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Posts posted by blzrul

  1. How long has Hammer's Lot been Hammer's Lot? My first memory of parking there was for that Raider's game with the -50 windchill. We pulled in, my friend got out of the car and the first thing she did was crack open an ice-hold beer. I still laugh at that - she could barely hold it with her mittens on and the rest of us were huddled around burn barrels trying to stay warm. Fun times.

  2. Obviously would have loved to win the game, and clearly with Brady it didn't happen....BUT, it was valuable in terms of LEARNING, assuming the following LEARNING took place:


    1) Rex - STFU. Talk trash afterwards. The Bills should know by now trash-talking doesn't help (Stevie Johnson anyone?)

    2) Tyrod may have been in the league 4 years, but this was his second start. So considering he's not much more than a rookie he did pretty darned well.

    3) Rex - don't try to outsmart Bellichick. Try OUTPLAYING him.

    4) Everyone - don't believe your own hype, don't get ahead of yourselves and don't despair.

  3. If the Pats were honest (and we know they're not) they would admit they're thinking "Jeez, if Rex hadn't been talking all that trash and if the team hadn't believed all the hype, we'd have been toast". Consider in spite of ALL the lousy D, crappy special teams and freaking penalties...we only lost by 8 points. Are you kidding me? If the Pats were "all that" we should have lost 52-3.

  4. Ralph was old school; he had some success, obviously but I think he ran out of steam in the last 10-15 years.


    I like Kim and Terry, if only because the team will never leave. I was excited about Rex, but he's making me a little nervous. He likes to tinker too much, if he would stick to defense that would be fine. I question some of his decisions on offense. But, we'll see what happens. After suffering through Dick Jauron, Gregg Williams, Mike Mularkey and a nameless rabble of others, Rex is still a breath of fresh air. More in the Glanville mold than the Levy mold :D

  5. The word from Seattle (as of this moment....sports news hasn't come on yet)...Pete Carroll still insisting it's a visit, not a signing. They have salary cap issues, and I wonder what they'll offer Fred, IF they make an offer. And interestingly enough, or perhaps not, the Seahawk fan base isn't particularly excited - of course most of them are so new to football they never heard of Fred before today and don't know Lynch came here from Buffalo.


    So it's not a done deal. I hate the Seahawks and root for them to lose, it would be hard if Fred were part of the team.

  6. I gave up my Seahawks tickets a couple of years ago as many of you know, so I don't know if they've changed this, but after a score they played NOTHING. It was completely and utterly lame. One or two of hte players had "theme" songs, so that might get played. But that was about the player, not the team. In fact, the Seahawks did nothing to really engage the fans in the stands - just assumed everyone would yell (and they'd put "shhhhh" on the scoreboard when the O was on the fields, since those astute football fans in Seattle didn't seem to realize that homefield only works when it's quiet for their offense).


    Shout is cool because everyone can sing and clap along, that's what it's intended to do. Talking Proud was ok, but I like Shout better.

  7. The Seahawks think Marshawn Lynch can take the team on his back and win it, LOL. Or they did, until that last play in the SB. They seriously throw money at that guy, it's hard to believe they don't notice that unless someone makes him a hole, he can't do squat. Guys like Fred can squirt through - necessary when your O-line is lame. The Hawks O line took a hit in the offseason, so it'll be interesting to see what happens this year.

  8. Interesting.


    There is no skill set in football that the right woman couldn't teach.


    The problem, of course, is that most women don't have the background as players or college coaches to land NFL gigs. And that's a huge obstacle with no obvious/easy solution.


    Congrats to Jen Welter

    She did play in an indoor league. There are few options for women to play football. I hope she does well. Coaching is about strategy and motivation and talent management. It takes leadership. If she has those skills she's ahead of a number of coaches who've recently darkened the doorways of the Ralph :D

  9. Lived in Dallas for 10 years. BBQ up north generally pales in comparison if not outright stinks, after that. It's one of the few good things I can say about TX (there are not many).


    Was not impressed with Dinosauer BBQ and won't buy it at the Ralph. Their sauce is really awful too.


    There is one place in Seattle which is reasonable, but he's from the Carolinas and makes Carolina BBQ, not TX. I've grown accustomed to it but when I have the time, and can find a reasonable brisket, I smoke my own.

  10. I hope they do better than Duff's. I love Duff's and couldn't wait to get them at the Ralph. First time I ordered it took 15 minutes and the wings were still cold. Second time I ordered boneless and got bone-in. Third time, I don't remember. It's pretty clear that they weren't prepared for life at the Ralph. And this is in the Van Miller club, so they would know the maximum number of seats and therefore customers they could expect...Very disappointing.

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