Thoreau


    "Life is "trying things to see if they work."" ~Ray Bradbury


    "Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." ~

    Omar N. Bradley

  10. Here's a simple little exercise for you.  Look at my post again.  Figure out who I was talking about.  Now that you are done with that, smack yourself in the fuggin' head for bringing up George Bush when it has ASS to do with the post YOU replied to.


    Give yourself another nipple pinch for saying I support President Bush or the War in Iraq.  When you're done, understand that I am a combat veteran who has seen VERY good men die for this country.  I don't need some pissant to tell me how that goes, because I didn't see it on cable from the comfort of a fuggin' LA-Z-BOY.



    See that's what I mean... Why ratchet it up? I don't recall him calling you any names?


    Try to understand other POV's. Maybe he hasn't been here often to know your stance?... Like that is easy? It has got to take people, along with a great memory, a lot of time to figure out one’s POV. Now you know why people show a lack of interest. Somebody shows some passion over an issue and they get beat over the head with the name calling.


    Get an ounce of security and maybe you can respond with a cognizant reply. Better yet, don't respond at all... Maybe they will take time to understand you? You gotta constantly get into a "pissing contest".


    People out there have a lot of varying opinions, yes they might not be yours. You do create a vexing image, yet somehow wrap it up in simplicity? It is okay... It really is.


    Be cool. Others out there too...


    Ahhh... WTF! Just get over it with and tell me to got to hell... :unsure:

  11. You people are pathetic. Truly. Borderline sick. You'd line up on your knees with your ears laid back for Kerry and his four month tour never questioning anything, but want to lambast Rudy. Friggen pukes. I hope you all get what you want. You !@#$ing deserve it.


    I'm sorry Baby, I should have taken my avatar down long before. You don't need to be a part of this stevestojan, and they don't deserve you.



    Wow... :unsure:


    Take care of yourself.



  12. Ohh PLEASE!!! Stop all the nonsense... Guliani is a politician, and let's face it, 9/11 just showed us he's a mayor and he knows how to react during a crisis. It doesn't make him any better of a man just because he happened to BE THERE. That was HIS FREAKIN JOB to do what he did.. and he used it during the convention speech to its fullest possible POLITICAL potential. It doesn't make him a bad person; he is just taking advantage of a horrible event, and using it to help Bush win re-election. It just makes him less respectable.




    Do you agree with this statement?


    "Great countries have their heros. Great countries do not NEED heros."


    Don't misinterpret this statement. To be great, one shouldn't have to rely on heros. It is sad if the heros are needed, great if they are there.

  13. Maybe they should hook up with Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, so they can tell us exactly when the evil Muslims will be smitten?


    That'd be a hoot!


    Whenever the subject of astrology or paranormal activities comes up, I just mention Harry Houdini. Utter genius. :w00t:



    I figured there had to be a hitch... Dug into the website to find that for $200 (or 10 "easy-sleezy" payments of 20 dollars... :doh::doh: ) we will tell you what the future will be!



  14. I normally don't buy into the craziness... Yet, tonight I find it fascinating listening to George Norry talk with futurist, Dr. Paul Guercio, along with SDI (Star Wars) physicist, Dr. George Hart discussing the Merlin Project, a scientifically-based forecasting technology.


    Merlin Project


    Interesting... That I found it fascinating that Sean Hannity launched his radio show on 9-10-2001... I guess, right place at the right time?


    Again, interesting none the less.



  15. Forgive me because I'm in something of a bad mood tonight so what I'm about to say may not come out right, but this is the single most stupid fuggin' thing I've ever fuggin heard on this fuggin' board or basically in my fuggin' life.


    I'm sure Guiliani and Bush sit around talking about how LUCKY they were to have our country attacked so they could advance they're fuggin' careers. Much like Kerry is so happy he volunteered for four months of duty in Vietnam. Vietnam sure was a big BOON for Kerry! THANK GOD Vietnam came when it did or who knows WHAT fuggin' Kerry would be doing right now.


    You should be ashamed of yourself. Guliani TIRELESSLY stood there in the aftermath of 9/11 and you have the fuggin' gall to bust his balls just because you aren't a fuggin' republican.  Just because you can so carelessly toss 9/11 in your rear view mirror doesn't mean the rest of us can and it's exactly this type of lazy ass thinking that is driving this country into the fuggin' crapper.


    Just fuggin' disgraceful. I am so furious with this disrespectful piece of crap post it's almost fuggin' AMAZING that some fuggin' moron could even THINK the way you do.



    Take a deep breath...1..2..3... Okay.


    I Like the lyrics sung by Lyle Lovett, sig...


    Don't worry... The Bush administration is there to protect you from the nasty "bears" out there... ;):w00t:


    If not for a decision by the Bush White House, though, lunch counters in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming might already be full of bears sipping coffee and ordering their version of sushi.


    The Bush administration had to overturn yet another 11th-hour act by the Clinton administration, which wanted to relocate grizzlies in the Northern Rockers.


    Your own "private Idaho" is left intact!



  16. Not going to happen. The likelyhood of the opposite is a very, very real.


    The continuing "unstableness" of these politics, IMHO, is the real problem. We really need to "right this ship" politically one way or another IN A SENSIBLE MANNER.


    Whoever gets in office, needs to make this their top priority... Everything else falls into place.


    Terrorists will feed off this instability.

  17. People these were (or at least are going to be) Cheney's words to discribe how the job in Iraq has been going.


    Any comment?


    Sure seems like a set of "choice" words?


    Can you call the Bill's 4 SB loses "Catastrophic Success"?


    Maybe if the Bills win the AFC title and take a trip to the SB and lose it again this year... Yet, get 11 of their starting 22 hurt during the conference championship, would that be "Catastrophic Success?"... :D


    What does it actually mean? Any help out there? It sure sounds bad for somebody, hope it is not us?


    WhoTF picks these words?

  18. That IS true! Hoover also had a lot of experience with economic planning for the recovery effort after World War I.


    Boy THAT experience sure did help us get out of the Great Depression. :D


    His stubbornness almost gave us our first and only revolution against the government(non civil war)... we were VERY close, and that's no exaggeration.



    What year was it when they almost mowed down the protesting WWI vets because they demanded benefits?


    Was that Hoover or Roosevelt? Any help?

  19. What do you think? Are they trying to tell us something?


    We effed the place, yet we kissed 'em?


    I guess it matters how you define Catastrophic?: :blink::P


    1 : the final event of the dramatic action especially of a tragedy

    2 : a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin

    3 a : a violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth b : a violent usually destructive natural event (as a supernova)

    4 : utter failure : FIASCO

    - cat·a·stroph·ic /"ka-t&-'strä-fik/ adjective




    None of them (meanings) seem rosy... Go figure... :P:doh:


    I guess you can have it both ways, take both sides of the aisle and have the people fall all over it.


    John Kerry, you got a lot to learn...

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