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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. The truth hurts, then his uneducated articles shouldn't. All he does is write that every move the Bills make is wrong, or if they hit on something, they should have done better.


    I guess SOME people will belive anything they see in the media, if its negative enough



    It's obvious that TD and Sullivan are engaged in a mammoth pissing contest, and have been for years.


    I try to have a little fun whenever I read a Sullivan article. I try to pretend I'm TD and see how long it takes before the steam comes streaming out my ears! :wacko:

  2. I understand what you're saying but I believe the issues of the new amount of next years cap plus how much dead cap $$ towards the next few seasons, impacts this decision. Looks like cutting Moulds ( 10.8 Mil cap hit in 2006 ) would carry a dead cap hit for at least 2 years. If you cut Williams in addition, then that figure would be extreme. You save 4 Mil by cutting Williams. Then you need to find a quality UFA to replace him,who'd cost 3-4 Mil. Where is the savings ?


    The Bills probably wish to keep Williams and extend his current contract a couple years, to reduce the current cap figure. Then cutting him in a year or 2 wouldn't be too bad a hit, if it's determined he's not working out at Guard. If Williams says no to this idea, then they have to cut him now... but that means signing 2nd tier UFA's for positions of need ( if any) , due to little cap space for the next 2 years. The Moulds and Williams cuts would really tie our hands with dead cap $$ and take us out of the bidding for any quality UFA's until 2008. The Bills would be completely dependent on the Draft.


      We already know signing bargain scrubs has been a failing exercise.



    You're right, especially when taken in the context of the Moulds impact. I just hope he can play G, and that they can work out an extension that all sides can live with. That's probably the best case scenario. I'd hate to see us cut ties with him given the investment that's already been placed in him. Let's squeeze something out of it, but he's gotta meet us somewhere in the middle. I wonder what he'd command on the free agent market? Seems it'd be a lot less than what he could still get from reworking his current deal.

  3. I believe Clump the cap specialist has already answered this question. It's too big of a cap hit to cut Williams. It would probably be best to extend him a couple years and spread his current contract out, if Guard is his future.



    I didn't see that assessment, but I thought the News mentioned his cap hit would be $5M if released. Otherwise, his cap hit next year will be in the $9M range, so you'd actually save $4M against the cap if they released him. They already approached him about his salary this year and he declined any concessions, so I'd say he's gone because there is no way in hell we pay $9M for a guard next year.

  4. Yeah, Pat's single-handedly kept the Vikings in the games they're regularly getting blown out of.  What a crock.  :)



    If you're gonna let a guy go, at least have a suitable replacement. Since they didn't, I can only assume they underrated the value of his performance to this defense. He wanted to stay and could've worked out a reasonable deal, but they never even made the effort. And we're left with another frustrating non postseason year. And the beat goes on...

  5. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks getting rid of Phatty Patty was a good idea. Certainly not me.



    Search for some old posts from this past summer....we were gonna be fine because he was too old, too expensive, wasn't on the field that much anyway, we were returning 10 of 11 starters, London Fletcher didn't need protection, never played before Tim Anderson had it covered, oft-injured Ron Edwards had it covered, etc. Anyone who suggested otherwise was promptly rebuffed from the rose colored glasses crowd :)

  6. When will you guys realize that JP is not the solution.  Who are you kidding?


    Some guys have it - some don't.  JP is just too soft for the NFL. 


    I'm not trying to be negative - just realisitc.  Bills need to rebuild their O-Line and bring in a new QB.



    And you're basing that on what, exactly? 4 NFL games? Ding - your Hot Pocket is ready! <_<

  7. "I still can't believe he didn't make that catch"

    That's pathetic.  The throw was behind Tim and the defender was able to swat the ball as it hit Tim's hands.  Had the throw been anywhere close to on target, it would have been a TD.  Tim has excellent hands and did a great job blocking last night.



    Welcome aboard Mrs. Euhus! :(

  8. so pause live TV till radio syncs up its how I watch sabres games with internet streaming of audio should work for Sirius.  If ya try it let me know still trying to sell my wife on why I need sirius.



    Yep, I've done this most of the season. Last week I had it so good that when the referee was announcing the penalty the lips were synced up perfectly with the audio. May take a few pauses and fast forwards, but it's pretty easy to get it synced up. BTW, I wish I could've done this when Van Miller was around :mellow:

  9. Maybe if Bills used Anderson last year more he would not be so raw. 


    Bannan is a good mix DT/DE but not a DT for regular use.



    Maybe if they re-signed PhatPat....oh nevermind. I was told not to worry in the pre-season, now we've still got 9 games to go, I'm sure it will get better.

  10. Watched them religiously when I lived in Bflo, since 1960 when they started up - left town in '78.


    Watching football for all these years, you have seen it all, so while I'd enjoy watching them live or on tv, the stats tell me a lot about what's going on.

    Your enthusiam is heartening - makes me feel that the Bills' future is in good hands. :D



    It's sad actually the lengths that I've gone to over the years to make sure I caught a game :doh: Not really an issue for me any more with the Ticket and TiVo, and I realize that is certainly not an option for everyone, but I just want all my Bills brothers to be able to enjoy the games by one means or another 0:)

  11. I hope it's on nationwide - it would be the 1st Bills game I've seen this season, and possibly so for the others that "watch" the game on NFL.com's "Gamebook".



    How can Bills fans stand to not watch the games? That's what it's all about. I mean it's one thing to read up and interact all week on the internet, but the climactic event is the game itself. I don't think I could root for and support a professional sports team if I couldn't participate somehow in what they're all about - playing a spectator sport. There's gotta be options out there to allow you to see the games?

  12. From the NY Post - Bills got some good news when rookie receiver Roscoe Parrish returned to practice last week sans cast. The second-round pick out of Miami could make his return to the lineup as early as Oct. 16 against the Jets. Parrish, who was unstoppable during Buffalo's training camp, had wrist surgery on Aug. 12. He'll immediately slide right into the Bills' slot-receiver position, which he had all but locked up in camp before getting injured



    I think it's funny that we're getting injury updates on our players from other towns newspapers. Didn't the local press notice Roscoe practicing with the team last week? Or didn't they think that was newsworthy, what with their bashing of One Bills Drive taking precedence.

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