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Posts posted by B-Man

  1. If you can't see this as what it is...you straight up cannot talk about anything with anyone except other people who 1) are stupid enough to feel they have a "team" plain and simple in politics and 2) who have your team and are enthusiastic about it. This is as transparent as it gets. It's that simple.






    As for the "programs" argument...it's irrelevant. It's the practice that matters...that's what the ATF had been doing period...for quite sometime...it was messing it up for a while...and finally after a huge mess up was ended under Holder. That's it. "Program" labels matter not the entire dispute over 1 program continuing and morphing or 2 programs is stupid. It was all 1 big thing they had been doing...




    1st paragraph.) This what is known in my field (healthcare) as projection.


    You have decided that its one (team) of politicians against the other, not I.

    I still believe that there are some good, dedicated folks in Congress................its that simple.


    2nd paragraph) "it was messing up for a while and finally ended under Holder" is whats known as denial.


    The Fast and Furious program was NOT a continuation, but a NEW program (albeit similar) that was started by the Obama Justice dpt.






  2. Yes, it is. And that's the situation...ATF down there had for some time engaged in stings selling guns and lost quite a few, culminating in a sale where they lost a ton...then the practice was ended (by HOlder himself)...now it's being investigated by everybody b/c why? Eric Holder is in contempt of Congress by vote exactly down the party line why? B/c of a search for the truth and a remedy to this issue? Take off the blinder brother.


    It must be difficult for you. I guess I can assume you don't vote, because everything a politician does is self-serving, so why vote, right?


    You deliberately overstate both sides of the argument, no one can be trying to find the truth, its only being done for political reasons, everyone who doesnt accept that "all or nothing" appoach has blinders on........................................sad.




    Under a program that spans two administrations...but only this one exercised bad judgement...

    ...no, wait. I can almost buy that logic.



    You have been given clear links (and are well-read enough to know) that the two programs were NOT the same, but you keep repeating it to try and make a point.


    (Most) everyone agrees that both programs were awful, so your second comment is quite superfluous.




  3. Blaming the gun for the death of that border patrol agent is.



    No, it is not.



    The "blame" , as you so casually phrase it, is on the shooter/killer.


    There is also the responsibilities of those who helped provide guns to killers, that is what is being investigated.


    illogic, calling it pro-gun control.






  4. Because, as everyone knows, the only guns in all of Mexico are the guns lost by the idiots running Fast & Furious.


    So if F&F hadn't happened, that Border Patrol Agent would be alive today.



    Thats a pretty half-assed statement...............................I wish that I could see the future like you.



    The fact is, it was a F&F weapon that killed the agent................no amount of snarkiness changes that.






  5. Who exactly authorized the program, what the highest level of knowledge was about the program, whether Holder lied under oath about when he found out about F&F, why the president is or can be allowed to exercise executive privilege for something Holder says Obama was never involved with or knew about.

    And maybe above all, what I want an answer for is why the asshat local DOJ officials who concocted the idea and designed it to fail at every level, and then tried to cover up this scheme were actually given promotions to DOJ headquarters in D.C.? ... and what can be done about this injustice.


    The thought that these people are now responsible for even wider-scope activities is just galling.



    Thank you.







    Everyone agrees that the program was ill-concieved.


    Everyone agrees that we do not want it to happen again.


    but when the committee is stonewalled regarding their investigation for almost a year,



    we get........"its just political"................................and..........."whats the point?"



    Some consistency, about a very serious subject, would be nice.



  6. Chuck Grassley Schools CNN's Soledad OBrien over Fast and Furious

    By Jeffrey Meyer



    It appears as though CNN anchor Soledad OBrien has joined the ranks in +the liberal media who argue that the GOP is engaging in a political witch hunt over the lethal Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal. During an interview with Sen. Chuck Grassley this morning, Soledad pressed the Iowa Republican about GOP congressmen's motives behind the contempt of Congress vote against Attorney General Eric Holder.


    O'Brien hyped Maryland Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings's charge that the the House GOP's vote for the contempt charge was purely partisan politics. O'Brien agreed, noting the partisan breakdown of the contempt vote.


    To O'Brien, that necessarily means, of course, that only Republicans are acting in a "partisan" manner while Democrats -- who toed their party line defense of a Democratic president's attorney general -- presumably are acting purely out love of country.


    I'm motivated to get the facts out, to make sure the law is faithfully executed, to make sure [the] Terry family gets the information, and make sure a stupid program like this never happens again," Grassley snapped.




    GRASSLEY: Well, I think there's several respects where it rises to this level. Number one, Congress passes laws. That doesn't -- that isn't the end of Congress' involvement. We are supposed to be a check on the executive branch to see that the laws are faithfully executed. When you're encouraging -- the government is encouraging guns to be sold illegally to people that shouldn't have them, you know the laws aren't being faithfully executed. So in order to be a check on the executive branch under our Constitution, we need this information.


    O'BRIEN: Seems to I think give fodder to those like Elijah Cummings who I was talking to this morning who said this is purely partisan. Look at the vote. It was purely along partisan lines. Congress these days is viciously partisan. Here's what he told me a little earlier this morning, sir.




    REP. ELIJAH CUMMINGS (D), MARYLAND: This is not about the facts. This is about politics. And anybody who looks at this knows that. The chairman had made up his mind, and this is a result that I guess he wanted. And now we see where we are.




    O'BRIEN: There are lots of people besides the congressman saying that. What would you say to him?


    GRASSLEY: Well, I would say to him -- he can say anything about members of the House of Representatives he wants to. But he knows me well enough in the three decades that Ive been in the Senate, I have established a reputation for vigorous oversight. And I have probably taken on more Republican presidents of my own party than I have Democrat presidents. So nobody can question whether or not I'm politically motivated by this. I'm motivated to get the facts out, to make sure the law is faithfully executed, to make sure Terry family gets the information, and make sure a stupid program like this never happens again.



  7. Obama Using Hispanics As Patsies

    By Alicia Colon


    Isn't President Obama a clever one? He ordered a change in policy via executive edict that could allow as many as 800,000 immigrants who came to the United States illegally not only to remain in the country without fear of being deported, but to work legally. Now why would he do that after boasting that his deportation record of illegals was the strongest ever? Perhaps he fears that Mitt Romney will pick Sen. Marco Rubio as his V.P. and Rubio's modified Dream Act is certain to attract Hispanic voters to the GOP. Obama also knows that the immigration issue is a sure fire divider of the Republicans, many of whom unwisely regard amnesty as a reason to stay home in November.


    I am a conservative who has argued time and again that the Hispanic community is not a monolithic one and it is insulting to those of us with a Hispanic heritage whenever politicians lump as all into one stewpot. Many of us are native born Americans first and our allegiance is to an America we regard as the greatest country in the world. It is exceptional. It is unique and unlike any other because it is made up of all countries.


    It is a glaring fact that the president doesn't really care about Hispanics other than to view us as a voting bloc and it is vitally important for those Hispanics who are bona fide citizens and eligible to vote to recognize this con job against us. This executive edict is nothing more than an attempt to steal the November election by flooding the voter rolls with ineligible voters. Doesn't anybody recall what the Clinton/Gore campaign did in 1996 with its "Citizen USA" program which one Clinton aide said was meant to, "produce 1 million new citizens before Election Day" that November?




    Making it easier for employers to hire illegals at substandard wages is hardly beneficial to Hispanics struggling in this awful economy but if it gets Obama re-elected than it will be worth it, right?



    Alicia Colon




  8. Holder Has Long Been Contemptible

    By Aaron Goldstein


    While the House Oversight Committee has now recommended that Congress hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for his conduct during the Fast and Furious scandal, one could make the case that Holder has long held the American public in contempt.


    After all, how many cabinet secretaries begin their tenure by calling his fellow Americans "a nation of cowards" where it concerned the question of racism? Never mind that America has become a nation where racism is not only unacceptable but a nation where, outside of being called a murderer or a rapist, nothing is worse than being called a racist.


    If anyone has behaved cowardly where it concerns racism, it is Holder. What can one say about a man who sees fit to drop a successfully prosecuted case of voter intimidation?




    Instead we have an Attorney General who uses the race card to immunize himself from criticism. In December 2011, Holder told the New York Times, "This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we're both African-American."


    Ah yes, from the Janeane Garofalo School of Government which states that all Republican criticism of President Obama and, by extension, Eric Holder is motivated solely by race.


    Aaron Goldstein





    There you go with assumptions.





    So if you are getting followed by a stranger, that's not grounds for standing your ground?



    You are mis-stating what occurred, its been posted time and time again in this thread.


    Check the timelines.....................and stop assuming what happened.




  10. Need a laugh ? then read on...........


    From HuffPo;


    Pelosi: ‘I Could Have Arrested Karl Rove’



    WASHINGTON — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday that the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is playing politics with its vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, an action she said that even she didn’t seek as House Speaker when she thought someone was legitimately deserving of it.


    “I could have arrested Karl Rove on any given day,” Pelosi said to laughter, during a sit-down with reporters. “I’m not kidding. There’s a prison here in the Capitol … If we had spotted him in the Capitol, we could have arrested him.”




    Asked on what grounds she could have arrested Rove, Pelosi replied, “Oh, any number. But there were some specific ones for his being in contempt of Congress. But we didn’t.”



    What’s hilarious here is — well, everything.


    But what’s specifically hilarious is that, in the course of criticizing a potential vote to hold Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, Nancy Pelosi brags that she could have had Rove arrested (something precisely no one in Congress is calling for in Holder’s case)


    And for what? You guessed it, for being in contempt of Congress!


    That’s because, in 2008 the House Judiciary Committee held Rove in contempt, on a party-line vote, for failing to answer a subpoena!



    What a maroon Nancy is.............................................................



  11. Senator Chuck Grassley - Iowa ® Senate Judicial Committee


    The assertion of executive privilege raises monumental questions, how can the president assert executive privilege if there was no White House involvement?


    How can the president exert executive privilege over documents he’s supposedly never seen?


    The contempt citation is an important procedural mechanism in our system of checks and balances,”




  12. Executive Privilige only applies with comunications from or with the President “only”.


    Holder has already testified that Obama was “not” involved or knew anything about F&F.


    Now which is it?


    He knew or he didn’t.


    Can’t have it both ways.


    Oh wait, I’m wrong.......................................................I forgot it is the Obama administration.





  13. I was (almost) hoping that no one would post about the Left's WaWa moment.


    Its such a blatant attempt to try a create a story to fit the Obama campaign's "Romney is out of touch" meme,


    that its really not worth the effort commenting on.


    They edit the video to get what they need.



    Of course, it worked for the FAKE President H.W. Bush "scanner" story that was invented by a NYT "reporter", but there's a new media in town.................and falsehoods will be exposed.



  14. Obama's Immigration Ploy Is Meant To Help Obama, Not The Nation

    Tue, Jun 19 2012




    President Obama's latest political ploy — granting new "rights" out of thin air, by executive order, to illegal immigrants who claim that they were brought into the country when they were children — is all too typical of his short-run approach to the country's long-run problems.


    Whatever the merits or demerits of the Obama immigration policy, his executive order is good only as long as he remains president, which may be only a matter of months after this year's election.


    People cannot plan their lives on the basis of laws that can suddenly appear, and then suddenly disappear, in less than a year. To come forward today and claim the protection of the Obama executive order is to declare publicly and officially that your parents entered the country illegally. How that may be viewed by some later administration is anybody's guess.


    Employers likewise cannot rely on policies that may be here today and gone tomorrow, whether these are temporary tax rates designed to look good at election time or temporary immigration policies that can backfire later if employers get accused of hiring illegal immigrants.


    Why hire someone, and invest time and money in training them, if you may be forced to fire them before a year has passed?


    Kicking the can down the road is one of the favorite exercises in Washington. But neither in the economy nor in their personal lives can people make plans and commitments on the basis of government policies that suddenly appear and suddenly disappear.


    Like so many other Obama ploys, his immigration ploy is not meant to help the country, but to help Obama. This is all about getting the Hispanic vote this November.


    The principle involved — keeping children from being hurt by actions over which they had no control — is one already advanced by Sen. Marco Rubio, who may well end up as Gov. Romney's vice-presidential running mate.




    How do you check someone's claim that he was brought into the country illegally when he was a child? If Obama gets re-elected, it is very unlikely that illegal immigrants will really have to prove anything. The administration can simply choose not to enforce that provision, as so many other immigration laws are unenforced in the Obama administration.


    If Obama does not get re-elected, then it may not matter anyway, when his executive order can be gone after he is gone.


    Ultimately, it does not matter what immigration policy this country has, if it cannot control its own borders. Whoever wants to come, and who has the chutzpah, will come. And the fact that they come across the Mexican border does not mean that they are all Mexicans. They can just as easily be terrorists from the Middle East.


    Only after the border is controlled can any immigration policy matter be seriously considered, and options weighed through the normal constitutional process of congressional hearings, debate and legislation, rather than by presidential short-cuts.


    Not only is border control fundamental, what is also fundamental is the principle that immigration policy does not exist to accommodate foreigners but to protect Americans — and the American culture that has made this the world's richest, freest and most powerful nation for more than a century.


    No nation can absorb unlimited numbers of people from another culture without jeopardizing its own culture.


    Investors Business Daily




    when bush left, he doubled the debt. he left with 10 trillion in debt.


    obama according to this article has only added 1 trillion.... and that was when the private sector was not providing credit. so somebody had to spend to calm the storm...



    cant deal with reality?



    its actually a fact. unreal... the delusion people are under...



    Its difficult to read your posts without laughing......................I will certainly cede to your expertise in "delusion" ....lol


    perhaps when you are talking to yourself, you could ask..."how is it that everyone else in the thread is wrong and I'm right ?"


    Here in the real world we can see the fallacy of your "factual" spending numbers, no matter how many disproved articles you care to quote.


    But, you will continue on in your own little cocoon..............no expects anything else from you, except more entertainment.











    The author knows this, he chose a very specific example to structure his argument around -- and it worked. It got people like LA who has no hate in his heart that I've ever witnessed, to defend his racist rantings regardless of its content because he hit all the right buttons.


    You are projecting your belief of why the author chose the most talked about player in the National League this year and reaching your own conclusion




    If that's not enough for you, well then consider this:


    In the article, Harper is described as a new kind of baseball player who threatens the lazy black guy's hold on the game.

    Absolutely NOT in the article, its your reading of it.



    In the very next paragraph the author completely contradicts himself and proclaims Harper to be a "throwback" to the good ol' days of Baseball. When were those good ol' days he longs to return to? 1932 when the league was segregated.

    Again...YOUR interpretation. The actual article makes reference to 30 years back (1982) ....40 years back (1972) and his grandfathers career in the teens and twenties. You Chose to make the connection to segregation



    You go on and on torturing each word and stretching each point to reach the conclusion that you entered the article with



    and now all you offer if fake incredibility that no one else on the board can see what you see



    I, for one, am so glad that I don't automatically turn to race with each new thread.





  17. Fond memories of weekend getaways at the Castle Inn.



    Its gone now.





    Someone at Politico either has a wicked sense of humor or perhaps didn’t notice the irony of putting these two stories sequentially in today’s output. Here it is, verbatim:


    BURDEN OF GOVERNING COULD DISTRACT OBAMA FROM CAMPAIGN: “Although American voters are not particularly focused on foreign policy in a time of economic trouble, the rest of the world has a way of occupying a president’s time and intruding on his best-laid campaign plans,” Peter Baker writes on A1 of today’s New York Times that leads with the trouble in Greece, Syria and Egypt over the weekend. “If anything, the dire headlines from around the world only reinforce an uncomfortable reality for this president and any of his successors: even the world’s last superpower has only so much control over events beyond its borders…Whether from ripples of the European fiscal crisis or flare-ups of violence in Baghdad, it is easy to be whipsawed by events. The trick for any president, of course, is in not seeming to be whipsawed, even as his challenger presents him as weak and ineffectual in shaping international events.” Peter: NY Times Jennifer Epstein on what to watch in Mexico: Politico.


    MILESTONE: Obama played his 100th round of golf as president at the Beverly Country Club in Chicago yesterday. Here are some aerial photos of the course if you’re into that kind of thing: http://bit.ly/M5NFS7. Here’s Mark Knoller’s CBS News piece: http://cbsn.ws/MAyuCx.



  18. Good policy, will bring and solidly a huge and growing voting block to the polls....


    Now, let's figure out a way to sure up the border and let people come to this country legally.....


    But we wont



    B, bringing a specific voting bloc to the polls, is a poor reason to pass a law.



    and the main problem is not the content of the law (there are many similar bills being suggested by both parties), but the way in which it is being instituted.



    The Cynical Pander of the Sierra Madre




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