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Posts posted by blzrul

  1. I am in no way defending our policies (as much as they can be called policies) in the Middle East or elsewhere but you need to explain your pronouncement bolded above. I think Obama is a rank amateur and reacts in a way that reflects his vision of how things should be rather than how they really are.

    I'm referring to our foreign policy, as the discussion was initiated, over the long term. After totally getting it wrong for so many years, there's nothing anyone can do now to fix it, not in the near term anyway. This has nothing to do with Obama. The special interests who benefit from war don't care who's POTUS.


    There is NOTHING wrong with seeing things as they should be, by the way. Those are goals. You don't have goals, you never gonna get anywhere. In sales we call it assuming the sale. You don't always win the deal, but you certainly win a lot more when you operate on the assumption of how it should be, i.e. a closed deal.

  2. Goodell's a tool but he's doing his job. His job is taking care of 32 people: period. The players don't like him. Now the fans aren't crazy about him. I understand and agree with due process - but depending on the infraction many citizens would be canned too if we were busted on these kinds of charges. Now the players have contracts, but they also have conduct standards to which they agreed in those contracts.


    I blame Goodell because I don't like him, and I don't think he's done any good for football, but each owner can and should show a little integrity with these guys. Heck, Least Mode FINALLY dispensed with his last criminal charge here in Seattle after...2 years? 3 years? WTF.

  3. As a white person I would not presume to speak about what it means to be black. I will never know. Any more than a man can understand what it's like to be a woman, or vice versa. Even when the environments are "equal" there will be differences. I don't live in Ferguson (thank God) so I don't know if the cops are racist, one way or another. I do believe that equipping local deputy dawgs with military equipment is a mistake. It's not like Al Qaeda or ISIS is going to attack their little town. And I wonder if all that military stuff might have an impact on how police approach situations. But, again, I'm not there so I don't know. I do know that when I watch COPS I see all sorts of people grappling with officers and I've never once seen one get shot.

  4. Naw I was at the Fish Stadium one time, Bills won (it happens) and some drunk Fish fan got into a scuffle with security - at the time, Miami-Dade cops, and he was going for the cop's gun! Bills fans may get drunk and stupid but except for that time with the Steelers' bus back in the 90's we are happy drunks.

  5. If every person who posted on this topic on boards like this around the world had to pay $1/post, WE could buy the damn team. :nana:


    Just remember when the new ownership is announced, assuming it's Pegula, there should be a moratorium on bitching about the team's performance, or lack thereof, at least for the balance of 2014. Out of gratitude if not respoect. :D

  6. There are terms in the Trust of which we know nothing. Unlikes Wills, which become "public" when probated, Trusts (that are not created under a Will, of course, but that are separate instruments) do not get probated. Net-net, the terms are not known. It could well be, and I suspect it is true, that Ralph included instructions to the Trustee as part of that instrument. The man was 95 years old - he knew this was coming. He was not a stupid man. And just as he discussed futures with Kelly & Co, he could even have discussed with Pegula. Who knows. But everyone who assumes that the ONLY criterion is $$$ is, I suspect, making a mistake. I guess we'll find out soon enough though.

  7. I would love to see the US cut off all aid to Israel. Its government is a bully. I have no problem with the Israeli people. They have a right to defend themselves. It seems as if the Israeli government likes to initiate a fight and then bomb the crap out of civilians claiming "self defense". That's cowardice. I'm sure the Israeli people would rather have peace just like their neighbors. But I'm sure it won't happen in my lifetime if ever.

  8. I got my season tickets in 1987. I sat in a number of spots in the stadium, the longest in the lower bowl. When the clubs were added (1998 I think) I signed up, simply because they were throwing all the lower-bowl seats into a "lottery" (as there were fewer of them) and I was afraid I'd get stuck in yucky seats. So I have been in the Van Miller section since the first year there were clubs seats.


    Personally, I love the club seats. My thoughts:


    1) Preseason games suck, and it stinks to buy them. I donate them to Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Erie County.

    2) The tickets don't sell well EXCEPT on StubHub. Pay attention to what's for sale, price accordingly and don't list too early. Last year I actually MADE money on the three games I sold through StubHub.

    3) The section can be quieter, true. But it's also dryer, and warmer, under the overhang. I am a yeller, and no-one gives me any grief - I don't cuss or evoke anger, so no-one complains.

    4) The club seating and food are better, ditto restrooms.

    5) The club personnel are the same year-in, year-out, and they remember you and are always pleasant.

    6) You can buy parking in a lot right outside the stadium which is hard to get. Nice if you bring someone who has trouble walking far, etc.

    7) On the rare occasions when I had trouble with a jerk in the club seats, security and staff swarm like ants and take care of it. I had different experiences elsewhere in the stadium.



    I live in Seattle by the way, but this is a great investment for me even though I may only get to 3-4 games a year. I also had club seats for the Seahawks, which were "comparable" in terms of location, but they were 2x the price and the amenities were not nearly as nice. I was there for about 4-5 years and bagged it, I can see better on TV and frankly the experience was not worth it.

  9. There is a "family" section I think on a corner in the lower bowl, where no alcohol is allowed. That might be worth looking into. I have season tickets in the Club section and haven't sat in the lower bowl in years, but I got extra tickets for my sister and her daughter one year and when I went to visit them at halftime I felt like it was a scene from Apocolypse Now...people drunk, screaming, swearing, throwing stuff. I gathered them up and we left. This was NOT in the end zone where you'd expect it either, it was near where I had my season tickets for years before the renovation in in the 90's that added the Club Seats.


    Regarding sellouts, keep in mind that Club Seat holders can buy tickets in advance of public sales (initial offer is 6 seats, but then the open it to unlimited) so you never know what will be available on the market. OR what you'll pay, if it sells out then you have to resort to StubHub. I sold my extra tickets there last year and was SHOCKED at what people would pay.


    I would imagine unless the Bills have a stellar draft (unlikely) that this game would not sell out when the tickets go on sale to the public this summer. BUT if the Bills win a couple of games early then all bets are off.

  10. There are all sorts of creative things that can be done. We can all theorize until the cows come home - Ralph was a smart businessman and didn't leave without a plan. Whether the plan can be executed remains to be seen. The guy hasn't been gone that long. Give it a little time.

  11. They all talk about "bidding". It's not an auction. Knowing how strongly Ralph felt about keeping teams in their home cities, there will probably be some criteria that potential owners have to meet. And I bet he shared those with Jim Kelly. Both Kelly and Thurman Thomas have intimated as much in the past. Ralph was no dope. He also didn't want his family whacked by taxes on the sale. One billion is nice, but there's also a stadium at issue. I imagine the state of NY and Erie County will be much more willing to work with a consortium that commits to stay in WNY. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that the Wilson estate will not demand "highest price" for the team. Ralph had an old-fashioned love for the game that you don't see much any more. Surely his greatest fear would be to see the Bills end up with some jerk like Trump, Jerry Jones, Snyder....those guys who think of it as a business and nothing more.


    Oddly, if we pack the stadium the next few years to demonstrate the viability of remaining, and IF the Bills win, the price would go up. Good, or bad?


    I also have family connections to Bon Jovi going back 20+ years ... I haven't bothered to ask but I believe the statement. It's not relevant. All of this is speculation. Let's hope and pray for Kelly's success in beating cancer, then the rest will fall into place. I have expect to see Marv Levy out there fundraising for the cause, and if he does I'll surely send a check LOL.

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