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Everything posted by angryfan62

  1. Just to be clear Ray I am not absolving the defense by any means, I believe the phrase being kicked around on the sports shows these past few weeks concerning them is "Historically Bad" . However we were winning today with just 3 to go. I watched that Patriots game at the beginning of last season and expected something similar to today, but no...common sense prevailed and we simply hung on to the ball....and the win. That's all I'm really saying, Even with our bad D and unreliable QB the game was pretty much ours at that point unless we did something really dumb...and sure enough, we did .
  2. I guess I should have taken a walk as well but I just had to watch, kinda like a car wreck I guess, you know you should hide your eyes but you can't look away. I wonder sometimes why I keep doing this to myself every Sunday. All you have said about the D is true, but with a little over 3 minutes to go we were up by 6, I believe either you or I could have come up with a reasonable game plan for this situation. As I had said before I don't know if Chan called that pass or whether it was Fitz's decision to do so but it was absolutely the worst possible decision. Hell, if we had simply run the ball 3 times, took 40 plus seconds between plays, didn't get a 1st down and had to punt we probably win that game. I just don't understand the decisions being made during these games, it's very frustrating to watch.
  3. Well, game's over and I gotta go to work now. I know this is a "team sport" and "they win or lose as one", and I also want to say that I have really rooted for Ryan Fitzpatrick to succeed these past few years but man I am not sure how the rest of you guys feel but I think the defense while certainly not perfect or even consistently good had left the team in a position to win a close game and in my humble opinion Fitz is directly responsible for this loss. I am not sure whether that intercepted pass play was called by Chan or was an audible by Fitz, but damn...why on earth did he actually throw that to a tightly bracketed receiver when all that was needed for victory was to kill 3 minutes? I mean he could have just pitched it out of bounds(Hell, he very often does that when the receiver is wide open), he could have just tucked the ball and taken the sack. But he actually threw that s**tty pass of his back foot under pressure to a covered receiver.....AGAIN! Another terrible football decision....AGAIN. He is not learning from his(many)previous mistakes. How many times does the staff need to see this go on? I am sure that he is a great guy and everyone in the organization likes him but he just hasn't got the tools to lead this team to victory on a consistent basis, in fact, he is costing us games. I know, I know, "who else do we have" but damn would either of them truly do a worse job from Sunday to Sunday than we have been watching? After writing this I guess I am not really sure who to be more angry at, Fitz for throwing that or the staff for letting him. There...done venting now, not even gonna talk about that last so called "drive" with about a minute left...Grrrr.
  4. Well, game's over and I gotta go to work now. I know this is a "team sport" and "they win or lose as one", and I also want to say that I have really rooted for Ryan Fitzpatrick to succeed these past few years but man I am not sure how the rest of you guys feel but I think the defense while certainly not perfect or even consistently good had left the team in a position to win a close game and in my humble opinion Fitz is directly responsible for this loss. I am not sure whether that intercepted pass play was called by Chan or was an audible by Fitz, but damn...why on earth did he actually throw that to a tightly bracketed receiver when all that was needed for victory was to kill 3 minutes? I mean he could have just pitched it out of bounds(Hell, he very often does that when the receiver is wide open), he could have just tucked the ball and taken the sack. But he actually threw that s**tty pass of his back foot under pressure to a covered receiver.....AGAIN! Another terrible football decision....AGAIN. He is not learning from his(many)previous mistakes. How many times does the staff need to see this go on? I am sure that he is a great guy and everyone in the organization likes him but he just hasn't got the tools to lead this team to victory on a consistent basis, in fact, he is costing us games. I know, I know, "who else do we have" but damn would either of them truly do a worse job from Sunday to Sunday than we have been watching? After writing this I guess I am not really sure who to be more angry at, Fitz for throwing that or the staff for letting him. There...done venting now, not even gonna talk about that last so called "drive" with about a minute left...Grrrr.
  5. I skimmed the article quickly as I had other things to do and I didn't realize the full extent of the kid's injuries, I thought he just got beat up. I suppose smashing in his eye socket was unnecessary violence. What I meant and what I guess I should have said is that most folks go through life realizing that hollering obscenities for no reason at anyone, let alone a person more than twice our size is probably a bad plan, and in case he may not have understood that before, he certainly does now and perhaps will conduct himself more appropriately in the future. What you've said could be quite true but If he is lying in his hospital bed right now thinking that 42 grand plus expenses is worth getting beaten unconscious then I suppose no life lesson is really going to help him.
  6. LMFAO. Koa Misi has made a better human being out of that young man, he should be applauded. Next time he feels the urge to shout expletives at passersby he'll think at least one more time before he does.
  7. Glad you saw that too, actually both Jets players are guilty. We are a bit spoiled I think sometimes, too used to seeing B. Smith drive or drag two guys like that right into the QB's face. I know Mario's got got to raise his game a bunch but very few of today's players are going to destroy a double team/hold like #78 used to. Looking again at that pic I'd like to see him stop playing so upright as well, someone needs to show him some old Bruce footage.
  8. From what I can see Mario plays too upright, more like a LB when he meets the blocker. Watch some old clips of B. Smith coming off the ball and watch how incredibly low he kept his upper body on most plays. Once he got that shoulder past the blocker, the blocker has some very limited choices on what to do next, either grab/tackle him or let him go. Mario is too easily stood up in place and has to then try and fight or bullrush the blocker which takes too much time resulting in no pressure from his side. We should pay Mr. Smith to show up during some practices and give him some pointers. Hey couldn't hurt.
  9. While Fitz did his usual thing(bad throw, good throw, bad throw)I have to say that I was way more surprised today by our horrible run defense. I mean when does N.E. ever ground and pound successfully on anyone? Yes I know we were trying to play pass and yes I saw all of those holds as well but damn that was as bad if not worse that the good ol Mularkey days. Back to back runs for 1st downs? Fn Brady running for a score? It's easy to blame Fitz but I think our Defensive tactics need to be scrapped and completely re-worked before we are going to be able to hang in with any team that doesn't completely suck.
  10. I don't know but regardless of offensive or defensive schemes and/or trickery, sooner or later you have to beat the man in front of you, we haven't been able to do that consistently since 99.
  11. CBS seems to think that we need to see more of Wilfork's blubberpuss of a wife. I guess the game has really gotten that out of hand. When you become an NFL pro don't you get a "trophy wife"?
  12. I'm not sure, and maybe it was the angle that was shown but I didn't see a single Buffalo Bill in the vicinity of Fitz's last pass.
  13. Only down by 7 and we have the ball, just need to string some first downs together.
  14. Wanny needs to pick his poison, either defend the run or the pass, right now he is falling into the trap most teams do with the Pats trying to do both and accomplishing neither.
  15. Jets are getting crushed today. C'mon bills just do this.
  16. Now we have to hang some more points on these SOB's. Please let the fullback line up on running plays, let him line up on play action so they may be even more convinced that it's run.
  17. We all that Bill will adjust at halftime. I am hoping that Chan is up to this.
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