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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. I know the record with Orton, but he is running a watered down offense and has basically not messed up enough to cost them games. That defense is phenomenal, and approaching the class of the great Baltimore defense years ago.  Call me crazy for messing with chemistry, but Rex played well when he played, and can make all the throws.  Put him in and have him run the same watered down offense. He's more capable and seasoned QB then Orton, and with that ground game, and defense, could make them NFC favorites.



    That reminds me a little of the Ravens, when they just weren't satisfied with winning a Super Bowl with Dilfer.

  2. That D was nowhere near as good as this one.  This D is one of the best the league has seen in years, head and shoulders above anyone else in the league this year.



    I would also venture to say that they do not have no O - that running game has been something they can rely on with Jones, Benson, and Peterson. Couple that with their D in January and they can win in the playoffs.

  3. They have the best single unit in the NFL with their D and they can run the ball on just about anybody even if they stack the line.  That's a combination for wins in the playoffs.  If Orton doesn't make the big mistakes I'd say they're likely to beat anybody in the NFC come playoff time.



    And even though it is Orton's team, Grossman is now back in the fold if needed.

  4. A team that averages 25 points per game (the "best team in the NFC," nonetheless) is held to 13 and they "exposed" our defense....  :(



    Does anyone have the time of possession for the 2nd half? I swear before we got the ball back with @ 2 minutes we ran about 6 offensive plays. The D was on the field entirely too long, and that took away offensive possessions and potential opportunities for scores. No, they didn't light up the scoreboard, but strategically it kept their D and our O off the field, and it worked out for them. D can't be giving up large gains on 1st and 2nd, and they've got to get off the field on 3rd. They didn't do that today. And they still could have redeemed themselves, but alas, they gave up the clinching score when we needed them most.

  5. Well, then i maybe be wrong on the wire bash. at least its the fault of TBD's other favorite whipping boy, jeff posey. regardless, the fact remains, that the D failed to come through in the clutch, on a 3rd down play when the big money was on the table. That has been the M.O. in recent years of our D...



    Which is it - did you like the way our defense played today or not? I can't tell from your two posts where in one you're defending the D while you're ripping the retards, or the other where you're saying the D failed us.

  6. He doesnt get paid for the 4 game he's suspended, but will get paid for the remaining games he's deactivated after the suspension is over.



    They can also go after $1.7M in signing bonus, but the Eagels haven't indicated if they will pursue.

  7. We can see how positively awful our team has become.  JP's gonna get his head handed to him this week against a very good D-Line.  Ouch. 


    HD Sked


    Channel 719


    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!



    We can be thankful it's being carried by Fox, cuz no way was CBS gonna bestow one of their precious 3 HD games to them!

  8. You can not remove the tag if he signs the franchise tender.  this is what Charles Woodson did in Oakland.  It screwed them good.  No one would trade for him and the Franchise contract he signed.



    Correct you are, but the assumption is that he won't sign the tender because the smart thing would be to wait for a trade and sign his long term contract with the HUGE upfront signing bonus, which he would see no upfront money if he signed the tender.

  9. You expect him to say that not enough was done and that the buffoons they have on the OL and DL couldn't block there way out of a paper bag?  You expect way too much.


    He will never say that during the season.  He may never say it even if he thinks it.  What good would it do?  Nothing.  No GM or coach in their right mind would ever rip their players to that extent in public.  That would be suicide for the GM or coach and the end for the team itself. 


    What is important is what TD believe behind closed doors.  If he believes the lines are poor, they are half way to fixing them.  If not, well...we'll see more of the same.



    Actions will speak louder than his words. If he truly believes this BS then BA and TT and MW will still be here next year. My guess is that all three are gone.


    I think they should use their high 1st round pick on a true LT in a LT rich draft, sign Hutchinson (or someone of his ilk) for LG and quit screwing around at that position, insert Preston at C, Villarial stays at RG, and I say let Gandy and Peters battle it out at RT because you're gonna need a bargain along the line to deal with the MW cap fallout.

  10. Its one year.  Regardless of how bad clements looked yesterday, he is still a top corner in this league and WILL get a big contract in FA.


    Tag the guy and try to trade him.  My guess is we can get a late first/early 2nd for clements.


    If he has to stay and play out his franchise tag, there are worse things that could happen.



    If the tag and trade strategy doesn't work out, they could always remove the tag if they don't want to pay him (of course, then he walks for nothing). And yes, 2 first rounders are the compensation awarded to franchise tagged FA's if we decide not to match, but no one gets that lucky! More than likely if someone wants him they will negotiate the trade parameters before signing Clements. A 1st rounder would be a coup.

  11. Talk Jim Kelly into becoming our new Offensive Coordinator.


    ..and no, this isn't one of those posts about hiring him as OC, bringing back Marv, hiring Tasker as ST coach, etc, etc...


    He knows football X's and O's, especially on the O side. He was basically an on field OC running the no huddle. He would be a great coach for a young QB like JP. Plus, and a big one, he has the stones to get this ship righted. Think we'd have an identity then?

    I always thought Kelly would go into coaching at one point..why not here?

    Come on Ralph, pick up the phone......



    I don't think the hours and money will ever entice JK into coaching in the NFL....and probably Tasker too for that matter.

  12. You have got to be kidding me... 


    Trash me for being realistic, but I don't see the Bills having any but two of the last 6 games - at Miami and home vs the hapless Jets. 


    We'll finish with a 6-10 record.  Welcome back to SUB-mediocrity.



    Actually it's AT Miami AND AT NY Jets. We know how well they play on the road, cheeseburgers, et al.


    4-12 is looking like a legitimate possibility, although maybe they'll get one out of the next 6, so 5-11. From 9-7 and knocking on the playoff door to top 10 draft pick. Ugh...

  13. New England looks for a very specific type of offensive lineman: smart, very tough, a guy with a lot of heart. In comparison to most other teams, New England places more emphasis on these things, and less on athletic ability. That's why they've been able to find their type of players later on in the draft. If you think players like Bennie Anderson, Trey Teague, or Mike Gandy would be successful parts of New England's offensive line, you're mistaken.



    Well then, luckily two of those three will be gone next year :)

  14. Bleh, Evans is a good player, 9 TD's last year.  Moulds has become a possession WR and he's overpaid granted, but he's not washed up yet.  We don't know about Parrish yet.  Hell I'm pretty sure Freddy Smith & Sam Aiken are better than most teams' 5th & 6th WR's. 

    They could be better but in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter.  You can win ballgames with the WR's we have.  You can't win with the OL & DL we have - that's the bottom line.



    I agree we need OL and DL as priorities - that's obvious. But assuming Nate Clements is gone, CB becomes a need that also needs to be addressed. Also assuming Moulds and Reed are not here next year, I think WR again becomes a need to be addressed. Evans is #1, Roscoe is the slot guy, so you need a #2 ooposite Lee and I don't like the existing options currently on the roster. Aiken and "Fast Freddie" can stay right where they're at on the depth chart as far as I'm concerned.

  15. So we arrived at the stadium at around 9 am....got out bbq out, and cracked open some beers. I was amazed at how many bills fans there were around us (and we weren't near that huge bills backers group) Next to us were some guys from Rochester, one of them a cousin of a good friend from back home. Also, a guy I played soccer with in High School pulled up 3 cars down, small world. I actually came close to losing my voice in the parking lot, screaming and cheering with other bills fans around us. One truck came blazing into the lots, with the bills flag out of the sun roof, pumping the Bills make me wanna shout song. I then proceeded to take the flag, jump up on the top of our car and start waving it around wildly. (see link for pics)

    It was a great time in the parking lot to say the least. Inside the stadium was a different story.


    We had great seats. (see link for pics). And the chargers fans around us were not demeaning in anyway. Sure, they could have been. The Chargers owned us for the entire game...J.P. looked as horrible live as he did on the field I'm sure. The bills were a total buzz kill and made it hard to walk out of the stadium. Going inside, there seemed to be a ton of bills fans everywhere....on the way out, I didnt see many at all...most likely they all left at halftime.


    Here are some pictures from our time down in diego.








    Must've been a blast (pre-game that is)! Thanks for the links.


    The thing that surprised me a little was that knowing the Bills nation was going to be so well represented, from the TV pictures you could hardly tell there was even one Bills fan in the house. All they showed was throngs of enthusiastic Charger freaks. I thought they'd take notice of the large Bills contingent and at least show them during Bills scores (they did have two). There was nothing worthwhile to watch during game action, so I was hoping to see some of the faithful taking over their house :)

  16. They can squeeze out a win at Miami, but after that, this team is toast. What a ugly season. Big time disappointed with both Lines. The Bills have alot of talent, but not having good O and D lines, they are shi t ty and its shown all season. 


    Buffalo's Willis McGahee, who contends he's the NFL's best running back, was held to 39 yards on 10 carries. 10 CARRIES!! What the hell are they doing?!?!





    As far as I can tell, the only games that look winnable are the Jets and Fish. BUT, they are both on the road...so 4-12 is a distinct possibility.

  17. The thing that strikes me about our present front office team is that TD seems to not know a football player.  At least John Butler and AJ Smith seem to have had a clue.


    Enough of JB leaving us in cap hell. In today's NFL, with the exception of New England and Pittsburgh, every team faces it, just a question of when.  JB had one lousy draft and an umanageable cap but it may also have been a f*** you to Ralphie, or there might have been meddling by the venerable owner.


    But on balance, I rather have JB/AJ/Dwight Adams running my player acquisition than the stooges we've got now.  Although, I'd like to see what Modrak would do without TD around...





    Their teams did make it to the playoffs....

  18. Play Roscoe, Jonathan Smith, and Aiken with Evans and Moulds.


    Why is Reed even still on this team. He's slow and can't make plays, and thats when he does catch the ball.


    What kills me is they actually call plays for him. { ie: screen attempt today :w00t: } Where do they think he's gonna go with it ?



    What kills me even more is they have Moulds and Evans on the bench for no apparent reason while they are calling plays for Aiken and Reed. Too smart for their own good.

  19. I thought the point of having a shutdown corner is to have a guy who can cover one-on-one during blitzes?



    You'd think so for the $9-10M he'll be commanding as the "best" CB in the league.


    Can anyone remember a time when NC HASN"T bit on a pump fake? Any future game planning against us HAS to include this little gem for when they really need a big play during the game, they can pull that one out. They know they won't have to worry about the pass rush. :w00t:

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