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Posts posted by B-Man

  1. Just show your returns Mitt and this whole thing is water under the bridge.


    Unless he lied and didn't leave Bain when he said he did.




    How hard is it to release your taxes... The man should be a proud American and show that he did his part. What is he scared of? That he is out of touch? Of course he is out of touch, we all know that. He should be proud of how hard he worked to earn a nice income... His old man had nothing to hide.




    You keep restating the same nonsense....................................He DID release them..............................



    but you keep regurgitating that same sour taste in your mouth, he SHOULD release more to prove our baseless accusations wrong !!


    What a hoot.


    It aint going to happen, and thanks to Harry's nonsense, it aint going to hurt Mitt either.......................................Thanks





  2. Okay.....................Now we're gettin somewhere.......................lol


    Awesome new scoop on Romney — his high school report card


    Really. Boston.com dug it up, andMediaite spells it out:


    Romney took English 3, Elementary Algebra, Biology, French 1, and Art 3. He is credited in his art class for having a “real ability in painting,” but admitted that Romney is “not as industrious or as responsible as he might be.”


    The rest of the report card contains similar comments about Romney’s potential to do better in class, and under additional comments, the following is written about Romney’s overall performance.


    “Mitt is doing well. He is a more responsible citizen this year.”



    Wow. Just devastating. So while he was allegedly cutting a classmate’s hair because he thought the guy was gay, Mitt was becoming “a more responsible citizen.” Looks like somebody had the teacher fooled. . . . . . .


    But seriously, his high school report card? Someone at The Boston Globe was paid to research this, and then New England’s biggest newspaper actually wasted online space to publish it? Can we see even half that much effort over Obama’s college records, since they were only 28 years ago instead of over 45 years ago? Personally, I don’t care about the President’s college records, but if we’re supposed to be in an uproar about Romney’s taxes, and care how he did in freakin’ art class, perhaps those could also be found?




    Hot Air


  3. :wacko: It's his fault that other people hold him to a burden of proof that he's not required to meet, and accuse him of fraud when he meets the legal burden he's required to meet?



    This has been stated over and over and over.


    They just don't care, follow, get it, understand.


    He will NOT release more..............keep wasting your efforts on this, please.




  4. Sorry.


    Governor Romney has released the required tax information, for the silly job interview comparison........those with no other way to support their faltering candidate don't get to name any amount of years necessary, just for their own benefit.


    The burden of proof is on the accuser..........................................put up or shut up Harry.


    Reid, who also refuses to release his own tax returns, isn’t just a hypocrite and a slanderer. He’s also a political idiot. Until these attacks, Romney was on the defensive over his tax returns. Now Romney can paint his decision to keep them private as a principled stand against unscrupulous opponents. Reid has handed the high ground to Romney in this fight with his scurrilous lies. Reid has all but ruined Obama’s strategy of making Romney look secretive and weird.


    Ed Morrissey




  5. Harry Reid has no brain


    In fact, Reid has no proof whatsoever that what the unidentified caller allegedly said in that unverified conversation containing the unsubstantiated claim has any merit at all.




    Reid didn't have time apparently to mention an accurate report that 36 Obama White House aides are $833,000 behind in their taxes, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Nor did Reid explain how the IRS has somehow overlooked a decade of missing tax returns from a multi-millionaire who's this administration's main political opponent. (nor did he explain why he and Nancy Pelosi have refused to release their tax returns.....What are YOU hiding Harry?......Land Deals?)


    Andrew Malcolm



  6. Don't laugh. Dow's up over 200 pts on this and solidly back above 13,000. Job growth was stronger than expected. I'm seeing an improving market going into the election, which will help Obama



    Just parrot the talking points Joe. Honestly....who falls for that "stronger than expected" crap anymore.....lol


    "I'd call this a soft 163," said Steve Blitz, chief economist at investment research firm ITG in New York. "If you want to take from this the notion that the economy is not heading to a recession or something more ominous, that's fine. But if you want to take from this the idea that the economy is about to accelerate, I think that would be a big mistake."


    Despite the seemingly good news, the report's household survey showed that the actual amount of Americans working dropped by 195,000, with the net job gain resulting primarily from seasonal adjustments in the establishment survey. The birth-death model, which approximates net job growth from newly added or closed businesses, added 52,000 to the total.


    The household survey also showed 150,000 fewer Americans in the workforce.





  7. Obama Campaign Sues to Restrict Military Voting

    by Mike Flynn 2 Aug 2012


    President Barack Obama, along with many Democrats, likes to say that, while they may disagree with the GOP on many issues related to national security, they absolutely share their admiration and dedication to members of our armed forces. Obama, in particular, enjoys being seen visiting troops and having photos taken with members of our military. So, why is his campaign and the Democrat party suing to restrict their ability to vote in the upcoming election?


    On July 17th, the Obama for America Campaign, the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party filed suit in OH to strike down part of that state's law governing voting by members of the military. Their suit said that part of the law is "arbitrary" with "no discernible rational basis."


    Currently, Ohio allows the public to vote early in-person up until the Friday before the election. Members of the military are given three extra days to do so. While the Democrats may see this as "arbitrary" and having "no discernible rational basis," I think it is entirely reasonable given the demands on servicemen and women's time and their obligations to their sworn duty.


    The National Defense Committee reports:

    for each of the last three years, the Department of Defense’s Federal Voting Assistance Program has reported to the President and the Congress that the number one reason for military voter disenfranchisement is inadequate time to successfully vote.



    I think its unconscionable that we as a nation wouldn't make it as easy as possible for members of the military to vote. They arguably have more right to vote than the rest of us, since it is their service and sacrifice that ensures we have the right to vote in the first place.


    If anyone proposes legislation to combat voter fraud, Democrats will loudly scream that the proposal could "disenfranchise" some voter, somewhere. We must ensure, they argue, that voting is easy and accessible to every single voter. Every voter, that is, except the men and women of our military.


    Make no mistake, the Democrat lawsuit is intended to disenfranchise some unknown number of military voters. The judge should reject it with prejudice.


    Big Government


  8. Look at how Romney was received. In Israel, its popular prime minister lavished on him a welcome so warm as to be a near-endorsement. In Poland, Romney received an actual endorsement from Lech Walesa, former dissident, former president, Cold War giant, Polish hero. Yet the headlines were “shove it” and “culture.”


    Scorecard? Romney’s trip was a major substantive success:

    one gaffe (Britain), two triumphs (Israel and Poland), and a fine demonstration of foreign-policy fluency and command — wrapped,

    however, in a media narrative of surpassing triviality.


    Dr. Charles Krauthammer




    The Cluck Heard ‘Round The World.



    Clearly, this is more than a “buycott” over gay marriage. If the smattered of people I’ve talked to are representative, homosexuality is a side issue.


    This strikes a much deeper, more foundational chord.


    The massive crowd reaction locally and nationwide are driven by a loathing of arrogant politicians like those in Boston, New York, Chicago and San Francisco who feel they have the power and the authority to tell a businessman like Dan Cathy what personal opinions he can and cannot hold if he wants to do business in “their” towns.


    They trampled on his religious beliefs. They trampled on his freedom of speech. They attempted to deny him and his franchisees the rights to start small businesses, merely because a free American dared to share what he believed.


    Bob Owens



    Last weekend in a meeting in Minneapolis, the Democratic convention's platform committee unanimously voted to plow ahead with a pro-same-sex marriage amendment that will call for the repeal of the Bill Clinton-signed Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). News of this development broke yesterday. The exact language of the platform plank is yet to be hammered out but should be available in a few weeks.


    At a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., yesterday, the Coalition of African-American Pastors announced that unless and until President Obama recants his position for same-sex marriage, they will counsel members of their respective congregations to not vote for Obama as his position on the issue counters biblical teaching.


    ABC, CBS, and NBC all failed to cover either development on their July 31 evening newscasts or August 1 morning news programs.

  11. What's really sad is that these polls effectively influence opinion. It seems silly to choose your candidate based on a poll but a lot of people do. We, as a race, give ourselves way too much credit for rational thought. I read a book called Influence that helped to make sense of this.


    Not that I see it happening, but I wonder how the left would feel about the electoral college if Romney were to win a clear majority & still lose. Somehow I think their principled stance would evolve.




    As I stressed two months ago,


    Today's media polls are NOT done to report information,


    they are done to influence and create an outcome.

  12. Obama tells a joke that pretty well sums up his term, accidentally




    These stories are almost always apocryphal, which is a polite way of saying totally made-up. The Obama story last night involved a youngster said to be named Sammy. Obama apparently meant it to be a humorous reference to the scores of millions of dollars, nearly $150 million since April alone, that he's spent on advertising not to outline a second-term agenda, but to attack Romney -- to little effect, according to polls.


    Obama said he was reminded of the following story involving a young family that was understandably "very excited" at the mere sight of an Obama photo:


    "This does also remind me of the season that we’re in. Jim Messina tells this story, my campaign manager. He was in some event, and this young couple who was there with their adorable four-year-old son, and I guess there was a picture of me somewhere, and so they were very excited.


    "They said, 'Sammy, who’s that?' And he said, 'That's Barack Obama.' 'And what does Barack Obama do?' And the boy thinks for a second and he says, 'He approves this message.'"


    Obama laughed and so did his wealthy audience. Because its members could afford to hear a different message straight from the source.


    But no one, least of all Barack Obama, seemed struck by the fact that after all this time and all this money the only thing an American youngster in 2012 knows about the current President of the United States is that he approves the message in a political TV ad. And this oblivious Chicago South Sider finds that worth sharing publicly.


    The thing is, Sammy's right. And that's not funny.


    Andrew Malcolm



  13. Could Romney come off as being a bigger douche than he already is. Way to go Romney insult everyone who are non Americans or Jews for being culturally challenged. Your weasel eyes and ways are showing. Glad you won't be our President in November.





    The Most Striking Thing About Mitt Romney’s Overseas Trip…


    …has been the press coverage. It has been hypercritical, to put it mildly. It started in England, where Romney’s observation that certain logistical issues relating to the Olympic Games were “disconcerting”–a judgment that has since proved resoundingly correct–was treated as a major diplomatic faux pas. Already forgotten, apparently, is the press’s attempt to make something sinister out of a Romney aide’s reference to America’s “Anglo-Saxon heritage” and its “shared history” with Great Britain. Of such thin gruel do liberal reporters and editors try to generate controversy.


    Then it was on to Israel, where Romney’s visit can fairly be characterized as triumphant. Without criticizing President Obama, he made it clear, in a ringing speech in Jerusalem, that his administration would be far friendlier to Israel than Obama’s. Romney’s speech was widely hailed in Israel as well as in the U.S., and probably enhanced his standing with many American Jews. Not to mention the fact that he raised $1 million from contributors with whom he met the next day.


    And yet press coverage has focused mainly on the Palestinian reaction to Romney’s pointing out that Israel’s “culture” has much to do with its prosperity relative to its neighbors, much as America’s culture explains its economic advantages over Mexico. The Palestinian objection was silly, and here is a news flash for American media: Romney isn’t angling for the Palestinian-American vote.


    Romney’s visit to Poland has been successful, too. He received a virtual endorsement from Lech Walesa.


    By any reasonable standard, Romney’s trip has been successful. Yet press coverage has been unrelentingly negative. This AP story sums up the press’s angle well: “Another hiccup? Romney’s foreign trip not smooth.” To hear the AP tell it, Romney has committed one blunder after another.


    None of this will have any effect on the election, except insofar as Romney benefits with pro-Israel voters and with Polish-American and Catholic voters. But it is a useful reminder that the media-formerly-known-as-mainstream are still lying in wait, and will pounce on any opportunity to give the Obama campaign a boost. They they have had so few openings to do so is a tribute to the discipline of Mitt Romney and his campaign.


    John Hinderaker



  14. London's opening ceremonies for the olympics featured an homage to the National Health Service...you know, the socialized medicine system that ya'll so regularly claim that the brits hate? Seems they're rather proud of it.



    This a rather obvious over-generalization.


    As opposed to your characterization that the Brits are proud of NHS, the show was certainly more a demonstration of what Danny Boyle believes in.


    The show had many critics, on many different types of sites.


    Thus, there was no great response here, because it just didn't rise to any particular level of importance,


    but if you want to use that brief part of the show as something more significant, go right ahead.



  15. The Washington Post is a joke. "Conservative" Op Ed page with banner and side ads that Mitt Romney wants to overturn Roe v Wade



    I'm not worried about the "ads", these sites need to take money from whomever they can, and the election year "lets scare women to keep them in line" ads, are not believable to anyone with a brain.



  16. Romney: You bet Jerusalem is the capital

    By Jennifer Rubin


    Without specifically criticizing President Obama in his speech in Jerusalem, Mitt Romney delivered a blow to the Obama campaign’s frantic efforts to defend the president’s hostile stance toward the Jewish state simply by saying: “It is a deeply moving experience to be in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.” The Obama administration can’t even say that much, a sign of how reflectively protective of the Palestinians’ sensibilities is this president. Of course, Jerusalem is the capital. It was declared so in 1948. The Knesset is there. The disposition of its borders is a matter for final status negotiation, but only an uninformed or virulently insensitive administration would be unable to distinguish the two.


    In a bit of cleverness the Romney team sent out the text of the speech with this header: “Mitt Romney today delivered remarks to the Jerusalem Foundation in Jerusalem, Israel.” That is a deliberate dig at this administration. which has repeatedly put out documents suggesting that Jerusalem isn’t in Israel and has attempted to scrub from the White House Web site the reference to Israel’s capital.


    Romney’s speech paid tribute to America’s historic relationship with Israel. (“Different as our paths have been, we see the same qualities in one another. Israel and America are in many respects reflections of one another.”)


    Washington Post



  17. You know what's really disconcerting? (Which is all Gov. Romney said despite what the lemmings believe)


    This is:


    Disconcerting” is giving into blatant hate and bigotry.


    Times of Israel:


    The Lebanese judo team at the 2012 London Olympics refused to practice next to the Israeli one on Friday afternoon, and a makeshift barrier was erected to split their gym into two halves.


    According to several Hebrew sports sites, the two teams were scheduled to use the same gym and mats at London’s new ExCeL center for their final preparations. However, the delegation from Lebanon would not train in view of the Israeli team, and insisted some sort of barrier be placed between them.


    Organizers accepted the Lebanese coach’s demand to separate the teams, erecting a barrier so that the Lebanese team wouldn’t see the Israeli one.


    If the Lebanese don’t want to practice next to the Israelis send them home. Why enable their hate by giving in to their demands? Talk about a gaffe: the IOC and London Olympic organizers have managed to spit in the face of the Olympic ideal, give in to haters, and insult the Israelis — all in one afternoon. Makes Mitt Romney look like the soul of discretion.

  18. Romney leads Obama, 49 percent to 44 percent, in the general election matchup. That nearly mirrors the result on who voters say they trust more to handle the economy. Romney leads there 49-43.


    Just last Saturday, though, the two candidates were tied at 46 percent apiece. Rasmussen notes that "as with any such change in the race, it remains to be seen whether it marks a lasting shift or is merely statistical noise."


    But economic news doesn't look like it's going to improve much in the short-term. Friday's GDP report beat expectations but also showed extremely sluggish growth overall. Consumer confidence, meanwhile, remained at its low point for the year.


    Since it's always fun to compare: On this day in 2008, Obama led Republican nominee John McCain by 5 points — 49 to 44 percent — in Rasmussen's daily tracking.


    Business Insider

  19. Keith Hennessey


    The policy consequences of “you didn’t build that”



    Here the President dismisses the importance of intellect and effort as contributors to success. Is there any more charitable way to interpret this text?


    While in the Roanoke remarks President Obama stresses the importance of government as a contributor to the economic success of businesses, in other contexts he emphasizes the importance of luck in economic success. He frequently refers to the rich as “blessed” and “fortunate.” . . .


    In these cases and many others President Obama describes the rich as passive recipients of blessings or good fortune. He rarely credits skill, intelligence, savvy, hard work, or risk-taking as contributors to economic success. According to the President’s language, the rich are that way because they are blessed and fortunate (i.e., lucky), not because they worked harder than others, or were smarter, or savvier, or took bigger risks or sacrificed more. In this framework, success is given to you, not earned by you.



    The key policy implication is that if he can convince enough people that you didn’t earn your success, he’ll face less opposition when he tries to take the fruits of your success for himself. And that’s what this whole “you didn’t build it” thing is about. I’m not taking your property away — it was really mine all along!



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