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Posts posted by blzrul


    So you're as bad at reading as you are at posting. "Oh, just go buy a firestick, oh, just plug your laptop into your TV" sure why now, that's all way better than just turning the TV on. My point was, and I believe I expressed it clearly, though for the remedial reading crowd I guess not clearly enough, this is dumb to add a bunch of steps for the average fan to watch the game. If you think the average NFL fan, particularly those who aren't tech savvy, are prepared to watch the game on Sunday, you're nuts. My parents, who are 300 miles away, will not watch the game, unless the go to a neighbors house who are already set up with streaming apparatus. Sorry this is so hard for you to understand, I'll type slower next time.

    You are correct. I have a smart TV, I have DirecTV, I have iPads and PC's and smartphones, I have wi-fi, I have mobile broadband. And it's still going to be a pain in the ass for me if I want to watch on Sunday.


    Hence my boycott statement - does anyone really think the NFL gives a damn? If they see lots of folks sucking it up and streaming this game, guess what? It was a success as far as they're concerned. Next thing you know, you're paying for a subscription service like NFL Ticket, but 1-2 times a year you're going to either be connecting cables, squinting at a smartphone and oh, by the way, paying for those 1-2 views on top of it. And then, eventually, they'll PPV the games AND charge premium for the data you use.


    My prediction is that tech support lines are going to jam up starting tomorrow afternoon when people start to set up and test their kludgy systems, and PEAK around kickoff. I'll be sleeping snug in my bed


    By the way, since you're new, don't let the idiots get you down. There are a few factions here, but it does seem like the largest or at least most vocal are "guys with no lives" who either still live at home with mom and dad or are perhaps in a college dorm with not enough homework. B-)

  2. full disclosure, I work for AT&T, but have *no* insider info when it comes to plans with DTV and the Sunday Ticket. I work in the Government Services segment so don't have any direct exposure to the plans on consumer... having said that....


    The model seems to be now to chop content up into easily digestible pieces that can be streamed to any connected device, and offered ala carte. These days, a connected device can be anything from a smartphone to a TV to a tablet to a PC. I believe we'll see, in the next few years,not only a full PPV model for NFL games on a freemium basis, but an escalating price model based on popularity of the team/game. The freemium piece might be, you can watch the entire game in low def for 'free' or maybe the 1st quarter in HD, then have to pay for the rest, or to get it in HD. You might also pay more to watch cowboys/giants than bills/jags.


    I can see why my employer would want to do this. AT&T hasn't lasted 140ish years by losing money. I hate the whole thing though. I don't want to stream the game, and watch it on my ipad. That sucks. How am supposed to watch the game this Sunday with my family? nobody wants to sit around a 10" ipad, so maybe everyone watches it on their own ipad. yeah, very social, and having 4 full def streams going over my broadband connection should work just great. On that note, I'm not going to watch on Sunday. I'm thinking the game will suck anyways, and I don't really want to disrupt my normal sunday morning routine just to be disappointed again.

    The DirecTV contract with the NFL was renewed within the last 2 years for 10 years. So there's some time to find the "replacement" model. I think they'll be tinkering with it for awhile. I watched a few games on my iPad and they weren't bad, but agree it's not the way to do.

  3. I pay $4000 a year for season tickets, plus the travel to go to 3-4 games, plus the loss I take on tickets that don't sell because the team sucks. I'm not paying another $25 to stream a game. I had to get a Fire TV stick (because I didn't want to mess with HDMI and my smart TV is too old to be compatible with Win10) ... plus remember that internet providers will, sooner or later (some already do) start charging per usage. I can only imagine what it would cost to stream a few games a month on top of PPV.


    EJ to Hogan is tempting though.

  4. The fact that it's on at 6:30 a.m. here in the West isn't causing me angst - but it occurs to me that the higher the viewership, the more likely we're going to see this continue.


    Only in the future, it will be PPV.


    So that means you can pay for Sunday Ticket and still get screwed.


    Hence, I am not going to watch. I hope that it will be on NFL Replay.


    Screw you Goodell.

  5. Remember when they grilled George W. Bush for years over 9/11? Or Don Rumsfeld for sending troops into battle without body armor? I don't.


    Because that would have been "political" and "unpatriotic". Give me liberty or give me freedom fries.


    By the way, I don't like Hillary. But I'm sick of my tax dollars being wasted to go after the Clintons. They constantly fail because there really isn't much there. GOP=#FAIL in general. And while I'm at it, it's not a coincidence that "constipated" and "conservative" both begin with "con".

  6. https://www.laprogressive.com/republicans-for-sanders/


    Bernie Sanders is pretty much what he's always been. He comes from a state that has a large conservative population, and gets a good portion of Republican votes. He appeals to a broad range of people because his words and actions focus on what's important to the "common man". He's not ga-ga over gun control. He thinks we have better things to spend our money on that starting endless wars. He promotes caring for our veterans, our teachers, our children. Can't argue with any of that. It's nice to have someone who is "pro" something than "anti-everything" which seems prevalent.


    I will hold my nose and vote for Hillary over any of the current GOP clown car residents, but I wonder about Sanders' ability to win an election not because of his policies but because in this ignorant, shallow country called America he looks like a crazy person sometimes. Or that's how he will be portrayed. Of course, compared to Trump he would appear sedate.


    Also consider the fact that people love to label and get invested in labels. You drive on a road, call a cop, send your kid to public school, have a soldier fight for you, rely on an air traffic controller to get your plane up and down safely - socialism. Like it or not. Get a grip. I


    I'd have preferred to see Elizabeth Warren run myself.

  7. I for one will not be wringing my hands over a one point win on the road. I remember the Kelly years (I think) as well as anybody here and they put up some stinkers and still won. They lost a bunch of games too. Not every game is a 3 touchdown blowout. Good teams will win the white knuckle games that the faint of heart can barely watch for fear of losing.

    Amen. Many is the time I sat at the Ralph and breathed a sigh of relief when we got in FG range, knowing Norwood was automatic. It became a standing joke with us "Oh thank GOD we're in FG range!". Bills in the glory years did lay down some stinkers. Difference is they never lay down and died but usually fought and sometimes it worked out. The first half was lousy, almost like that opening penalty against Easley took all the wind out of their sails. But they hung in. The Bills have losing in their DNA and it's going to take awhile until they have a winning mentality - it's something you have to learn to do. Aside from the cheating, the Pats win because they never doubt they can.

  8. That's right, today's a "holiday" and all the kids are home from school. Maybe go do some homework instead of posting pessimistic drivel. Or jump on someone else's bandwagon. The team has a lot of new guys, a new coach, a new system. And a LOT of hype. Everyone needs to settle down and plan to grind through the season.

  9. Seahawks seem to always get the benefit of this stuff. And in typical, bandwagon don't-know-shirt-about-football Seattle style, the 12s are all disputing the rule. The fact that their own coach knew about it and admitted they got away with one doesn't stop them. They are so clueless. On the upside, it's fun to see them running scared when their "Legion of Dumb" has yet to make an INT, Russell Wilson is running his little legs off while Least Mode sits in the box eating Skittles.


    Seahawk fans should thank God for the 13s because without them, they'd have far less "success".

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