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Posts posted by B-Man

  1. Perhaps the more damning story, however, is that even those with jobs have seen a substantial decline in their standard of living.


    According to Bureau of Labor Statistics measures, the average hourly earnings of production and non-supervisory workers, after adjusting for inflation, has fallen to $8.71 from $8.92 since Obama took office.


    In case anyone wonders, under George W. Bush average hourly earnings rose from $8.30 to $8.92. If Bush’s policies were as bad as Obama says they were, what does that make Obama’s policies, other than disastrous?



  2. Meanwhile, Jake Tapper of ABC News reports on new evidence that the Obama State Department declined to provide diplomatic personnel with security adequate to meet the perilous conditions of Libya — the country which, by percentage of population, led the world in sending jihadists to fight Americans in Iraq.


    Foggy Bottom denied its Libyan embassy’s request to keep a DC-3 airplane, which embassy personnel had been using in order to get around the country more securely. The embassy said they still needed it; Washington decided they didn’t. If the president’s name were Bush, and Madame Secretary’s were Rice, this would be a story that never left the front page.


    But they are Obama and Clinton . . . so it’s not even a story. It’s the Benghazi stonewall, and the media want you to know they’ll get right on it the second after they’ve dragged their guy across the finish line.



  3. No (unfortunately for you) you're just stuck in the same liberal mindset as the others.


    Anyone questioning, anyone disagreeing with the accepted mindset, well that can't be just a difference of opinion.


    nope....all conservative criticism has to be based on hate.


    That way you don't have to listen


    don't have to dispute.


    Those poor Right-wingers are just riling themselves up and hating again, right NB..........



    I am so glad that I'm not that closed minded.




  4. california_gas_prices_10-5-12.jpg



    RED STATE CALIFORNIA: With gasoline now over $5.00 a gallon in some regions (including a San Jose station I drove by yesterday), “California is now a red state, at least from the perspective of retail gasoline prices,” George Savage writes at Ricochet, linking to the above map of regional gas prices from GasBuddy.com. Why is California gas so expensive?

    California has made itself a closed market for auto fuel by
    expensive seasonal gasoline blends
    , purportedly to reduce air pollution–nobody ever compares the contribution made by special fuels to those from automotive clean air technology generally. Each seasonal changeover presents one more opportunity for a supply-disrupting refinery mishap and skyrocketing local prices,
    , which is sending local prices to $5 per gallon and climbing.


    Of course, gasoline wholesalers in adjoining states would be more than happy to boost their profits by selling to California retailers, reducing our pain at the pump. However, doing so is illegal.



  5. This is parody.


    I am stating this right out, because I believe that several of the libs on this board will not realize it.



    Fact Check: Multiple Romney Falsehoods During Debate


    Washington. A fact check of claims made by Mitt Romney during Wednesday’s domestic-policy debate shows numerous falsehoods, the magnitude of which could damage the electoral prospects of the Republican challenger. The three most egregious misrepresentations are as follows:


    23 million Americans are out of work.” False. Barrett Blankenship of the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that Romney’s claim is unequivocally false. “The September jobs data show that because of the upward revisions to the July and August numbers, only 22.97 million are out of work,” Blankenship said. “Romney’s failure to acknowledge that is, frankly, disturbing.”


    “I have five boys.” False. A detailed analysis by forensics expert Richard Englehardt of a video clip from a hidden camera at the Republican National Convention reveals to a high degree of certitude that at least some of Romney’s sons appear to be at least 18 years of age and thus, in most states, of the age of majority.


    You don’t pick winners and losers. You pick losers.” False. A review of a 2009 Sportscenter broadcast on ESPN, shows President Obama correctly selecting the winner of the Georgetown–Maryland match-up in the NCAA Basketball Tournament.

    Confronted outside the Romney home, conservatively valued at $122 billion, a spokesman for the Romney campaign conceded the validity of the fact-check analysis. “What can I say?’ He shrugged. ”You nailed us.”


    In contrast, experts agree that all of the statements made by President Obama during the debate were 100 percent accurate, except those made while laboring under extreme hypoxia or simple indifference.


    U.N ambassador Susan Rice, whose reputation for accuracy is well-chronicled, expressed alarm. “The scale of Romney’s prevarications is shocking and indefensible. There’s a serious risk that his lies will spark spontaneous violence in the Middle East. It’s clear the governor has no reservations about abusing the free-speech privileges granted by this administration. I’m perplexed as to why he hasn’t already been arrested on a probation violation.”



  6. Iowa Woman: Obama Campaign Misrepresented Me



    On Tuesday, Obama campaign spokesperson Danny Kanner issued a statement about a town hall Paul Ryan had done in Iowa that began, “Congressman Ryan can’t attend his own campaign rallies without being called out for failing to provide specifics about what Mitt Romney would do if elected.”

    There’s just one catch: the woman in question, Linda Morrison from Fulton, Iowa doesn’t think she “called out” Ryan. Her letter to the Quad-City Times today:

    I am the woman in the Green Bay Packer jacket at Rep. Paul Ryan’s rally in Clinton who asked him the question about specific plans to fix our economy. Needless to say, I was quite shocked to learn the Obama campaign seized my question, putting out the statement “Even Ryan can’t attend his own rally without being called out.”


    I was not calling Ryan out. I had the opportunity to ask a direct question to Paul Ryan and what I got was a complete direct answer with no spin.


    Even though 600 other people were attending, I felt Mr Ryan was talking directly to me. I thanked him after the event for answering my question. I left the event feeling satisfied and confident that the Romney/Ryan plan is what our country needs.


    Today I am outraged that my question is being misrepresented and used as a political tool against the Romney/Ryan campaign by both media and the Obama camp. The question I asked is what we the citizens want to know: How is the Romney/Ryan plan going to tackle this economy? Paul Ryan answered it with precise clarity.


    My next question is to President Barack Obama. What is your specific plan to fix the economy you said you would fix 4 years ago?

  7. From what I can tell in the report, the drop was driven by an increase in part-time workers by 600K.


    What distinguishes part time workers from full time ? ?


    In general part time workers don't get benefits --- like HEALTH INSURANCE.


    what these numbers seem to be telling us is that employers can't afford to hire full time




    another reason to thank the administration for ramming OBAMACARE through.


    Good numbers for Barack? Not to those who can reason.



  8. funny that . someone just said it was stupid to revive month old threads and 4 year old topics.




    I guess it works for others but not those who you deem liberals.


    Lol....its a three day old thread and the "story" about the speech was released on Tuesday.


    I'm beginning to think that you're not too bright Bf4E,


    the term context seems to be rather foreign to you.


    Desperation + dimness...................a sad (but sometimes funny) combination.




  9. Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society. When an immoral society has blatantly and proudly violated all the commandments, it insists upon one last virtue, tolerance for its immorality. It will not tolerate condemnation of its perversions. It creates a whole new world in which only the intolerant critic of intolerable evil is evil.” -- Hutton Gibson



    Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions.” -- G. K. Chesterton




    "If we continue to teach about tolerance and intolerance,


    instead of good and evil,


    we will end up with tolerance of evil.”


    Dennis Prager

  10. Was Obama Rattled By Developing Donor Scandal Story?


    President Obama reelection campaign, rattled by his Wednesday night debate performance, could be in for even worse news. According to knowlegable sources, a national magazine and a national web site are preparing a blockbuster donor scandal story.

    Sources told Secrets that the Obama campaign has been trying to block the story. But a key source said it plans to publish the story Friday or, more likely, Monday.



    According to the sources, a taxpayer watchdog group conducted a nine-month investigation into presidential and congressional fundraising and has uncovered thousands of cases of credit card solicitations and donations to Obama and Capitol Hill, allegedly from unsecure accounts, and many from overseas. That might be a violation of federal election laws.


    The Obama campaign has received hundreds of millions in small dollar donations, many via credit card donations through their website. On Thursday, the campaign announced a record September donor haul of $150 million.


    At the end of the 2008 presidential campaign, the Obama-Biden effort was hit with a similar scandal. At the time, the Washington Post reported that the Obama campaign let donors use "largely untraceable prepaid credit cards that could potentially be used to evade limits on how much an individual is legally allowed to give or to mask a contributor's identity."




    NAACP Official: Obama Campaign Staffer Threatened Me



    CHICAGO (CBS) — The President of the South Suburban Branch of the NAACP alleges a director of the re-election campaign of Barack Obama has threatened and intimidated him because he doesn’t support the president.


    David Lowery says he believes he was threatened during a phone conversation with Louis Raymond, the Illinois political director for Obama for America.

    Lowery says he doesn’t personally support the president because he’s not addressing issues important to the black community. He said he was explaining that to Raymond when the Obama campaign official told him, “You know what? I know everything about you.


    Lowery says Raymond added, “We’ve been watching you, and since you don’t support Obama, we’ll deal with you,” before hanging up.


    Lowery filed a report with the Oak Forest police report, he says, “in case something happens.”



  12. Mitt Romney really told the moderator he was going to fire him. And then said he'd fire Big Bird. LOL


    By the way, PBS makes up .0012% of the federal budget.


    This is weak, even for you


    you mis-state how Governor Romney phrased it. . . . . . . . .no surprise



    and then you mischaracterize how cutting small portions of the federal budget would eventually add up.


    it not the percent, in any case, its whether or not we should be funding something, large or small.



    just weak.

  13. Thoughts, well lets see


    Its clear that whenever you see a "Romney was too aggressive, or testy , or desperate" post that he was actually confident and straight forward.



    Its also laughingly obvious from the number of "they both were terrible" and the debate format was bad and the moderator lost control, posts



    that the Republican candidate won.



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