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Everything posted by angryfan62

  1. Wow, Greens gonna get cut for that and he didn't actually draw that penalty.
  2. @Drewgetz, true I guess I was just thinking that a few minutes ago I couldn't wait to get Thigpen off the field. Now not so sure.
  3. Chan sez he challeged Fitz to finish 1 drive. Should that even be needed?
  4. Thanks Hopeful, the Denver link provides some real good background on where this all comes from, and the New England one provides some insight as to how they are able to seemingly just plug random guys into their offense and still have great success(mostly). I do want add one thing though, having a receiver that simply "streaks down the field and catches" is still an asset to most offenses, even ours. For example T.O., I know know many here will disagree but when he decided to run hard upfield on a play the CB had to go with him, and if that corner was 5'10" T.O. was as good as uncovered, forcing the safety to roll his way to help over the top. A guy like that on the team drags 2 defenders out of the box with him each down whether the ball is thrown at them or not. Without that guy defenses are able to "cheat" up and clog obvious passing lanes and help out against the run. As I said earlier I am not a X and O guru and this is just my uneducated opinion but I have watched a lot of football and It seems that that is exactly what was happening to us during the last half of the season. If you have time let me know what you think of part 2. P.S. Back to the Denver link, isn't Hank Bullough the Bills coach on that famous (or infamous) NFL Films clip where he's mic'd up on the sideline going ballistic after(another)bad play "God, their KILLIN me Whitey their KILLIN me"? Just curious.
  5. jboys62 properly answered your question but I just wanted to say that I clicked your deadspin link and LMAO.....and then I felt guilty.
  6. Hey Guys, thanks for all the positive comments, especially Hopeful and jboys62 the links and explanations are really helping to demystify things for me. I am wanting to reply specifically to the posts I'm referring to but I can't figure out how to make this "Multiquote" thing work lol. Guess I'll try again later, in the mean time, here's part 2 Horizontal Timing. Haven't had time to read it yet but some were asking for the next part so here it is. Enjoy.
  7. I was thinking it was probably a bit of an exaggeration until I read those articles. They say that the game of football has really changed since those days, I guess the fans have too. I mean could you even imagine something like that happening nowadays? Helicopter footage of Scott Norwood weaving through traffic trying to outdistance an overloaded SUV packed with enraged Bills fans(Oh wait, I don't think he lived here during his time with us.) On the other hand they were picking on a kicker, I don't think there's enough booze in Rich Stadium for anyone to square up with Kelsay over his poor linebacker play last year, and I don't think anyone's gonna chase down Levitre for snapping the ball like a crazy nut at center either.
  8. Came across this article yesterday, and by the time I got about halfway through it I had gained a new found respect for what Chan is trying to implement and our starting quarterback is trying to execute out there. Being a fan of the game and in particular this team since the 70's and even though I am not an X and O guru I figured that I had a pretty good grasp on what needs to take place on any given passing play Pre-snap read, maybe an audible, take the snap, 3 to 4 progressions(If time allows), then delivery, I mean after all he's only got about 3 seconds right? After reading this I realized that other than the "about 3 seconds" part I had been almost completely mistaken. Fitz has up to 9 areas to check post snap..Nine! In 3 seconds or less(mostly less). What is that? 3 areas per second? All while trying not to take a big hit to the head or get his ribs busted...again. Wonderlic test makes a bit more sense now than it did before, I guess the better QB's just make it look easy. I for one will no longer wonder "How come Fitz doesn't throw deep more often" ever again. WARNING: Long read with tons of X's and O's. Erhardt-Perkins
  9. Thank You San Jose for actually saying what I was thinking while reading most of this crap. I thought this was a Buffalo Bills FAN forum. Corey Mac never did a thing to that woman and didn't K. Everett literally almost get killed playing for us? WTF!
  10. My Bad, I guess that's what I get for just glancing at the first sentence rather than reading the whole article. Don't know if he's been out for years though, after poking around some more it seems that Fewell and the Giants tried to sign him late last year. After that I can't find anything more about him. Damn you Wikipedia.....you have failed me for the last time.
  11. From what I can see here he is a saint. And yours too. Kawika Mitchell
  12. I'm sorry, instead of posting those links I guess I should have just have just pasted the relevant quotes. From the 1st Link: "Our coach-to-quarterback system mysteriously malfunctioned the entire first half,” said Del Rio, whose team was assessed two delay-of-game penalties in the first 20 minutes and eventually lost 28-3." From the 2nd Link: “Oh, they knew,” Ward said Wednesday. “They were calling our stuff out. They knew, especially that first championship game here at Heinz Field. They knew a lot of our calls. There’s no question some of their players were calling out some of our stuff.”(Hines plays on offense). From the 3rd Link: "Seems they also stole opponents' offensive signals, too. At least they stole the Dolphins offensive signals, according to a report by USA Today. Among the tapes delivered by former New England video employee Matt Walsh to the NFL is a tape marked to indicate it contains the Miami Dolphins' offensive signals from an Oct. 7, 2001 game against the Patriots. "One of the tapes is labeled that way. Until we review it, we don't know what's there," NFL spokesman Greg Aiello told the newspaper."(Pretty self explanatory). From the 4th Link: "There’s even some buzz (all speculation to this point) that the Patriots rigged up helmet transmitters for defensive players in order to change a call before the snap – which is against NFL rules." Now granted I have no clue who Bernie Miklasz is/was either, but at the time he wrote that article he was absolutely correct in stating that it was against the NFL rules of that day. These are simply folks opinions Mr Weo, and just like me they could be completely wrong....but I don't think so....Once again just my very humble opinion.
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