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Everything posted by Oxrock

  1. Believe me, I know it goes higher that Holder. But every one is afraid of accusing the first black President of a crime of any kind. Obama: “I’m working on gun control under the radar” That was back in May 2011:
  2. CBS News I said this months ago over on the board that will not be mentioned now defunct political/election subforum of the anything but forum.: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations . Certain members said it couldn't be that at all. Speaking of those members, where have the lawyers gone? Ace of Spades Hq has been following this all summer.
  3. As much as it pains me to do this, but... "Speak Softly and carry a big stick!" -TR "Speak of lofty ideals and carry on with rendition, insert special forces, and launch more drone attacks!" -BO
  4. That's his lofty goal for YOU (not for him of course - he has the State Department buying his books to pad his retirement). Well, if that's how he thinks the of course you can't be left on your own: "Fair" is the poll tested word for this campaign eh? Obama's latest stump speech.
  5. What ever happened to that girl Michelle Obama had shipped off to the Bahamas or somewhere?
  6. I see. So, "since WW2" is the same as "during WW2". I need to rethink a lot of timeline things. Might help with global warming arguments! Gee thanks!
  7. That's a good ad. But he forgot that Newt also co-sponsored a "Fairness" Doctrine bill.
  8. Hopefully not Beta. I'd hate to have the full version this time next year.
  9. Well, it's official. With the closing of this hurricane season we have experienced the longest known period of no major hurricane making landfall in the United States. In fact, the record will continue right through the winter and spring to next hurricane season making this new record nearly impossible to beat at more than 2,500 days plus. Longest Period On Record Without A Major Hurricane In The US
  10. If warming really threatens to destroy human civilization, why was Jones hoping for warming? There back-up position appears to be blaming earthquakes and tsunamis on AGW. Oh, and remember that the "increase in tropical cyclone activity" is also because of AGW, except: U.S. Hurricanes: worse than we thought…100 years ago Happy End Of Hurricane Season 2011!
  11. Wow... I remember those Jimmah days. Have a six pack of Billy Beer still unopened. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw7HfTEWTAU
  12. Crap man... you do live in the past! Who's talking about Palin besides the left wishful thinkers and the same pundits that thought Newt would take a hit on immigration? Your best bet is to jettison the gafftastic Joe and hitch a ride on Hillary. That way it can be another 1st! More hopey changy stuff (speaking of Palin).
  13. What? Are you stuck in the 80's or something? Family Values voters have sort of moved beyond that. It's all about the American values now. LoL! Is that the plan? They're going to hit Newt with his multiple wives? Hell, most people who are going to vote have been married and divorced already. Most voters gave the crack head in the Oval office a break because he came clean about it in his book. Family values. LMAO.
  14. LoL! I can't wait. Once upon a time there was no way the American public would vote for a man named Newt or Mitt. But after Barack Hussein...well anything is possible. Get used to saying: "My President: Newt Gingrich" as a back up you can practice "President Mitt Romney" BHO has surpassed the great James Earl Carter in ineptitude. Leading from behind indeed. So far behind, no one has heard from him and no one wants to run with him.
  15. I love all this hand ringing about what GOP primary voters think of Newt's non-gaffe immigration stance. It should become even more obvious to the left here that the MSM keeps feeding you crap that just isn't true. Newts stance IS the view of the base GOP voter. Secure the borders. Legalize the otherwise law abiding illegals who have roots here. Deport the rest. Keep the border secure. Notice: Nowhere in there is a path to citizenship or blanket amnesty. And what do you know... His poll numbers didn't suffer. I laughed out loud reading and listening to "experts" imagine that Newt had made a serious unforced error.
  16. Yeah, wet dreams do tend to make it hard to concentrate on what you are doing.
  17. I guess you missed the YouTube videos the Barney Frank thread. Go ahead... google it! Cut in past this: Chuck Schumer caused run on banks. If you're in Chrome, just hi-lite those words, right click, and "search google for...". Ahh heck... Here ya go: Click here Frank!
  18. You're right. So, I'll also blame the Democrat party of 2003 for their cries of racism whenever Fanny and Freddie were brought up for more regulation. Then there is Chuck of 2008 and his loose lips that sank the banking industry. I feel better now. Thank's for pointing out the error of my narrow minded thinking.
  19. Good ol' Barney joined by Chucky Schumer. Here's a google search for you: Google: Schumer Caused Banking Collapse
  20. Forgot that sarcasm doesn't come across to well with out
  21. No kidding? Really? You have "linkage" of course right? Otherwise you are just trolling.
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