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Posts posted by B-Man

  1. From that well-known "conservative rag" , the Politico................lol




    Romney winning with middle-class families

    The past several weeks have been filled with news stories, editorials and columns heaping criticism on the tactics and strategy of the Romney campaign. Many of these opinion pieces even suggested that Romney’s only hope for winning is to make substantial changes to his campaign. Much of this analysis is based on the premise that Romney is out of touch and has not been making an affirmative case to middle-class voters. His comments at a private fundraiser in May were pointed to as an illustration that he could never identify with and win the support of many middle-class voters. We took a special look at middle-class voters, and middle-class families in particular, in this latest POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll and found that not to be the case. In fact, on every measure it is Romney who is winning the battle for the support of middle-class families.


    Overall, Obama leads Romney by just 3 points on the ballot (50 percent to 47 percent) – which before we rounded up, is actually a 2.6 point lead and only up a half-a-percentage point from the 2.1 point lead for Obama in our last Battleground poll in early August.


    In our latest POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll with middle-class families, which comprise about 54 percent of the total American electorate and usually split in their vote behavior between Republicans and Democrats, Romney holds a 14-point advantage (55 percent to 41 percent). Middle-class families are more inclined to believe the country is on the wrong track (34 percent right direction, 62 percent wrong track), are more likely to hold an unfavorable view of Obama (48 percent favorable, 51 percent unfavorable), and hold a more favorable view of Romney (51 percent favorable, 44 percent unfavorable) and Paul Ryan (46 percent favorable, 35 percent unfavorable) than the overall electorate. These middle-class families also hold a majority disapproval rating on the job Obama is doing as president (45 percent approve, 54 percent disapprove), and turn even more negative toward Obama on specific areas; the economy 56 percent disapprove; spending 61 percent disapprove; taxes, 53 percent disapprove; Medicare 48 percent disapprove; and even foreign policy 50 percent disapprove.


    All of this data make clear that Romney has won the strong support of middle-class families and is leading the president on an overwhelming majority of key measurements beyond just the ballot. In fact, when respondents were asked who, Obama or Romney, would best handle a variety of issues, Romney led on all but one including the economy (+9 percent), foreign policy (+3 percent), spending (+15 percent), taxes (+7 percent), Medicare (+2 percent), and jobs (+10 percent). Ironically, the one measurement Obama led Romney on was “standing up for the middle class” (+8 Obama), reinforcing that often the Democrats win the message war with the middle class, but not their hearts and souls.


  2. This is the kind of story Fox news jumps on and appeals to the "traditionalist" who thinks America is under attack by the left and law. This is a stupid non-story. Who cares about this and why would anyone get worked up? Unless it's just one sign of America being destroyed! hehe...now you have a guy running for state senate on the platform of "I will restore FAther-Daughter dances!"...idiocy



    LOL.....wow, quite a bit of bias showing in that reply NB.


    You're aware that the op's link is from the Providence Journal....right?


      Rhode Island school bans father-daughter dances, says they break the law

      RI School System: Dad-Daughter Dances Violate Law
      ABC News



    Cranston Schools In Rhode Island Ban Father-Daughter, Mother-Son





    Some other "Redneck Rhode Island sites, that don't know when something is not newsworthy.....lol






  3. Obama cancels Election Season Meeting with Egyptian Islamist, Morsi


    President Barack Obama has quietly cancelled a politically risky plan to meet this week with Egypt’s new Islamist president.

    The plan was cancelled amid a wave of riots and attacks in Arab countries that have damaged Obama’s campaign-trail claim to foreign policy competence.

    In 2011, Obama had “bilateral” meetings with 13 Arab and world leaders during the annual U.S. summit. This year, amid the foreign policy meltdown, his schedule shows no so-called bilats” with any foreign leaders.

    The cancelled visit with Morsi was mentioned in a Sept. 23 New York Times article about Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, an Islamist who now governs the Arab region’s most important country.


    Read more: http://dailycaller.c.../#ixzz27P8CyGji




    President Obama finally clears his schedule. Now has time for sit-down

    with Honey Boo-Boo and lunch with Snooki.


    and don't worry, he can meet with him after the election, you know, when he has more flexibility.....













  4. Not sure 2010 is a good example. 3 months before that midterm, it wasn't a matter of "if," it was a matter of "when" the Dems lose 5+ seats in the Senate and 35+ seats in the House.


    Not to the dem leaders......................and thats the point.


    They were still saying that their polling had them in good shape right up til November


    I do not believe everyone in the media was saying that "when/if" scenario that youseem to recall.




  5. No, it's asinine to compare combat losses to non-combat losses, and to do so in a way that purposefully invokes an equivalence to World War II. That kind of writing is nothing more than pablum for the simple-minded.


    Well, I'm sure that you will continue to post as you want, but one would wish that you would comment more on the subject of the thread (in this and all the others) rather than just nitpick on the writer's skills (or lack of)


    Two marines were killed in this attack, that should certainly qualify it as "combat"


    The American media has not shown any interest in the destruction of 8 fighter jets, an almost unfathomable occurrence............EXCEPT during a dem president re-election campaign.





  6. Comparing that to the defense of Wake is completely asinine.


    Picking that one part of the report (in which multiple aircraft were destroyed) as some sort of significant comment is also asinine.


    C'mon Tom, get out of the balcony and into the game.


    This evry side is wrong schtick is old................................you're like Adam, but with an attitude (and a thesaurus)




  7. One More:



    "US State Dept. blasts CNN report on Christopher Stevens' diary."


    Why? Because it contravened the wishes of the family.


    CNN broke a pledge to the late ambassador's family that it wouldn't report on the diary, said State Department spokesman Philippe Reines, a senior adviser to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton...



    The public has a right to know what CNN learned from
    "multiple sources" about fears and warnings of a terror threat before the Benghazi attack, the channel said, "which are now raising questions about why the State Department didn't do more to protect Ambassador Stevens and other U.S. personnel


    "Whose first instinct is to remove from a crime scene the diary of a man killed along with three other Americans serving our country, read it, transcribe it, email it around your newsroom for others to read" and then call the family?" Reines asked.



    I'm glad CNN did this. The State Department — it's obvious, isn't it? — wanted to suppress this information, and CNN got it out. This is a major international event, and I don't accept privatizing it. Yes, there is a grieving family, but the State Department, which calls CNN "disgusting," is hiding behind that family. That's disgusting.


    In its online story, CNN said it found the journal on the "floor of the largely unsecured consulate compound where he was fatally wounded."


    Why wasn't the crime scene secured? If CNN hadn't taken the journal, where would it be now? Having taken it, they shouldn't read it? Having read it, they shouldn't use it?


    Asked to comment on CNN's report that Stevens was concerned about a "hit list," Reines referred to a news conference last Thursday at which Clinton was asked about it.

    "I have absolutely no information or reason to believe that there's any basis for that," Clinton had said.


    Why didn't Clinton know anything? Or was she lying? I'm sick of this suppression. Our ambassador was assassinated, the State Department has been lying or dissembling, and we're asked to be distracted by the family's wishes... as asserted by the State Department in cover-your-ass mode... or worse.


    MSNBC Panel Baffled: Why Anyone Would Think ‘Redistribution Of Wealth’ Is Bad?


    by Noah Rothman


    On Thursday’s panel discussion on MSNBC’s NOW, reporters and columnists from esteemed publications like the Chicago Sun-Times and the New York Times tackled a recently released video of President Barack Obama in 1998 advocating for programs that would augment the government’s redistributive powers. The panel noted that Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign has pounced on the video, but they were nearly universally perplexed as to why anyone would view Obama’s comments about redistribution in a negative light. After all, they said, government’s most successful programs redistribute wealth in some degree. Some panel guests concluded by urging the president and his supporters to engage in a debate over the beneficence of an activist government. Conservatives who know that the debate over the proper role of government is one they most often win would likely agree.




    What faith in the intelligence of the governed this panel demonstrates. The only reason why a voter would perceive the term, let alone the action, of redistribution in a negative light is because they are babes in the woods – utterly baffled by the meaning of words and the historic track record of confiscatory government.


    Melber went on to cite New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait who described Obama’s advocacy for market-based delivery systems of progressive government programs as “moderate.” Spare me. This is an example of a tired, contradictory trope that liberals tell themselves when they think no one is looking: American’s like government, just so long as it is hidden in plain sight.


    But if one fallacy was not enough for the panel, MSNBC contributor Richard Wolffe trots out the straw man to end all straw men. After saying that even a purely flat tax rate was as redistributive as a progressive tax, Wolffe claimed, “If you don’t believe in redistribution, then you don’t believe in any public services at all.”


    Perhaps the panelists should spend less time in the echo chamber and more time digesting polls. The most recent Gallup survey which showed that a majority of respondents – 54 percent, in fact – said that government is trying to do too much. Just 39 percent said that government should do more to solve the nation’s problems. Another clear majority, 51 percent, said that government has too much power. 8 percent said that they did not have enough power.




    The U.S. Suffered Its Worst Airpower Loss Since Vietnam Last Week and No One Really Noticed



    The Taliban attack on an air base in southern Afghanistan on Friday drew coverage for the way the insurgents cloaked themselves in U.S. army uniforms to gain a tactical advantage, but few have taken note of the historical proportions of the damage inflicted. John Gresham, at the Defense Media Network, has published a detailed account of the attack on Camp Bastion, in which two Marines were killed, six U.S. Marine Corps jet fighters were destroyed, and two more "significantly" damaged. Those facts were all carried in most reports, but if that just sounds like a typical damage report from a decade-long war, you're wrong. Gresham explains the devastating damage done to VMA-211, the name of the Marine Corps attack squadron that was most affected last week, noting that it is "arguably the worst day in [u.S. Marine Corps] aviation history since the Tet Offensive of 1968." Or you could go back even further. "The last time VMA-211 was combat ineffective was in December 1941, when the squadron was wiped out during the 13-day defense of Wake Island against the Japanese."



    ...does it need to be said just how the media would have handled this under a Republican administration?...






    I highly encourage everyone on the board to click on Ducky's Yahoo link........................you know forget it, here's the ENTIRE article.






    Tide shifting toward Obama in battleground statesBy CHARLES BABINGTON and THOMAS BEAUMONT | Associated Press




    DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — In a presidential race seemingly frozen in place for months, the advantage has shifted toward President Barack Obama.

    That change follows a series of miscues by Mitt Romney, punctuated by the Republican challenger's comments about people who pay no income tax.

    Despite a continuing gray economic sky and unrest in the Mideast, the president has edged ahead of Romney in some of the most competitive states, including Iowa and Virginia, and forced Romney to redouble efforts in Florida and Ohio — which he probably must win if he wants to be president.

    With about six weeks left before Election Day and early voting under way in some states, Romney faces a problematic map, a ticking clock and a campaign demeanor that has failed to click with many voters.



    There is exactly what the public is facing over the next six weeks. A laughingly written proclamation (It took two people to write this...lol) that Mr Obama is pulling ahead.


    NO link to show where.

    NO individual state polling results quoted

    NO mention of the multiple Obama administration miscues in the last week.


    This what passes as a NEWS article (not an opinion piece, but news) in todays media


    They’re just Democratic Party operatives with bylines now.






    "I'm pretty sure Obama owes Nakoula an apology."



    We're barraged by new distractions, so let's catch things that are slipping down the memory hole. It's not just Nakoula. It's Chris Stevens. Our ambassador was murdered, and he was murdered after he was targeted and he was not given security.


    Shame on those who disrespected Nakoula's freedom of speech. Their faults are apparent and need to be remembered. But what happened to Chris Stevens? I don't trust that we've learned the whole story. Why wasn't he protected? Was he an inconvenient man? We saw such an effort to create static around his death. Look — riots over here, here, and here! Offensive video on the internet! Man with a "towel" around his face! And hey check out the most important thing that happened all week: Romney said "47%" to some people back in May!


    The very fact that we're thinking about Nakoula — and futzing with Romney rhetoric — makes me feel that Chris Stevens got stuffed the memory hole.


    Who wanted that forgetting and why?




  12. the govt should not be subsidizing a !@#$ing religion... christ... thats not the point of taxation...


    Unbelievable conclusion drawn from this article


    Really stunning.


    It reveals a out of mainstream mindset


    Religious donations, long exempt from taxation in our history........................is government subsidizing religion....wow




    Mitt Romney's dirty tax secret is out. He paid MORE than he had to



    For months now the Democrats have been hounding Romney, demanding that he release his most recent tax returns. Mitt refused, fuelling suspicions that he had something to hide. Turns out he did. The Romney camp finally released his tax returns on Friday afternoon and they reveal that rather than paying less that he had to, he's actually been paying more. The cat’s out of the bag: Mitt Romney is a good citizen.


    Here are the stats. In 2011, the Romneys paid roughly $1.9 million in tax out of a $13.7 million income; their effective tax rate was 14.1 per cent. On top of that, they donated over $4 million to charity – as astonishing 30 per cent of their income. Here’s the kicker: the Romneys limited the charity tax deductions that they were entitled to, which pushed up their effective rate. They voluntarily paid more in tax than they had to. A cynic might say that anyone sitting on $13.7 million can afford to be generous, but the point is that all the innuendoes about tax avoidance were likely groundless


    ’ll say one thing for these bloodsucking, poor-hating, conservative Republicans – they’re very generous with their money. Mitt Romney gave more than twice as much of his adjusted gross income to charity than President Obama did, although – to be fair – plunging book sales mean that the Obamas have less to give away. Joe Biden donated only 1.5 per cent of his salary in 2011. If the tax returns prove that the Romneys are nice people, why did they take so long to release them?




    But another explanation goes to the nature of Mitt Romney the man. Romney doesn’t like talking about himself or his charitable works, so it’s possible that his sense of modesty and privacy got the better of him. The point is illustrated by a fascinating story about Romney that dates back to 1994. That year, in the middle of his failed Massachusetts senate race, Romney went on a tour of a veterans’ hospital. The director, Ken Smith, told Mitt that the hospital was having trouble providing milk for all its patients. Romney said, “Well Ken, maybe you can teach the vets to milk cows.” It was another "47 per cent" moment and the press went wild. Romney sheepishly called Smith to apologise, and Smith put the phone down convinced that he was dealing with another phoney.

    The next day, the milkman turned up with all the milk that the hospital could possibly need at half the usual price. He said he wasn't allowed to give the name of the donor. The milkman made the same delivery at the same price the next day, the day after that, and so on. It was only two years later, on the day of his retirement, that the milkman finally told Smith that it was Mitt Romney who had donated the milk.


    Maybe there’s a dark, sordid story behind Mitt Romney’s tax affairs. Maybe he’s just a decent human being. Here’s hoping it’s the latter.



  14. on topic:


    On Obama's Watch


    The facts as they’ve emerged point inescapably to the conclusion that America suffered the country’s worst terrorist attack since 9/11 in the consular assault that killed four Americans in Libya. The intense quality of the violence, including the use of heavy weaponry, suggested as much from the start. Yet fully nine days passed before President Obama’s spokesman clearly admitted the truth — while suggesting it should have been obvious to the public all along. “It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack,” press secretary Jay Carney told reporters aboard Air Force One.


    Self-evident? .......................................Not exactly.




    Accounts in the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times described the attackers taking command of the consular compound, setting a building ablaze with diesel fuel, driving the Americans to a hoped-for safehouse and ambushing them there with mortar fire.


    Away from the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, no organized enemy has pulled off an orchestrated attack against the U.S. of this magnitude since 9/11. The assault is part of Obama’s record, one that demands far more presidential candor.

  15. A quick reminder that the thread is about the very serious subject of Libya, terror and our government's response.


    Unfortunately, poor posters like BF4E have difficulty concentrating, thus we get this 8 year old wacko conspiracy theory foolishness that has nothing to do whatsoever with anything.



    but since he likes to be distracted by bright, shiny objects, here are two additional pictures for him to play with.





    John Kerry at the same debate, with similar "bulges"






    Same bulges..........................maybe he getting debate instructions...........lol







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