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Posts posted by unbillievable

  1. I talked to a New Hire at work who believes that the uninsured penalty is cumulative; based on the number of offenses. (ie, $95 for your first offense, $200 for the 2nd, etc) He actually has a plan to stop paying for insurance (2-3yrs from now to attend grad school full time), assuming that he would be able to afford the cost of the 1st/2nd penalties.


    I tried to explain it to him, but he didn't believe me.



    The ACA, that well-thought out, smooth running health insurance machine, appears to have failed on yet another of its promises. Emergency room visits were forecasted to plummet with the advent of coverage for the uninsured, but strangely enough the exact opposite occurred: ER visits are rising. Well, at least the rest of the ACA's promises have come to pass...haven't they?


    Sail On, Oh Ship of state.

    I have no doubt that Obamacare won't need to make things better (or even hit any of it's promised goals), but will instead be credited with preventing the destruction of civilization; The same way the Porkulus kept the country from becoming a third world country. The media spin will be that "things could've been worse."

  2. Isn't a "Knight" strictly a Caucasian Euro-centric title? An Asian Cowboy would actually be offensive. Would they be willing to change the mascot (per game) to a Samurai? An Indian Brave? An Islamic Jihadist?


    Black Jesus does not approve.

  3. Police work has always seemed attractive to bully types. Bullies like to beat on people and sometimes they can do just that, say when someone resists arrest.


    There are two types of bullies. The ones who drop out of school, become criminals, and terrorize the population as adults. And the ones who manage to graduate, become cops, and go hunt down the criminals.

  4. The level of macro and micro economics in this thread is enlightening


    Since BO is not going to make things better what are the GOP' plans to restore middle class income growth?


    Seriously. Lets forecast that Jeb or Scott wins and the GOP wins 60 seats in the Senate.....what could we expect that would help middle class income growth and deeper employment?

    Relying on the government to find a fix is a liberal point of view.


    The Conservative answer is to get government out of the way and let the economy grow. Trying to force a form of social justice (ie "help the middle class" specifically to the detriment of everything else) creates inefficiencies that drag the whole system down.


    The Potus may not have much power in improving the middle class, but he can do a lot of damage to it.

  5. http://news.yahoo.com/colleges-getting-health-insurance-business-145801945.html


    The federal health care overhaul is leading some colleges and universities to get out of the health insurance business.


    ...The main driver of colleges getting out of the insurance business is a provision in the Affordable Care Act that prevents students from using premium tax subsidies to purchase insurance from their college or university...


    "I considered buying it, but just taking the hit and paying the penalty was significantly cheaper than either option. Luckily, I'm young, and I don't have any serious pre-existing conditions."



    As the law gets bigger, more and more people are finding themselves kicked off their existing plans.

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