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Everything posted by Oxrock

  1. Well, since he's not here, I'll just give you his initials: Fjl
  2. Frank. The poker playing musician..
  3. I've been lurking. Between the paying job and the bar, I have been busy. I see the kid is still enjoying his white liberal guilt to the hilt come hell or high water! Or high hypocrisy.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD3-5agFA1g
  5. Who were you previously?

  6. No, your main point is that he's a liar. Stick by your guns! Don't give in now!
  7. What? Of course that's true. A weapon allowed to walk was the weapon found at the scene and verified to be the weapon to have used to kill him. Wtf?
  8. Man, the threads I've started on that other forum over 6 months ago about this only to be brushed off by the libs on that site. Larry, where are you now?
  9. Well, News Week says he's the first gay president.
  10. The nominee is Romney and not Newt, so I'm going with whimper.
  11. Yeah, I forget the stereotype that Republicans don't believe in evolution. Crap. Plus, from what I've heard, most don't even know what he meant by that metaphor. Andy Levy had a good one though: (paraphrasing) "Without "Darwin" in "Social Darwinism" you're left with "Socialism".
  12. Social Darwinism? I like it. Survival of the fittest. Adapt or become extinct. I think the GOP should embrace it. Turn it around. Now, it's Obama and the left who want to remain static. "Stay the course" so to speak. It's the GOP who want the economy to grow and evolve. To adapt and survive.
  13. This thread was killed before I got a chance to REMIND the left that BUSH was no fiscal conservative. We fully understand that while his tax cuts increased tax receipts, he and congress SPENT like drunken sailors on shore leave in Thailand. Believe me, I've been to Thailand! So, your comparison sucks. Of course we went into deep deficit. Bush and the GOP couldn't stop SPENDING. It's the SPENDING stupid. Not the income.
  14. 72 for me. 48 - 99:A lifelong resident of a working-class neighborhood with average television and movie going habits. Typical: 77.42–100: A first-generation middle-class person with working-class parents and average television and movie going habits. Typical: 66. 11–80: A first-generation upper-middle-class person with middle-class parents. Typical: 33. The higher your score, the thinner your bubble. The lower, the more insulated you might be from mainstream American culture. Apparently, my bubble is thin. I think so too.
  15. Some issues just baffle the mind as to why they are not 100% bi-partisan. This is one of them. Every single reason the liberal left can give as to why NOT to require ID's to vote is easily shot down.
  16. Good Points: Except the GOP is, frankly, retarded. They learned nothing from 2008. Not a thing. The Left is just too good at this game.
  17. . Well then. You must agree that the left has convinced many that the woman who ushered in ACES, AGIA and ethics reform is an idiot? The woman who was President of the Alaska Conference of Mayors and chairman of both the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (AOGCC) and the U.S.'s Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) is an idiot? The woman who managed a $14 billion budget as the CEO of Alaska is an idiot? The woman who made ExxonMobil blink is an idiot? (Game Change Tries To Re-write Palin) All thanks to Katie's and Charlie's selective interviewing and crack editing techniques.
  18. Bush Doctrine? You're kidding right? Gibson got it wrong. Moron is as moron does I guess. You haven't made a valid point yet. Here: A complete fisking of that argument. Many more articles can be provided as well as the way the interview was edited complete with how she was seated and the intentional optics of Charlie looking down and over his glasses.
  19. Wait, what?!? How is that? Two things: 1. Palin was running for VP not President and was right on the role of the Vice President (Article I of the Constitution, which describes the authority of the legislative branch, says that "the vice president of the United States shall be president of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided." Aside from the job of replacing a president who dies or is unable to serve, the only vice presidential duties that are spelled out in the Constitution are legislative in character. It does not describe the role of the executive branch as Biden claimed) AND international issues in her debates against Slow Joe Biden (crazy Joe...When we kicked — along with France, we kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon, I said, and Barack said, 'Move NATO forces in there. Fill the vacuum, because if you don't know — if you don't, Hezbollah will control it."). 2. Obama had ZERO knowledge or experience on complicated national and international issues. That's the whole reason Joe Biden is VP now. It sure wasn't to get the Delaware votes.
  20. I tell you what... watch Sarah Palin's: The Undefeated (on NetFlix) with the same "objectivity" and I'll watch game change when it's available on a non-subscription station. (note: The Undefeated is really a stupid name for the documentary and I only subscribe to SHO, I need my Dexter, Shameless, and the Big "C" fixes).
  21. Remember that corrupt Pennsylvania Congressman... He had vilified some marines for supposedly killing innocent civilians on the floor of the House. Oh, here: Murtha The end to that story is the Marines were found to have acted in accordance with procedure. I'm sure that's what he's thinking of and doesn't know the end of the story.
  22. Recess appointments when Congress technically isn't in recess.
  23. Come on Frank, I see a pretty even number of partisans here. Join in the fray! It's getting closer to that wonderful time of year!

  24. Who are you talking to? Who still uses pwnd? I think you've got it backwards! I'm pretty sure that's you getting " pwnd", but I have to agree about you elevating things Maher says to such a level.
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