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Everything posted by ryan42790

  1. Jeeez everyone needs to calm down for a second. Free Agency is still about a month away, it seems that both sides are still talking, and besides Santonio Holmes there really hasn't been any real resigning in the NFL so it's not like the Bills are being the lazy ones in the NFL. Just wait till after the combine talks. If the Bills and Stevie are still "far apart" then I can see some need to worry, till then there is no reason to believe that this deal will get done, other than superstition "The Bills NEVER sign good players."
  2. Okay I'm going into this assuming we sign Stevie Johnson, and bring in a big FA CB, if neither or one or the other happens my opinion will change radically. And this is what I think the Bills are going to do, rather than what I want. 1.Melvin Ingram DE-I surprise myself sometimes, I have been an Upshaw guy since the middle of last season, but I think Ingram has more of what the Bills want. 2.Mohammed Sanu, or Juron Criner WR- Like the pass rush, the need for a legit No.2 WR is pretty obvious. I think the Bills would LOOOVE Sanu in the 2nd round, and he might make it to them, if not Criner will be the guy. 3.Case Keenum QB-I think the Bills may surprise/infuriate some fans with this pick. 1. because the team has other needs. 2. because Keenum is not projected that high. But I think the Bills will pull the trigger on him, or possibly Russell Wilson. 4.Bruce Irvin OLB- May not have the size, but he does have the speed. 4.James Carmon OT-Nix continues to save the 4th round pick for building the OL. 5.Green Ladarius TE- This season showed the Bills can throw it to a TE. I think Nix will love this guys size. 5.Mike Harris CB- The Bills picked up FA CB _insert name___, but Nix said he wants 2 corners, so here you go. 6.Brandon Bolden RB- Maybe to have behind Spiller and Freddie in case one of them gets hurt? If not then a good camp body or help on Special Teams. 7.Ryan Miller OT- Another Miller in Buffalo. Last year should us we had crap for depth on the OL, with Levitre constantly changing positions, lets get that depth we want. Everyone believes the Bills will have a very heavy defensive draft, but I don't think they will. I think it will be more balanced and practical. If this is the way things fall into place I wouldn't be ecstatic, but I would be pleased.
  3. The fact that they are meeting face to face is a great sign. It at least shows that Stevie and OBD aren't all talk, they legitimately want to get this deal done.
  4. I don't care how great of a player you might be, there is always that one opposing player that will always know how to beat you. All the all-time greats have that one player that they always dreaded playing against.
  5. I think most of us can agree that Mcgee is going to be gone, he hasn't played like he used to for a while and he gets hurt way too often. I also think we can agree that Flo has been lagging, and Mckelvin is way too inconsistent. So the CB position is a critical need this offseason. Nix did very well this last draft with the pick up of, who I think is going to prove to be a stud next season in A. Williams, and a possible steal slot guy/KR in Justin Rogers, but I think we really need to bring an experienced CB through free agency. CB's much like WR and RB are the most susceptible to busting when they come out of the draft. We got really lucky with 2 good pick ups last year, let's not try our luck. Now knowing Nix, he loves to pick up CB, which I can't blame him, in a passing favored league thats a position you want really good depth in. So I can really see him going all out and trying to get the best CB in free agency. Mark my words, Nix will have a great free agency signing in the CB position, but I don't think is going to be Routt.
  6. No one, I mean no one, is treating this guy like the 2nd coming, especially me. He at this time is by far our best option whether he was already on the team or not. I will reinstate, if Wanstadt was not on the team last year you would have thought it was a great based and the YEARS! (notice I say years and not year) he has put in Sure he was an assistant, but like I said before he didn't have overall control. You don't know the full extent of Wanstadt power/authority, and don't pretend like you do. Maybe he did have much more control than we all thought, maybe he had no control at all and it was just a title, I don't know and you certainly don't. So I completely rule last year as inconclusive on whether Wanstadt is a good defensive coach, which means that I have to look at the rest of his career. And you know what? I won't even finish you can fill in the blank.
  7. Wanstadt was mlb coach, you know... one of the few bright spots last year. Wanstadt is a proven defensive guy, I think if he wasn't on the team last year and we picked him up during the offseason everyone, even the haters would be ecstatic, but because he was on the team last year he must suck, right? even though he had no control of what the overall defense did. While I don't think we will be a top 5, hell I don't think we can be a top 10, but if we can crack the top 20 maybe like 15 in defenses, I would say thats a mass improvement. Theres only a very few players that have been strict 3-4 guys throughout their careers, Merriman, Edwards, and maybe Barnett are the only ones that pop into my mind right now, but their might be 1 or 2 more. All the others have a background of being very versatile and can play either scheme.
  8. I like the persistence. This would take a huuge load off Buddy come draft day. He loves his corners, but if we sign him we probably will wait till the 4th or 5th round.
  9. I mean Chandler is ok, a great redzone guy and good route runner but thats about it, I'm really hoping we draft a TE in the up and coming draft, it seems like forever since we drafted one. As a matter of fact who was the last TE we drafted?
  10. Can someone fill me in a little bit more on Chandler Harnish? I watched some clips and he looked pretty damn good, especially in clutch situations; but as we all know youtube videos are not a way to scout players, so can someone tell me some downside on him?
  11. I'm giving Fitz one more year. If its same problems different year, well then c ya later. I'm completely 50/50 on drafting a QB this year, on one hand I want to actually have a proper back up in case Fitz gets hurt, but I also don't want them to fall in love with another back up and completely ignore a possible 1st round QB next year, if we are put in a position to do so.
  12. I know it really doesn't matter what fans want, I was just curious. Chris Brown has posted stories about V. Jackson on the website, and many other columnist talk about who we should grab.
  13. I mean kinda like how we are showing interest in V. Jackson, or Mario Williams? Like in their MB, or their news?
  14. I thin from a business prospective this makes a lot of sense. Granting the bills crowd is not huge, if they were to move, or Minnesota, or st. louis for that matter the nfl will loose out in a ton of money. Especially if they plan to move to LA which is a crapshoot, it can be really successful or fall right on its face. Mind as well keep the fans you have and try to expand them.
  15. Well, I'm seeing completely different views on Upshaw. I've hear people say that he's very versatile and can handle playing a DE in a 43. Then some people say he's too short. Here's what I have to say, if Dareus is any indication, I think Alabama has an amazing defensive program. They really prepare their players to face any obstacle in the pros. Upshaw has put his hands in the dirt, and has been effective. Plus lets say if Merriman really doesn't work out again and he gets hurt, Upshaw can move back to his natural position, and promote a later round pick to the DE position, like Branch, or Curry.
  16. Doesn't everybody already know? Hurting Tom Brady's feelings is a penalty. It's in the rule book look it up! Now Dareus hurt his feelings and he will get a penalty against him next year.
  17. I like this move, if we draft a TE (Fingers cross with Dwayne Allen in the 2nd) we might actually have a shot in the middle of the field. Chandler is only a good redzone guy, worth keeping but need an upgrade.
  18. ehh, these rookies had unbelievable seasons. Now they might become the great players of the future, but they can become victims of the lockout, and the lack of a true offseason. Dareus had a good year as a rookie, in the long run he can be an all-time pro. Not upset with the pick at all.
  19. I just can't wait for Tom Brady to retire. A HUGE weight will be lifted off our shoulders. As for their drafts, they haven't been that great in recent years, the only thing really keeping them afloat is Tom Brady, and Free Agency. When Tom retires the free agents will disappear, and the AFC east will finally be up for grabs.
  20. The Bills leaving though would be so huge and immediate. Buffalo's decay has been slow to where you can't pin point it to one specific person, with the Bills leaving all attention would be Cuomo, and other NYS politician right now, Buffalo would have a face to put on all their problems. If Cuomo had any sort of a brain, he would do everything in his power to keep the Bills here, or his political career will take a huge hit.
  21. The state of NY makes a lot of money off the Bills, not to mention if Buffalo looses the Bills, the local economy will take a HUGE hit ultimately affecting the entire state. If I'm the governor of NYS I would do everything in my power to keep the Bills whether I'm a fan or not.The reason the state hasn't included the Bills in the state budget is because there is still another year left on the lease, and no one knows for certain what the final cost is to repair the stadium.
  22. Personnaly I couldn't care less about the Pro Bowl, it's very boring. BUT sense it seems that it was important to Fred Jackson, I really feel bad for him, he was on his way to possibly beating Thurman Thomas All purpose yards, or Yards from scrimage, 1 of those 2.
  23. I think a legitimate argument could be made that both Chan and Buddy sacrifice actual talent for versatility.
  24. Fair enough, but I look at players like Aaron Williams, who can be a threat at both CB, and Safety. C.J Spiller being both a RB and a KR, Dareus who was proven to be effective in both DE, an d NT in multiple formations, even a late round pick in Justin Rogers is proving to be very versatile. I probably shouldn't have stated it as a fact, thats my fault, but it truly is what I think.
  25. Whether you like him or not, Buddy Nix really isn't that hard of a person to read. Looking over the past 2 years as the GM, one thing Buddy loves is players who are very versatile. Whether it be the player can play in multiple positions, or multiple schemes, Buddy just seem to love those type players. Now looking into this years draft, I've been really thinking hard on what The Bills will do with a top 10 pick. I figured the best thing to do would be to pick the best player available, but that doesn't seem to be Buddy's style really, so the real thing to ask is, whose a believable draft pick (NO LUCK, OR RG3!!!) Is the most versatile? For that i think will be the pick the Bills will take.
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