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Everything posted by angryfan62

  1. You're probably right, have to check the replay again. I actually heard that hit while I was typing, looked up to see disaster.
  2. I am not sure if a 200lb guy can effectively "lower the shoulder" against V. Wilfork, good play call, needs a lead blocker A.K.A. Fullback.
  3. I say again, do we not have a fullback on this team? EDIT: I am not dissing C.J. but there is no way he should be running in that situation with out a lead blocker.
  4. That guy was down short, and the refs didn't give it to him. I like these guys so far.
  5. We truly need to score this possession. EDIT: Never Mind lol
  6. Where is our Fullback? Why is he not involved in our running plays?
  7. I agree, except for the gunner completely missing what would have been a crushing hit/tackle on Welker.
  8. Yeah, he threw that quick out to his left earlier, normally the worst pass he throws. It was quick, flat and on target.
  9. I don't think we should start either of them as well, it might make a tough game tougher but it's not a given that we are sacrificing this game by being cautious. At the very most I might let Fred suit up but only play him if Choice and White completely fail. EDIT: I think that both Arizona and S.F. are tougher teams than N.E. right now anyway.
  10. What? No complaints about the Damn Blankety Blank replacement refs?
  11. Very well said sir. EDIT: And those were all Playoff and Championship games too. Other than "Music City" I can't recall the media and fans freaking out nearly as much over those as they are for this incident.
  12. Exactly, said this in an earlier post, just knock it down.
  13. How bout "JUST KNOCK IT DOWN"? It's a phrase that has been screamed at players by exasperated coaches from grade school level up, probably since the forward pass was legalized. It's a desperation Hail Mary, Green Bay has the lead, the interception that Jennings was going for would have been virtually meaningless given the time remaining in the game. The ball DID reach his hands first, if he simply bats it away or better yet down to the ground the game probably ends in a Green Bay victory and zero controversy. EDIT: Just watched some more highlights of the game, what the hell happened to GB's OLine? They're gonna get Rodgers killed out there.
  14. I think what the OP was implying is that VY is a better option as a back up then Thigpen. I mean lets face it neither one of them is great, but one of these not so great QB's can actually hit a WR in full stride 60+ yds downfield. Also, one of these not so great QB's can run for a 1st down, even knocking defenders out of his way sometimes. Neither one of those guys is Thigpen. I could be wrong but I believe if we cut Thigpen tomorrow no one would be rushing to sign him either.
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