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Posts posted by blzrul

  1. What, some nomadic tribe lived there for 20 years after moving from Idaho? What tribe did they slaughter to gain control?

    Uh, actually no, the govt created a reservation for the Paiute Indians back in the 1800's. But of course the fine, white, citizens of America didn't care and settled right on that land, bit by bit, until the Paiute were finally, forcibly removed. As I said, they are patiently working through the courts to get the United States Government to honor its agreement. http://www.tennessean.com/story/opinion/contributors/2016/01/18/occupied-oregon-land-still-belongs-paiute-tribe/78867096/

  2. So smooth. So evil. People so jacked up they don't even realize exactly how they are jacked up. Desperately looking for someone to blame when it's right in front of them. As far as the Oregon people. I don't know all the facts but what are the feds doing controlling so much state land? They should get the f out and give it back to Oregon.

    Actually back to the Native American tribe in that area that has been patiently working through the court system to get their land back. For some reason they think that if they mounted an armed occupation, they'd be shot.

  3. You dope...


    - They requested permission from the appropriate agencies prior to starting the fires.

    - They themselves reported the fires getting out of control.

    - They put out the fires themselves without the use of local, state, or federal resources.

    - The total assessed damage to government property was determined to be less that $1000.

    - They were charged with terrorism.



    They set fires in 2001 and 2006 and damaged federal lands.

    One of their own family members testified against them, stating that the larger fire was a coverup for poaching.

    When they set the backfires in 2006 to save their own property there were BLM firefighters in the area who could have been endangered.


    There was also a plea deal involved. You might find it interesting.


    Yeah...that wasn't the issue. The issue is that they're serving two sentences.

    That's their opinion. The case isn't recent and on appeal it was ruled that the original sentence was below the minimum required sentence. they'd served what, three months? the minimum is apparently 5 years. shoot, if they were selling dime bags it would be 20, they are lucky.


    We have people here "reporting back to jail" because they were released early due to an IT snafu that incorrectly calculated time off for good behavior. Personally, I don't agree with it, but they're going back on their original sentence, not serving two sentences. It was the state's error, and to my way of thinking if they haven't re-offended, are working and doing what they're supposed to do, the system worked. but in any event, they're not serving their sentence twice, they're completing it. That said, I haven't felt the urge to occupy a building over it. that's just me though.


    Let's see if the crap-throwing monkey wants to post a new picture now.


    You're not exactly being a peach of a poster yourself, you know. Evil B word dragon lady.

    I don't usually attack "people" on the board. I insult idiots I don't know like Palin, Coulter, Rush, etc. You want to make it personal, that's your call. My problem is I forget what an incestuous cesspool PPP is. Hate ruled here long before "social media". quite group of pioneers. except BiB may God rest his soul.




    blzrul..............you may want to consider changing your screen name to "Bliss"





    Thank you for your kind, well-thought-out and constructive contribution to the discussion. You demonstrate your superior brainpower by, instead of offering a counterpoint, posting something you deem to be a comeuppance. Pathetic little creature. If you wanted gummy dicks, just ask. You don't need to act out to get attention. But since you are, you have to stay at the children's table while adults discuss things.


  6. I live in Seattle so I root for them - in a mild, dispassionate kind of way.


    And I always hope to see Freddy do something good.

    I live in Seattle and also had Seahawks season tickets for YEARS. Worked my way to the club section, 50-yardline. Sweet. Then along came Sleazy Pete and things changed. Instead of nice guys the team because arrogant trash-talking jerks and the bandwagon got full of trash. Held the tickets as long as I could but given the degradation of the gameday experience I couldn't justify the cost. And i didn't want any of my money going to Pete Carroll.

  7. Well the good news is that the market won't drop Monday since it'll be closed.


    My portfolio is moderate risk, and I'm fine with it, but given that fear and greed are the prime drivers (notice "common sense" isn't in there) I posted this initially because to me it sounded like the equivalent of yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre when there was in fact no fire. There could be someone playing with matches though, and the ensuing stampede could cause the fire. Which may be what's happening.


    Someone's going to have to smack China.


    And of course we all love cheap gas, but clearly there is an impact to the industry which will naturally hurt their stock which is the other major driver these past two weeks. What people aren't quite getting is that even with cheap gas, consumers are not spending the money they save on gas on something else. Given that wages have been relatively stagnant for so long, my guess is they're paying down debt with this little windfall and perhaps saving a bit. Or, stuffing it under a mattress.

  8. And when stocks drop 20%, you'd be railing against the banks for not recommending that clients sell stocks when there were dire economic forecasts ahead.

    I have never in my life listened to what a "bank" told me to do with my portfolio. Which is why, while my portfolio might lose more in one month than some people make all year, it will shoot up again and over time yield a nice, comfortable return.


    I find this headline and article pretty irresponsible and have an idea that triggering panic, not warning investors, is the intent. Panic is the only thing that seems to trickle down on the little guy, unfortunately.



    Will she let blzrul know when to "panic" ?



    I don't panic.

  9. http://money.cnn.com/2016/01/12/investing/markets-sell-everything-cataclysmic-year-rbs/index.html


    Not much into conspiracy theories but something this dire makes me think someone's trying to be a bit manipulative. Not arguing that oil is low and China sucks but it seems somewhat extreme. In the end for those of us who invest, there's money to be made but I find this irresponsible; a lot of small investors will be hurt and I am not sure that panic is necessary.

  10. Buncha guys with guns seize a building, they get what they deserve. They have a political agenda and are prepared to do violence (unless those guns are just security blankets LOL) so they are domestic terrorists. Or if you don't like that then they are insurgents. Cut of any power, water, etc - gas 'em, and if they don't come out drive a few tanks through the building. Wingnuts are whining "you don't want another Ruby Ridge!" and I say "why the hell not? You pull this stuff and you're not going to get away with it.". Blast them all to smithereens for all I care.

  11. I think I'm the only one who's perfectly ok with EJ as our backup. It's slim pickings for a better backup, EJ has experience, is still developing, a good team player, and will be in year two of Roman's complicated system. If we replace EJ, I'd hope we replace him with someone else who has had experience with the system.

    I'm ok w/EJ as backup too. He's as good as anyone we could get, knows the system, seems to like it in Buffalo and could still develop into a competent, but not stellar, QB.

  12. My position is that the Confederates were traitors. They lost. Raising memorials to traitors in a conquered land is, I suppose, understandable to the traitors, but the conquerors now want them removed. And removed they shall be. They are disrespectful to the United States of America, because they honor traitors. They are also painful to some descendants of slaves, just in case they ever forget that their ancestors were stuffed into ships like cattle, and when they got to America they were treated worse than cattle. Of course many of you would question their right to feel that way - that doesn't surprise me at all.


    Had the traitors won, then they could erect statues of themselves all they wanted. They could remove any memory of those who came before. They could rename the entire country Dixie. But they didn't win. So that's tough for them. They've enjoyed their little statues, now their pigeons can crap on someone else's likeness.


    In closing: I really don't give a shirt about you ignorant pinheads. For the most part you have proven over the years that you are bigots, incapable of engaging in a discussion rationally or without derision for everyone who doesn't kowtow to your "superior knowledge". So on the rare occasion when you express an intelligent idea, it's chalked up as an accident. This is a little playpen that belongs to a handful of under-endowed little "men" who have nothing better to do than rip others to shreds, hoping when they get up the next day it'll be bigger. The disappointment must be heartbreaking. Good luck with that.

  13. The Confederacy was a group of traitors. That they weren't summarily executed when the war ended is a testament to something called "forgiveness" and "tolerance". You may want to look it up.


    I wouldn't expect to see monuments in honor of Goebbels standing in Germany.


    Robert E. Lee's allegiance was to his state as opposed to his country. I wouldn't call him a POS, but he was a traitor. Had the Confederacy won, then the story would be different.


    Being from the North, I didn't grow up with statues of traitors all over. However, it probably is time they go to a museum where they belong.


    "War's over. You lost. Get over it."

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  14. Tonight kicks off the 2016 Debates. That is, the Tepublican debates for the candidates for the Presidency of the United States. The Dems seem to be forego in this formality and simply anointing their candidate who "deserves" to be their standard bearer because she's entitled to it.


    There is a lower card and a Prime Time card. Lets discuss the debates.


    I would like to see Carly Fiorina rise up into the upper tier. Though The Donald is squatting heavily on her "space". He's the only "Republican" with celebrity status that matches Hillary's. Indeed, I think his surpasses hers.

    I think the Dems have had at least 2 debates already, but since there are only 3 as opposed to the cadre of idiots fielded by the GOP, they haven't gotten much press.

  15. I don't think he's bickering. I think he, like many of us, got carried away by the hype. Understandable after the emotional year that was 2014.


    It's like finally signing Jim Kelly and expecting a turnaround right away. After 2 back-to-back 2-14 seasons the Bills went 4-12 in 1986, 7-8 in 1987, and 12-4 in 1988. During those years they added a good coach (Levy, mid-1986), and staff, and schemes, and players. The rest is history.


    Rex took the Jets to a couple of championships in spite of everything. Much as I am sick unto death of "rebuilding", this is a rebuilding year where progress was actually made in terms of quality of talent. Tyrod's no Kelly, but arguably he doesn't need to be if the rest of the team plays to its potential.


    I was hopeful for a playoff berth (didn't expect to go far in the playoffs) but just about every bad thing I've seen in this team is something that they can control and correct. If they don't - well, then I'll revisit my position.

  16. It is kinda funny that when George Bush was occupying the White House, his Yale and Harvard credentials were touted by the same people who would now have everyone believe that they're pretty worthless.


    Nyuk nyuk.


    Obama would wipe the floor with any of us. He's brilliant. Not as brilliant as William Jefferson Clinton, but pretty damn smart and a whole sight better qualified to be president than anyone in the GOP clown car. So far. There are plenty of smart Republicans but apparently they don't have the guts to stand up to their monied masters.

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