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Posts posted by B-Man

  1. Don't worry about this Treasury Dpt./ Secret Service thing, the Department of Justice will get right on it after more important matters.


    Top Priority: Department of Justice Assigns 5 Prosecutors to Retrial of Roger ClemensFeds bulk up for retrial of Clemens over steroids


    By FREDERIC J. FROMMER, Associated Press

    April 14, 2012


    WASHINGTON (AP) — On a baseball field, players back up teammates to limit the damage from errors. The Justice Department, embarrassed by an error that caused a mistrial of Roger Clemens last year, has added more prosecutors in hopes of containing any missteps as it seeks to convict the famed pitcher of lying to Congress when he said he never used performance-enhancing drugs.


    The prosecution team has more than doubled from two lawyers to five, enough manpower for an infield and pitcher. U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton declared a mistrial last July on only the second day of testimony, after prosecutors showed jurors evidence that had been ruled inadmissible. Walton also will preside over the new trial, which begins selecting a jury on Monday and is expected to last four weeks to six weeks.


    "It's no secret that the first ride was a bumpy one for the government trial team," said Ty Cobb, a former federal prosecutor now in private practice, where he specializes in white-collar criminal defense and congressional investigations. "Adding talented lawyers is probably a wise move."


    Cobb said he would be surprised if more than two or three prosecutors would be active in the courtroom. He said the government needs to be careful not to devote enormous resources to the case.


    Prosecutors know that some potential jurors might object to spending too much money on the case because Walton advised then last year that some of the original jurors thought it was would be a waste of money to retry Clemens.


    A. P.



  2. The whole thing reads like something from The Onion................too bad it really cost us this much money.


    Here's my favorite clip from the article;


    The Department of Interior said that there had also been “unconfirmed sightings” of the shrub in the city’s Haight-Ashbury District


    I can just picture the guy running into the Interior office... "Quick!, to the official "approved" vehicles, we've spotted one !








    There are those who call me..........................................................................................................Tim

  3. Human Events


    As the smoking wreckage of the Democrats’ dumb “War on Women” narrative tumbles from the sky, we can at least enjoy some of the goofier attempts by the terrified White House to distance itself from close advisor and frequent visitor Hilary Rosen, who just became one of America’s most toxic political consultants.


    Hapless White House spokesman Jay Carney was reduced to stammering that he personally knows three women named Hilary Rosen, so maybe the one who nuked the Democrat Party into orbit by sneering at Ann Romney’s stay-at-home motherhood isn’t the one who visited the White House 35 times.


    No, seriously. He really said that.





  4. Alan should back the !@#$ off and wait until more facts come out.



    While I agree that no one should pre-judge the results of the case before we know all the facts.


    In this case you are incorrect.


    Mr. Dershowitz was commenting specifically on the validity of the state's affidavit filed yesterday against George Zimmerman and wether or not it contained enough to justify those charges.


    With his experience, he certainly is capable of giving an opinion on that.




  5. ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Charges Against Zimmerman Won’t Hold Up.“It’s irresponsible and unethical. . . . . . . .This affidavit doesn’t even make it to probable cause. . . . . . Everything in this affidavit is consistent with a defense of self-defense. . . . . . . .A good judge would throw this case out.”






  6. Hilary Rosen’s Spin


    All of the focus so far has been on Rosen’s idiotic — and idiotically tone deaf — slap at Mrs. Romney.


    What I think hasn’t gotten enough attention is this bit: “Well, first, can we just get rid of this word, ‘war on women’? The Obama campaign does not use it, President Obama does not use it — this is something that the Republicans are accusing people of using, but they’re actually the ones spreading it.




    Republicans are unfairly accusing Democrats of using the “war on women” line when it’s really Republicans spreading it in order to defame Dems? Good lord, who told her to trot that out?


    I searched my e-mail box and found dozens of fundraising e-mails from Democrats:


    From Nancy Pelosi:

    From James Carville:

    From Donna Brazille:


    And so on.


    Now, I haven’t seen the phrase used in an e-mail from the Obama campaign itself. Then again, I delete most of these fundraising e-mails when they come in. The ones I found amount to the baloney that escaped the grinder. But Rosen does know that Obama is the head of the Democratic Party right? She does know that his DNC is pushing this WoW stuff to the hilt right? She does know that his campaign manager calls Romney the “most radically anti-women candidate in a generation.


    But no, really, it’s the GOP that is spreading the false charge that Democrats are the ones talking about a “war on women.”



    Jonah Goldberg




  7. Evil hateful Republicans hating on a Lesbian parent



    And her sexual orientation has what to do with that Epic Fail on CNN?




    What a hoot....................................right out of the standard liberal playbook.


    If you are caught making a half-assed attack statement,


    try and turn it around and claim that YOU are the victim here.





  8. He never get's that. IT'S ABOUT THE THE MEDIA! "Whats that got to do with the shooting?" :wallbash: IT'S NOT ABOUT THE SHOOTING, IT'S THE MEDIA! Repeat 6x. No change.



    You mean ..........like this?


    Associated Press “forgets” inconvenient part of Zimmerman story


    In a story by Associated Press writer Kyle Hightower, the news network seems to have purposefully omitted a detail that would undermine the mainstream media’s attempt to lynch George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain that shot Trayvon Martin.


    See if you can spot what’s missing.


    Eddie Jones, a 58-year-old black man and lifelong resident of Sanford, said Zimmerman’s arrest is paramount to keeping the protests peaceful.


    “They need to go ahead and arrest this guy before something happens,” he said. “Sanford is screwed up. This place just didn’t get corrupt.”


    While tensions are high, some think this city of about 53,000 — around 57 percent white and 30 percent black — will come through the crisis without violence, as it did during similar uproars.


    Two years ago, after a black homeless man was beaten by the son of a Sanford policeman, passions soon cooled. The assailant, Justin Collison, initially wasn’t charged but eventually was arrested after footage of the episode went viral on YouTube. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and received probation.



    Do you give up?


    The “black homeless man” in the previous scandal was Sherman Ware. do you want to take a wild guess who led the charge to bring the policeman’s son to justice?


    Was it Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, or Barack Obama claiming that “if he had a son” he’s look like Ware? Absolutely not. The effort to bring Justin Collison to justice was spearheaded by none other than GEORGE ZIMMERMAN.Yahoo News



    Funny how a major news organization could miss such a well-documented detail. It’s like they didn’t want to muddy the narrative with facts…........


    Bob Owens




  9. Astronauts condemn NASA’s global warming endorsement


    In an unprecedented slap at NASA’s endorsement of global warming science, nearly 50 former astronauts and scientists--including the ex-boss of the Johnson Space Center--claim the agency is on the wrong side of science and must change course or ruin the reputation of the world’s top space agency.


    Challenging statements from NASA that man is causing climate change, the former NASA executives demanded in a letter to Administrator Charles Bolden that he and the agency “refrain from including unproven remarks” supporting global warming in the media.


    “We feel that NASA’s advocacy of an extreme position, prior to a thorough study of the possible overwhelming impact of natural climate drivers is inappropriate,” they wrote. “At risk is damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA, NASA’s current or former scientists and employees, and even the reputation of science itself.”


    The letter was signed by seven Apollo astronauts, a deputy associate administrator, several scientists, and even the deputy director of the space shuttle program.


    NASA had no immediate comment.


    Washington Examiner



  10. This is rich! He wants people to stop blaming him for his tax cuts. When will the left take responsibility for these tax cuts?





    I wish they weren’t called the ‘Bush tax cuts’,”



    A sadder post than usual by davey.


    President Bush opines that if the tax relief bill he passed wasn't referred to by his name, then perhaps it would be easier to extend them.


    No blame


    No regret that it was passed


    No criticism of the current administration.



    Mr. Bush continues be all class,

    Dave in Norfolk to be all ass.



  11. *notice how so many have been proven wrong about the supposed racial slur on tape,

    *wrong about the video proving no injury,

    *wrong about a doctored NBC tape.

    *They dont seem to care that a rare rubric white Hispanic was introduced uniquely in this case for similar purposes of polarization,

    *or that photos were published with the intent to mislead the public about the size and age of the victim,

    *or that there have been calls for an immediate arrest, before the review of probable cause is finished, as if arresting someone through mob pressure is a compromise solution.


    Most will be glad to see Zimmerman charged if a review of the evidence suggests that there is probable cause to think he was not endangered physically by Martin and so shot the latter without sufficient reason. But so far the media and commentators have not been interested in ascertaining that, at least in comparison with hyping a supposed white/black racial incident for careerist purposes.



    Victor Davis Hanson



  12. I'm talking actual numbers here.


    4.3 millions jobs lost after Obama took office. Since then, 3.6 million jobs have been gained back. 700k before November isn't impossible.





    Unemployment Rate Or Unemployment Reality?

    By Andrew C. McCarthy

    April 9, 2012


    Through the magic of Washington Math and the Obama Labor Department, the metric “unemployment rate” has become as nonsensical as “jobs created or saved” by the stimulus. The Obamedia creates a free campaign ad out of the purported drop from 8.3% to 8.2% (i.e., from appalling to marginally less appalling), but meantime millions have been added to the black-hole category of “Not In the Labor Force” — people who are so discouraged that they are not looking for work.


    That number is at an all-time high: 88 million. Thus the labor force participation rate, at under 64%, is lower than it’s been in 30 years. Mish Schedlock concludes, “Were it not for people dropping out of the labor force, the unemployment rate would be well over 11%.”


    Instead of giving the Left ammunition by bizarrely implying that our outlook is improving, maybe the Romney campaign could give some thought to breaking through the fudged “unemployment rate” chatter. Something like:


    Total Population of Germany: 82,000,000


    Population of U.S. Not in Labor Force: 88,000,000





  13. Of course the ones that have show fraud are manufactured. You expect someone to commit voter fraud and say "hey, I think I'll film my act of voter fraud and post in on the internet." God are these people !@#$ing stupid. :wallbash:




    I respectfully disagree........they are not stupid.................................they are dishonest.



  14. The Story Unravels: New Questions about Trayvon Martin's Final Hour

    By Jeff Lipkes



    Once upon a time, a nice young man set off from his dad's fiancée's home before the NBA All-Star game to buy some Skittles and Arizona Tea for his stepbrother. Although the lad was seventeen, he looked like a cute twelve-year-old. Along came a burly ex-con racist vigilante who didn't like the idea of a young African-American male walking around his gated community at night. The cop-wannabe stalked the frightened boy, cornered him, and then shot him. But the racist police didn't arrest the murderer. The conscience of the nation was stirred. Protests erupted from coast to coast. The gunning down of young, unarmed black males by white Rambos -- and the occasional "white Hispanic" -- is an all-too-common occurrence in the US of A.



    Now the MSM narrative is unraveling, thanks to Al Gore's nifty invention, the internet. The average MSNBC viewer may not have the smarts and curiosity to do a Google search, but other people do. A lot of the searches wind up at the sites of the Orlando Sentinel and the city's Fox affiliate, Channel 35, both of which have provided good coverage.






    We are being asked to chose between two stories:


    1.that the teen was intercepted by Zimmerman, asked "why are you following me?," and was pushed; or

    2.that he came back for Zimmerman; asked, "Do you have a f-ing problem?"; and, when told no, said, "You do now," and leveled Zimmerman.


    As for the killing itself, those who are curious know that the only eyewitness who called 911 reported that Martin was on top of Zimmerman, pummeling him. Zimmerman was crying out for help. The witness ran upstairs, heard a shot, and saw the guy who was on top dead on the ground. Zimmerman himself reported that the teenager suddenly confronted him and, after a brief exchange, decked him with one punch. Martin got on top of Zimmerman and began slamming his head against the concrete. The physical evidence corroborated the stories of the neighborhood watch captain and of "John": Zimmerman's back was wet and had grass stains, and he had a broken nose and lacerations on the back of his head. "I was yelling for help and no one came," he told police.


    American Thinker



  15. Holder’s opposition to ID laws comes in spite of the Supreme Court’s 6–3 decision in 2008, authored by liberal Justice John Paul Stevens, that upheld the constitutionality of Indiana’s tough ID requirement. When groups sue to block photo-ID laws in court, they can’t seem to produce real-world examples of people who have actually been denied the right to vote. According to opinion polls, over 75 percent of Americans — including majorities of Hispanics and African-Americans — routinely support such laws.


    One reason is that people know you can’t function in the modern world without showing ID — you can’t cash a check, travel by plane or even train, or rent a video without being asked for one. In fact, PJ Media recently proved that you can’t even enter the Justice Department in Washington without showing a photo ID. Average voters understand that it’s only common sense to require ID because of how easy it is for people to pretend they are someone else


    Filmmaker James O’Keefe demonstrated just how easy it is on Tuesday when he dispatched an assistant to the Nebraska Avenue polling place in Washington where Attorney General Holder has been registered for the last 29 years. O’Keefe specializes in the same use of hidden cameras that was pioneered by the recently deceased Mike Wallace, who used the technique to devastating effect in exposing fraud in Medicare claims and consumer products on 60 Minutes. O’Keefe’s efforts helped expose the fraud-prone voter-registration group ACORN with his video stings, and has had great success demonstrating this year in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Minnesota just how easy it is to obtain a ballot by giving the name of a dead person who is still on the rolls. Indeed, a new study by the Pew Research Center found at least 1.8 million dead people are still registered to vote. They aren’t likely to complain if someone votes in their place.


    In Washington, it was child’s play for O’Keefe to beat the system. O’Keefe’s assistant used a hidden camera to document his encounter with the election worker at Holder’s polling place:


    Man: “Do you have an Eric Holder, 50th Street?


    Poll worker: “Let me see here.”


    Man: Xxxx 50th Street.


    Poll Worker: Let’s see, Holder, Hol-t-e-r, or Hold-d-e-r?


    Man: H-o-l-d-e-r.


    Poll Worker: D-e-r. Okay.


    Man: That’s the name.


    Poll Worker: I do. Xxxx 50th Street NW. Okay. [Puts check next to name, indicating someone has shown up to vote.] Will you sign there . . .


    Man: I actually forgot my ID.


    Poll Worker: You don’t need it; it’s all right.


    Man: I left it in the car.


    Poll Worker: As long as you’re in here, and you’re on our list and that’s who you say you are, we’re okay.


    Man: I would feel more comfortable if I go get my ID, is it all right if I go get it?


    Poll Worker: Sure, go ahead.


    Man: I’ll be back faster than you can say furious!


    Poll Worker: We’re not going anywhere.


    Note that O’Keefe’s assistant never identified himself as Eric Holder, so he was not illegally impersonating him.


    Nor did he attempt to vote using the ballot that was offered him, or even to accept it. O’Keefe has been accused by liberals of committing voter fraud in his effort to expose just how slipshod the election systems of various no-ID-required states are, but lawyers say his methods avoid that issue. Moreover, he has only taped his encounters with election officials in jurisdictions that allow videotaping someone in public with only one party’s knowledge




    But the groups opposing voter ID won’t let the facts get in their way. James Clyburn of South Carolina, the third-ranking member in the House Democratic leadership, compares voter-ID laws to “Jim Crow” provisions that blocked people from voting in the last century, and said he is “very, very anxious” that the Supreme Court “as it is presently constituted” will support the new laws. But as previously noted, the Supreme Court already has supported voter ID, with its opinion authored by its most liberal member at the time.


    Some criticism of voter-ID laws has morphed into intimidation. This week, Color of Change, co-founded by former Obama special adviser Van Jones, threatened a boycott against Coca-Cola and Walmart because they financially supported the American Legislative Exchange Council, which has helped state legislators draft some of the voter-ID laws. Within hours, Coca-Cola resigned its membership in ALEC. So far Walmart is holding out by arguing that ALEC is involved with dozens of issues, many of them of direct concern to Walmart shareholders.



    John Fund



  16. Healthy polar bear count confounds doomsayers


    The debate about climate change and its impact on polar bears has intensified with the release of a survey that shows the bear population in a key part of northern Canada is far larger than many scientists thought, and might be growing.


    The number of bears along the western shore of Hudson Bay, believed to be among the most threatened bear subpopulations, stands at 1,013 and could be even higher, according to the results of an aerial survey released Wednesday by the Government of Nunavut. That’s 66 per cent higher than estimates by other researchers who forecasted the numbers would fall to as low as 610 because of warming temperatures that melt ice faster and ruin bears’ ability to hunt. The Hudson Bay region, which straddles Nunavut and Manitoba, is critical because it’s considered a bellwether for how polar bears are doing elsewhere in the Arctic.


    The debate over the polar-bear population has been raging for years, frequently pitting scientists against Inuit. In 2004, Environment Canada researchers concluded that the numbers in the region had dropped by 22 per cent since 1984, to 935. They also estimated that by 2011, the population would decrease to about 610. That sparked worldwide concern about the future of the bears and prompted the Canadian and American governments to introduce legislation to protect them.


    But many Inuit communities said the researchers were wrong. They said the bear population was increasing and they cited reports from hunters who kept seeing more bears. Mr. Gissing said that encouraged the government to conduct the recent study, which involved 8,000 kilometres of aerial surveying last August along the coast and offshore islands.


    Mr. Gissing said he hopes the results lead to more research and a better understanding of polar bears. He said the media in southern Canada has led people to believe polar bears are endangered. “They are not.” He added that there are about 25,000 polar bears across Canada’s Arctic. “That’s likely the highest [population level] there has ever been.”





    For years, polar bear experts have reported a growing number of underweight polar bears heading south for food. Far from being signs of an apocalyptic extinction, those are classic signs of overpopulation. The habitat is not shrinking; over-breeding that has the species overrunning the land (in this case the sea. We stopped hunting to beef up the herd, so to speak. Now the polar bears suffer as there are too many of them.



  17. One theory is that he’s trying to intimidate the justices into deciding the case his way. But if that’s his aim, it would be odd to wait until after they’ve heard the case–and, it is believed, after they’ve privately voted on it–to begin the campaign. Moreover, while we’d say a politician’s trash talk is unlikely to have any effect on the justices at all, the odds that it would influence them in his favor are surely minuscule. Judges jealously guard their independence, as the Fifth Circuit demonstrated yesterday. They’re right to do so…



    As we noted in our August essay, “Everyone loves a winner, and progressives are angry and disconsolate with Mr. Obama because they increasingly see him as a loser.” If the Supreme Court strikes down ObamaCare, Obama will be a loser again. If he shows what normal people regard as due deference to a coequal branch of government, the Angry Left will see him as a weak loser and may turn their anger against him…



    If this theory is right, then Obama is attacking the Supreme Court in order to deflect the rage of his own followers. He has a problem with his base, all right, and he wants to turn it into someone else’s problem.




    His problems are always someone else’s problems



    Wall Street Journal

  18. CNN to George Zimmernan:


    Gee, George, sorry we pretty much declared you a racist in front of all of America before having all the facts, but Obama's all-in on this one and we're all-in for Obama and since you're a registered Democrat, we think you'll understand.




    -The Most Trusted Name in News

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