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Posts posted by B-Man

  1. 3 years.


    Why WaPo Waited So Long to Publish the Alito Flag Story





    The media has been trying to gin up a lot of mileage regarding a report from the New York Times about an American flag being flown upside down outside of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's home. Looking further into the details, that wasn't something that happened recently. In fact, the photo of the flag was taken more than three years ago, shortly after the Capitol Hill riots. So how did it take so long for us to hear about it, assuming you're even concerned to begin with?


    As it turns out, the Washington Post had the photo and the story almost immediately. But as the Associated Press pointed out yesterday, the editors at the Post opted not to run the story. This all sounds like much ado over (almost) nothing, but given all of the current antipathy on the left toward the conservative members of the court, we're probably going to keep hearing about it, so we should dig a bit further into the details.


    This episode raises questions about how the media has handled this story at various stages and whether or not the underlying incident was really all that big of a deal to begin with. The WaPo claims that they originally examined the story but concluded that "it appeared Alito’s wife was responsible and that it was not clear the neighborhood argument was over politics." 


    But if that was true three years ago, then how did the New York Times determine it was an appropriate story to run now? The Gray Lady is claiming that they only acquired the photo "recently." Does that sound very likely? If someone has what appears to be a potentially hot bit of gossip about a Supreme Court justice and it went to the Post, how would it not also be slipped to the Times? I would argue that both of the papers had the story three years ago, but elected to keep it in their back pockets. But now that we're drawing close to a presidential election where Joe Biden is trailing and trying to warn people about the potential of Donald Trump appointing more justices in the mold of Alito, the MSM probably sees more usefulness in putting the story out there. The AP piles on a bit by posing the question, "Should a public official’s family be held to the same standards as that official themselves?"


    Whether Alito or his wife hung the flag like that probably doesn't matter all that much. If Alito did hang it himself in sympathy for the January 6 rioters, then he's making up a story now to cover his tracks. If his wife really did hang it, unless he never went out of his front door, he would have seen it. If it bothered him that much he could have taken it down, but apparently he didn't.


    More at the link:  https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2024/05/29/why-wapo-waited-so-long-to-publish-the-alito-flag-story-n3789238






    POLL: 54% of Dems Would Be A-OK With Biden Being Jettisoned From Presidential Ticket

    By Bob Hoge 


    It’s been a tough/week/month/year for Joe Biden as polls increasingly show him losing to Donald Trump in the November presidential election, inflation continues to rage, and he embarrasses himself daily with false stories and incoherent mutterings. It seems that nobody particularly likes him, especially when it comes to his Israel policies as they conduct a war for survival against the terrorist/political group Hamas. Conservatives believe he’s been constantly undermining the Jewish state (which he most certainly has been), while liberals accuse him of supporting the “genocide” of the Palestinian people in Gaza.


    I’d feel sorry for him if I didn’t consider him to be arrogant, nasty, mendacious, and possibly the worst president in the history of the United States.


    Even Democrats seem to agree, as a stunning 54 percent of Dem voters said in a newly released Rasmussen Reports survey that they’d be just fine if Biden were booted from the ticket and another candidate took over. 







    • Shocked 1





    We were right! The Office for National Statistics  lied about covid vaccine safety.


    IN 2021 when the Office for National Statistics (ONS) started releasing its vaccine by mortality status reports we revealed that there were large spikes in the non-covid death rates in the ‘unvaccinated’. These spikes in mortality coincided with the first main vaccine rollout and did so for each age group (see this report, for example).





    Biden’s age, broken promises chase away young voters that Democrats count on

    by Jeff Mordock


    President Biden is trying to save his reelection campaign by embracing policies that matter most to young voters, but their defections now account for the largest drop in his support among any demographic.


    In April, Mr. Biden moved to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, the first step toward federal legalization. He also stepped up his efforts to cancel student loan debt, shifted U.S. policy on Israel, ordered the Justice Department to sue the parent company of Ticketmaster to lower concert ticket prices and made abortion access a central argument for his reelection.


    These election-year moves have failed to improve Mr. Biden’s appeal to young voters, who traditionally skew liberal.










    Obama-Biden Have Been Punishing Israel Since 2013

    American Thinker, by Edward Davis


    Joe Biden’s vicious betrayal of Israel has surprised and alienated some of his supporters, who thought he was a moderate Democrat. In the most recent outrage, his administration sent condolences over the death of Iran’s President Raisi and joined the U.N. in a reverent minute of silence. In stark contrast, Biden disparaged Prime Minister Netanyahu as “a bad f------ guy and “***hole” at a time when Israelis were traumatized and fighting for their lives. It was predictable, considering that Biden brought back much of the foreign policy team of President Obama, whose backstabbing of the Jewish state foreshadowed Biden's hostile policies.






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