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Posts posted by unbillievable

  1. So you're against caricatures of Presidents in political cartoons?


    If it's making fun of his policy, then no. If it's about making fun of the person? (like wearing a mask) then it's inappropriate and disrespectful.

    There is a difference between making fun of a person vs mocking his policies. Showing Bush as a monkey? inappropriate. Drawing Obama driving the economy over a cliff, funny.


    The people applauding this are just as bad as the people crying that it's racism; because you're only doing it to support your "team"


    The OFFICE should respect us. Seriously. Basic concept. THEY work for us. THEY are elected by us. It is not wrong, not in the least.

    What the hell are you talking about?

    So you're saying that the fact that you picked them to serve you, gives you the right to do anything you want to them; and they have to take it graciously? Are all of you guys insane?


    So it would be okay to you if I went to the white house, took down the portrait of George Washington and had a bunch of bulls run through it... no of course not, because we have respect for his service to the country.

  2. Many will argue this kid does not have violence in his past. I would argue that many thieves, burglars and carjackers do not...until that one time where things get out of control and they just shoot.


    This guy likely just stopped what could have been and would have likely been a future violent crime criminal.


    ...or could have become a future President of the United states.

  3. I sort of followed this case from the beginning of the media outrage. For a long time I had no opinion as it regarded to innocence or guilt for GZ. My inter radar was picqued by the media's narrative. My interest in this case stemmed from the media and the politicians efforts to control the court system. After a while though, it became very apparent that the state had no case (unless there were some bigtime surprises) and the whole trial was an injustice.


    This subject came up tonight at a family gathering. My one sister, who thought the verdict was awful, got to hear my listing of the facts. When I finished she asked me if I was serious and had really watched the actual trial. When I told her I had and was probably in the .1 percentile of people who knew the facts, she looked at me and said "thats not what Nancy Grace said". I said "who do you believe, Nancy Grace or me"? She thought for a minute and said, "you've never lied to me before, and those SOB's all should go to jail".


    One convert at a time.


    This is one of those times where it's quite obvious that the people who are protesting this verdict know nothing of the facts of the case. I have never seen a debate this controversial where the only real difference between the two opposing sides is that one chooses to remain ignorant. We are literally arguing facts vs opinions.

  4. I'm sure neither of us are going to change our minds but here are pictures from the Blaze http://www.theblaze....rmans-injuries/


    and a description of the injuries from the ME http://www.cbsnews.c...-insignificant/


    after this we are going to have to agree to disagree.


    You're still refusing to see the photos of the night of the fight?

    This is not disagreeing, it's closing your eyes to only evidence that fits your point of view.


    What I find interesting is that it always comes down to every single conviction supporter are only willing to look at facts that support their "theory." Does it bother you that the people calling for an acquittal are shouting for you to just read the facts, get informed about the case, or to simply look at the evidence; While the ones who want a conviction have to cherry-pick bits and peices of events together and play the what-if game.


    (to add: Did GZ keep the gun around his forehead during the struggle? Why did trayvon concentrate on his face and not the gun)

  5. Back in the early 1990's my wife had the dilemma w/what to do with her masters in English... LoL... Go on to get her PhD? What does she do then? Clogged academia? She decided to go back to the library (worked there through the years starting up @ the BECPL as a teenager in the 1980s) to get her masters in library & information science (University of Illinois). She has been the director of various local public libraries for over 13 years now.... LoL


    Does she know Noah Wyle?

  6. http://www.hlntv.com...eorge-zimmerman picture 9 and 11 - that is not what an azz-whooping looks like to me


    Don't try and use the cleaned-up photos, we all know how slanted the media was about these. Remember, at first they proclaimed that GZ didn't even show any signs of injuries, until after they enhanced the photos. (ie: avoid anything endorsed by Nancy Grace)


    Here's one of GZ the night of the fight. http://www.11alive.c...Martin-shooting and not of him after he had been treated (and cleaned up by the doctors). Bloody and broken nose; not something you can attribute to a can of iced tea.

  7. Of course it is a show trial - these trials are not brought to us in order of importance to our lives but on their perceived ability to attract viewers and they play to our prurient interests- SEX, CELEBRITY, RACE attracts viewers and media is a business, when you strip away commercials and fluff the nightly news has about 4 minutes of news and most of that is establishment propaganda- I find very little new that interests me on TV, interesting information can be found but I have to extract it from the web not let it wash over me from TV.


    As for TM I don't believe that he went 400-500 ft to his house and then came back- I'll give the events as I find most likely to have happened - and of course totally speculative and unprovable obviously but on PPP, well you know


    TM runs and turns down the dog walk and hides behind either the first or second little privacy fence on the right hand side (this is a fatal mistake as if he ran all the way home we'd be talking about the sequester or something) why does he hide instead of run? GZ is in a truck on a street that runs parallel to his route home and GZ has been on the his cell as he followed TM (we know he's talking to the police but in TM's mind a partner or partners of some kind).


    GZ about 10-12 seconds behind TM gets to the dog walk and doesn't see TM (TM had a dark grey sweat shirt but light kaki pants and white sneakers if he was going down the dog walk GZ would have likely seen him)


    GZ continues to the next street up and doesn't see TM, GZ takes some time scan and then to get his black flash light working but can't, GZ hangs up with police puts his cell away and gets out his key-chain flashlight


    GZ has his black flashlight in his left hand and Key-chain flashlight in his right hand


    GZ uses the flashlight to scan down the dog walk maybe moving back and forth along the Tee to get better angles, at some point GZ becomes aware of where TM is and at this point at the top of the Tee GZ drops his key-chain flashlight and gets his gun ready - I don't know if it's out but he has it ready- he already gave indication that he thinks TM may be armed "hand in waist band" (I think GZ's somewhat weird story about fumbling for his cell phone in his pants pocket not knowing it was in his jacket pocket was to give him cover if there were witnesses to this action)


    GZ starts towards TM's position yelling what are you doing around here, TM aware that he is found comes out and yells "why are you following me " GZ continues to close the distance and again yells "what are you doing here"


    I think that TM was aware that GZ had a gun - I think the first physical contact was TM swinging or throwing the can of Ice tea and connecting with GZ's face ( the scar near is nose looked like it was made by something circular to me)


    This is followed up by an immediate struggle for the gun or more accurately TM is doing everything he can to prevent being shot, it goes to ground where GZ gets cuts on the back of his head, TM is on top (no head slamming or MMA pound and ground) both GZ and TM are yelling for help (TM the high pitched wail type helps and oh **** where he probably losing control of GZ's right arm- GZ the lower pitched Help me Help me)


    GZ wins the struggle and shoots TM, TM probably say "you shot me" not "you got me" like some corny western and falls off to the side


    GZ goes over to TM and looks hard for a weapon which will make this cluster !@#$ look better


    neighbor comes over and GZ say" help me, help me restrain him" as he is already trying to shape the narrative


    and the rest is history


    I thought your story was plausible until you got to the part about struggling for the gun. This was clearly a one-sided fight. If it happened the way you said, then TM would have injuries as well, he had none. The fight was so one-sided that had TM knew and struggled for the gun, he would have had no problem getting it away from GZ. What you described doesn't account for the severity of GZ's injuries as well as the almost pristine condition of TM (minus the bullet hole-he didn't even have dna under his nails suggesting a close-fisted fight, not open palm struggle)


    No one throws punches or even goes for the face when a gun is involved. You struggle for it, and the winner then points it at the loser or throws it away. You don't hand out an ass-whooping (GZ was clearly on the losing end of a beat down) unless the gun is in your possession or no longer an issue.


    The earliest TM could have known about the gun was mid-ass whoop.


    PS. I also find the idea of TM hiding a bit of stretch (though arguable). The guy was on the phone with Jeantel. Who the hell hides, but continues to have a regular conversation on the phone?

  8. My fascination with the case is how the State allowed the media to dictate this persecution. That's the only thing other than the self defense aspect that makes this any different than the other incidents in which people are killed every day.

    It caught my attention when Obama called trayvon his son.


    In the future, the media needs to run the "racist" perspective through the asian community. They're the only ones that seem to be objective in these kinds of situations; asians seem to be only racist against other asians.

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