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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. 23 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:

    You can't compare Indiana and it's cheaper labor and minimum wage to NY with it's insane taxes, $15 an hour minimum and labor unions out the ying-yang


    Everything is wayyy more expensive... Including stadiums 


    Inflation in NY is crazy 

    Stop. If I moved my house to WNY it would gain a 1/4 million dollars more.


    And... I live on the Indiana line. 

  2. How was ECC? That's not a bad walk.


    43 minutes ago, Man with No Name said:

    wow. hope they take card. how many people carry around that kind of cash?

    My 85 year old father always had a grand or more in his pocket. Something about being born during the Great Depression or something.  😆 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, theRalph said:

    You fools. The 27 yard attempt at the end was missed PURPOSELY!


    The Bills are up 14. It’s 4th and goal from the nine. So you could go for the 4th and risk turnover or injury and nine yards there is tough. So you line up for the chip shot FG. By missing the kick you give the Steelers possession at their own 17. If you make the kick…you risk a big run back on the kickoff and, at the very least a touchback would have placed the ball at the 25…8 yards better for the Steelers….but Austin IIi was going to return the kickoff from even five yards deep. Not worth any risk.


    But they make it and they are up 17, three scores. 😉😜 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:

    I'm also not the guy to act tough and think he's Superior... I grew up playing high School football in Western New York


    Some of my worst memories are out on cold fields in Iroquois


    I certainly don't want to play in this weather... But Josh is getting payed millions on Monday


    That's always good incentive



    Travel ban in place right now:




    They ain't playing in this:



    3 minutes ago, rusty shackleford said:

    Yeah but if you just missed your school on the ticker, it was like a 15 minute wait until it came back around again. It’s like waiting on the draft details when you missed our pick.

    Yup! Bruutal! 😆 

    • Shocked 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:

    I remember the Buffalo News posted an article a few years ago saying why warm lake temperatures doesn't equal bad snow


    We've always dealt with these issues


    My father has shoveled out the Ralph multiple times since the 70s... At least they used to give you a ticket


    Even a couple years ago they would give you a ticket for shoveling lol

    More people travel now. Especially with the open, legal scalping of tix.  The travel game is much bigger today.


    My worst drive ever was in 2009 from Pittsburgh to Erie on I79 right in teeth of a LE band. Coming from Florida to Buffalo.  I have many white knuckle drives, thar one was 100x the worst!  That's the route Steelers fans will take. 

    • Agree 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Buffalo716 said:

    You don't have to remind me about the lack of home games over 60 years


    Thank you for ruining my good evening


    And we've had five home playoff games with Josh Allen

    Don't worry. The Lake will rapidly freeze now. 😉 


    I am more worried it will be cloudy on April 8th during total eclipse in BFLo... It was the last time in 1925. 😆 

    1 minute ago, Buffalo716 said:

    I remember the Buffalo News posted an article a few years ago saying why warm lake temperatures doesn't equal bad snow

    But cold Arctic blasting over does equate to snow. It's -5°F here right now. You won't get it all that cold, buy LE snow IS coming tomorrow as the system moves east.

  7. Just now, Buffalo716 said:

    Am not crying that the game's not getting played tomorrow I'm just disappointed I don't get to see my Buffalo Bills


    And I don't think this storm is anything we are not used to dealing with


    The bills have been playing in orchard Park since 1972

    The first home playoff game was in 1988. Last in 1996. 


    I am pretty sure we dodged bullets. Global Warming the last 20 years we were a non-factor 2 regular season games were moved. 


    The Lake isn't frozen yet. That's a problem in January, snow machine still on.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:

    I've lived in Buffalo and Western New York my entire life and this is nothing out of the ordinary


    There would have been no problem in or out of the stadium at 1:00 p.m. today

    So you just gloss over the point where I said the league could have made the call on Wednesday... They've known this was happening for a week possibly


    They could have made this a Saturday game on Wednesday... The Steelers could have been here on Friday



    But... It's better to let storm pass and play after.


    In 2017 they pushed the game back 6 hours between Pittsburgh in KC because of storm during the playoffs. 


    Here they had to wait 27 hours.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Buffalo716 said:

    At 1:00 p.m. it was perfectly safe and playable to get to orchard Park... I've been all over Western New York today before 8:00 p.m.


    It was nothing that we are not used to


    We are completely prepared for this in Buffalo... And if the league made this a 1:00 p.m. game 4 days ago it could have absolutely 100% worked

    Steelers are now arriving today. Sunday.

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