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Mr. T

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Everything posted by Mr. T

  1. What in the world does your response have to do with what this thread is about?
  2. A lot of discussion has already taken place here about whether we are more Bills fans or Sabres Fans. I myself started a thread a few days ago that dealt with this topic to some degree. But, I'd have to say that I'm more of a Buffalo Fan than I am a Bills or Sabres Fan. I haven't lived in Buffalo for 30 years but when it comes to sports I've always rooted for the teams as though I never moved away. Heck, I find myself cheering for the Bonnies or Canisius when their on a role. I've never been to, or watched a single Bandits game but when I read about them winning in the very back section of the most obscure newspaper I find myself getting excited. When people poke fun at the City of Buffalo I still find myself jumping up to defend a place as though I'm still living in South Buffalo. "Nawww the snow ain't that bad!" "You should see the beautiful waterfront area!" "The city has the coolest subway system!" (Note: I've been to the waterfront area maybe twice in my life and I've NEVER rode the subway) Why do I HAVE to do that? Because, for whatever reason, and I'm not sure why, I'm a BUFFALO Fan. Maybe that explains why some BUFFALO Fans may appear to be fair weather fans. We get excited about ANY team from Buffalo that does well, because we are rooting for the City of Buffalo, not just the team. What do yall think? Yall is a southern term for you'se guys.
  3. Does what the Sabres are doing so far this year make it any easier to be a Buffalo Bills Fan? I haven't lived in Buffalo for 30 years now, but I still follow the Bills and Sabres about as much, if not more, (internet), as I did as a kid growing up in Buffalo. When the Buffalo teams are doing good, I feel good. When they are doing bad, I feel like ..............empty. I "love" what the Sabres are doing and am more excited about their chances this year to win it all than I've ever been. But man, it doesn't do anything to take away the sting that comes from watching the Bills embarrass themselves. I know this was supposed to be a rebuilding year, and they weren't expected to when all 16 games. But to see them get blasted by the Bears, see them lose to the winless Lions, and than watch NE come into our house and treat them like step-children......brutal. If the Sabres win all 82 games and take home the Lord Stanley Cup it won't make me feel any better about being a Bills fan.
  4. Sorry Mrs. McGahee. If I hurt your feelings I didn't mean to. I'll stop bitc..... ur commenting about your son now.
  5. Who's bitching? Man some of you just don't get it! Alright, let's do it your way. Let's all post threads that have the same theme. Hmmmmm let's see. I know, "All the problems this team has." Sound familiar? Alright but the ground rules are as follows. Don't mention "anything" about McGahee, because that would be bitching. Hmmmm what's next. I know, how about JP? Naaww that's already been mentioned at least once before. How about the offensive line? Even though I don't check "everyday" that might have also been discussed a few times. Wait, I got it!! Let's talk about how old Levy is and how that should disqualify him from having anything to do with running an NFL Team. Ahhh sh-t, I think I remember a few national sports programs covered that already. Hey this is gettin kind of hard, coming up with something new. Oh well I tried, but I guess I'll just crawl under my rock and let some of you experts come up with something fresh. But remember, it's got to be about "All the problems this team has" minus anything that might have been mentioned already. Good luck.
  6. Guys, and Gals my point was not to start a thread that bashed Willis. I simply pointed out that I felt his play today is just not the same as it was when Travis Henry was here. I really feel there may somewhat less drive, or desire on his part to prove himself. Back than he had just come back from a long rehab and was not only trying to prove to others he was "the man" he was also probably trying to prove to himself that he could still be "the man." I just don't see the same level of play that he demonstrated a few years ago. I never said he sucked now, I just pointed out what I thought was a drop off. Hoped that might create some discussion. If that runied someone's day, well "oh Well!"
  7. Reply #2. I don't get up each morning and immediately think about what other people may have posted overnight, yesterday etc. I may even go more than 1 day, (yeah really!) without coming to the board, so please excuse me if I missed the last few Willis bashing parties.
  8. Because I express an opinion that Willis doesn't display the same spark that he did a few years ago that qualifies as "bashing"? Alright let me pretend that he is an all pro rb that is playing lights out and has us all as excited as we were his first year playing and move on. While we're at it let's all pretend that Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, Andre Reed, Bruce Smith and the bunch are all still playing and we actually may have a chance at winning the big one. Man, I feel so much better!
  9. Remember how awesome Willis looked and "played" back when he was competing with Travis Henry for playing time? Have ya noticed how different he looks and plays since the position became his. It seems obvious to me that Willis simply does not have the same drive or desire that he had back then. Don't misunderstand me, he still is a decent back, but something is clearly missing. I know many of you will blame the OL for this, saying how no one could run behind this mess. But our OL wasn't much better back then either. Bottomline is ever since Willis declared himself to be the best back in the NFL prior to the Chargers game last year he has only looked slightly better than average.
  10. I think back to a couple of years ago and remember how much Carson Palmer struggled his first FULL year as a starter. He really looked like he might be a bust but he came back the next year and lit the place up. I know I was the guy that started the thread talking about JP not having "It" and I'm pretty sure he probably never will, but Carson also looked lost his first year and turned it around. MM really screwed the pooch last year by yanking JP without letting him learn from his mistakes. This year was like starting all over again. Palmer and Eli Manning both played like crap their first year but their coaches stuck with em. The Bills unfortunately need to do the samething this year. If JP only gets worse as the year goes on and shows little promise than the Bills will know what direction to go during the off season. O yeah....a quality LT and center can't hurt either. Maybe throw in a couple average Guards too.
  11. Man, this topic got a lot more of a response than I expected. I figured a few would simply flame me and everyone else would move on. I guess this thread just has that magical and mysterious "It".
  12. This post is about "It" not about Leinert. It's also about JP's grand quest for the true meaning of "It". So relax, ........bud!
  13. Some players seem to have "It", while most don't. Watching Leinert tonight he seems to have that thing simply refered to as "It". The natural ability to make things happen. The first time I watched Jim Kelly play in a Bills uniform it was obvious he had "It". Joe Montana had "It". Roger Staubach had "It" We've been waiting three years for JP to show us something. We keep waiting, and waiting, and waiting........ If he was asked if had "It" he would probably respond "What's IT?" This isn't necessarily intended as a slam against JP, as I said most players don't have "It". But JP so far hasn't shown that he's got much of anything, let alone "It". Alright, I know this was probably a dumbass post, so flame away.
  14. First of all I apologise if this has already been discussed, but I just sat down at the computer. On the penalty on Royal which occurred on the 3rd and 2, the pass was completed to Price, he clearly had the first down, the penalty occurred after the fact, why was the yardage not marked off after the the first down. Shouldn't it have been 1st and 20, instead of 3rd and 2 all over again? I know the 10 yards was marked off from the spot of the foul, but since the play was already good for a first down, why no first down? Am I missing something?
  15. It wasn't long ago that many on this board were screaming for the Bills to make a big move to bring this guy to Buffalo. Many voiced serious complaints when he ended up in Dallas instead. Just another example that the QB position is by far the most difficult position to gauge coming out of college. Guys like Henson, Akai Smith, Couch, Leif look great when their playing against 19 - 22 yr olds, but when they face real ball players they become average at best. I really hope JP proves otherwise this year and begins to lite it up, but if he does not or never does, he won't be the first, nor the last.
  16. What did you read into what I wrote that suggests a sunny outlook? All I've suggested is the Bills "might" not be as bad this year as many people believe. I said they might be 3-13 or 11-5. Who knows. Am I overly optimistic, no. Am I writing this season off as many already have, no. My opinion, and that's all it is, is folks who express this naysayer attitude towards their team are simply preparing themselves emotionally if indeed their team does indeed stink. They can always claim, "See I told Ya." It's the easy way out. I instead like the idea that my team is capable of anything regardless of what others may think. It sure makes the approaching season that much more appealing.
  17. You folks who were quick to jump on the "bad comparison" missed the main point. The point is "not much was expected from the Sabres last year, by the national media and many Sabre fans. Looking back in hindsight and saying the league rule changes are what made the difference is "bull". Everyone knew about the rule changes before the season began, and yet the Sabres were an absolute after thought by most. As an avid Buffalo sport's fan I had hopes for the Sabres but didn't have any clue they would take off like they did. Anyone who says they did is playing the part of the brilliant professor after the fact. Sabres "surprised A LOT OF PEOPLE". The Bills could do the same. That's the point! Now you folks who love to shoot views like this down....Flame Away! Go Bills!!!!
  18. I keep reading all of these insightful opinions, both national press and quite a few here, that the Bills are going no where this year. They are expected to be among the teams that are doormats for other teams to walk over. Most of the reasons given are they let some key players walk, sound familiar Sabre fans? They haven't done enough during the off season, sound familiar Sabre fans? They have too many question marks, sound familar? Look, I'm not saying the Bills are going to come out and shock the entire league, and many who post here regularily, but I ain't going to complete rule it out either. The Sabres were not expected to do much at all last year, they played the season anyway, and came out as one of the best in the league. This year many are picking them to be one of the main contenders for the Cup. The Bills may finish 3-13, they may finish 11-5. We won't know until the games are played and the season is over. Until than I ain't going to listen too much to what the so called experts are saying, they don't know anymore than you or I. "Go Bills!"
  19. Everyone seems to forget that most people felt JP had a solid group surrounding him going into last season. It's amazing what a shaky young QB and a suspect OL can do to the rest of teams pschy. The same may very well, or probably will happen to Rivers and the Bolts this year.
  20. I don't want to speak for others, but what bothers me the most about Willis is what appears to be a complete lack of understanding what it means to be a "professional". Yeah he might get his 1300-1400 yds rushing and some TDs to boot, but he's never going to help this team get better. He lacks character, motivation, and any sense of team. The great players have that and it rubs off on those around them. The motivation for Willis simply seems to be being in the spot light and making big bucks. The fear of losing out on all that money was what motivated him to do everything he did to make that big comeback after the knee injury. Now that he's had a few decent years he's just waiting to cash in on that mother of a contract when he becomes a free agent. That's why he's on all these sports shows, make himself popular in the media, have another decent year (doesn't matter what the team does), and cash in. I'm serious when I say this team should look to trade him while they can get something for him. He's positioning himself big time for that departure anyway. Sabres are an example of what "A Team" can do. Willis probably can't even spell TEAM.
  21. Maybe the message is that Nate will be gone very, very soon by way of a trade? Maybe one for a lineman.
  22. Seems there are a lot of folks who would just rather skip the next football season, because in their minds it's a total wash before it begins. Than, there are a few who would like to pretend nothing wrong, just a tweak here or there. Me, I'm in between. I can't help but be reminded of what the Sabres have done this year with a bunch of young, no bodies. No big name free agents were brought in and fans figured this season was loss before it began. Hmmmmm? Anyway, we still have a potential super star back in Willis. A young, fast group of WRs with Evans on the verge of breaking out. A young QB who many thought would be better than he was last year, but wasn't. Maybe, just maybe terrible play from an offensive line contributed to that. We have made a few moves to mix the OLine up and who knows what will happen. Hell, if they just play average that will be a big improvement. Some think the D has taken a big hit by losing Adams. I say that's bull. And that's all Adams was last year, a big pile of Bull----. The D was coached by the biggest flop ever to wear a set of headphones, ....I already forgot his name. This team is essentially the same team that most of us thought would be a playoff contender last year. The biggest difference is we are minus one very big baffoon of a head coach. He himself probably cost us 5 or 6 games last year. Am I trying to campaign and say look out for the Bills this year. No. But I'm not ready to write them off either. Anything goes on Sunday afternoons, and anything is possible. O ye of little faith!
  23. OK let's use your logic than. There is a certain QB playing for Dallas these days that used to hang around these parts. His career passing yds are up there also. By the time he's finished playing all his stats are going to look impressive, but I think we'll all agree on the fact that this putz shouldn't be a HOF. Looking at stats only, how do you keep him out. Still on the issue of stats, Art Monk's stats sure look impressive, but he is still on the outside looking in. And those of you who keep throwing around all the pro-bowl games a player is in, please get real. That is popularity not merit. Ruben Brown played in how many? Don't think he'll ever be considered for HOF, but he was popular.
  24. I agree his stats are clearly good enough for the HOF but so are Thurman's. The issue is why Moon was selected first time and Thomas was not. I'm convinced the issue was the that Moon is the first black QB to be voted in and the HOF voters were making that an issue.
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