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Posts posted by unbillievable

  1. Seriously? What !@#$ing internet are you looking on?




    Subtraction is tougher than addition. If you don't believe me, try teaching second-grade math.


    So basically, with ALL the serious **** Obama !@#$s up, you picked one thing that was extremely unimportant that he actually got right to criticize him on, AND you managed to miss all the obvious backhanded "federal spending/deficit" references you could make with that statement.


    You somehow managed to fail, utterly, at criticizing Obama. You should be ashamed of yourself.


    I thought it was quite clever of him to use an accurate quote from Obama and give it a double meaning out of context.

    "I can see Russia from my house!"

  2. No it isn't, not even close. Look: I can write out the entire design for you, or, you can take my word as an expert that this is easily done. It's up to you. For now, no, finding a bank that accepts bitcoins = non issue. Think bigger. The people where we would go to get the money for this certainly do. What if I create my own bank?


    You know, I started writing it all up again? :lol:


    How about, rather than just giving you the answer: What if I have the resources to start a bank in Belize that can process bitcoins into cash? What would you do with that?


    I was fooling around with this idea, as, lots of businesses can create points for credit card holders. Why can't I create points from my bank in Belize? :lol:


    In fact, why not have two business lines? One that creates points, and takes a tidy 2% per transaction for doing so, and, another that turns bitcoins into paper currency, or even gold? Why stop there? Why not also be able to exchange for notes, bonds, stocks even?


    Or you could go hog wild, and be the bitcoin paypal?

    The step you're conveniently blowing past is the part about turning Bitcoins (or points) into legitimate paper currency. You can create all the schemes you want but you will still need someone willing to fork over real currency in exchange for a fake one. And like WoW gold there are a few people who would be willing to do it, but you still can't spend the fake version anywhere outside of you're enclosed community.


    1)Create Bitcoins




    This is how I see your business model:


    You're entire idea is based on the premise that you can create a bank and just magically put real money into the vault. Now if you had the resources to put your OWN money into the bank, then be stupid enough to convert it into bitcoins, you'd still need business wiling to accept loans in bitcoins or despositers willing to accept bitcoin at ATM's. Which they won't. (But if you're smart you can just blow by this part and just give yourself Bitcoins for free)


    ....so your solution involves turning those bitcoins back into real money after a "2% transaction fee", which would require that some other stupid person would be willing to buy back your bitcoins with real money. So how many gullible idiots do we require now to get this ponzi scheme off the ground?

  3. You don't understand. This is not the question, or even approaching it.


    You never need to convince Walmart to take Bitcoin. All you need to do: use Bitcoin to pay off your credit card, and your credit card for purchases. As I was sitting on this boring call just now, I designed exactly how, despite ongoing active attempts by the government to stop you, this could be done...with permanent impunity.



    It's the same principle.


    You will still need to find a credit card that accepts payments in Bitcoin AND is acceptable at Walmart.

    For this to occur, a major bank must accept the premise that Bitcoins are a viable currency and treat it the same as any other, which would place it under the same regulations as any other currency; defeating it's core purpose anyway.



    What about Colorado? The State Government isn't a mess, the taxes are not unreasonable, and overall is a pretty darn great place to live, even with all the Californians that have migrated here. Heck in my neighborhood, homes are selling before/ the day they are listed because Denver is doing so well- I am considering finishing off my basement and selling soon because there is such little inventory, its a great oppoortunity.


    I think it all depends on what you consider freedom. If you like Government services, then you live in a Blue area, pay taxes and enjoy life- aka Denver. If you don't like Government Services, and you ant less intrusion, regulations and laws, live in Colorado Springs... some people like low taxes and having th street lights turned off because they money ran out, its just preference.


    In all honesty, of course the Dakotas are free compared to other states.... nobody really want to live there... there is little demand/need for too much Government.


    California is full or retards who thought they can boom forever and their housing will never go down, so voted yes for everything and kept chugging... until it doesn't go on forever, and there is not enough money to pay for everything.. My autn finally sold her company because she was taxed to death, sued by emplloyees more that once, and had big losses when the ports shut down... she's finally relizing the beach ain't worth it...


    You're describing the liberal trap perfectly.


    Everything is great in the beginning when services are "free" and there is a lot of money to spend, but pretty soon the people who have to pay for the "free" stuff eventually leave while those who want the handouts start moving in. Then you're screwed. You'll be left with a bloated budget and a middle class unwilling to foot the bill. It's a lot easier to increase spending than it is to cut it when the money runs out.

  5. einstein460x276.jpg


    Einstein was a smart man. He was a self proclaimed socialist. He believed that we needed to reverse the idea of individualism and replace it with a sense of community.

    ...but he added that in order to reach that Utopia, first you had to a create a planned economy that would enslave the people.

    It was a joke. he hated politics. He basically said that in order to cure the patient, we have to kill him.

  6. Well on the bright side, they won't be in business long jacking up the prices like this. Especially if someone opens a competing restaurant nearby.

    If they were smart, they would have just raised prices by %20.

    People already know that businesses in urban areas have a higher overhead, tacking it on at the end of the bill just makes people feel swindled.

  7. 1. government contracts always inflated


    2. doesn't matter what we pay savings doesn't make a good payback


    3. 45 years still doesn't pay back initial investment.


    4. no it isn't. if had two hours of sun today we were lucky.


    You two don't get the point. Solar panels have nothing to do with the environment or saving money. It's all about giving their liberal base a boner.

  8. No, the changing demographics--the greater numbers of boomers retiring relative to the number entering the labor force for the first time. Now, about that other issue...


    You would agree that the SS surplus is made up of IOUs called t-bonds, yes? Like any government security, it represents the government's promise to pay on those obligations. Where will the funds come from to meet those obligations?

    Rich People and Illegal Immigrants.

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