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Posts posted by JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS

  1. I posted similar positive thoughts on the Buddy and Chan's hiring and was met with scorn and ridicule, not just from TBD but from my family! I was reminded of my Pollyanna feelings after each of the first 8 games last year. I just said, like it or not, these guys have a plan and they are sticking to it. I suspect we'll have a few more setbacks but stick with the plan. Chan and Buddy have proven that they know talent and they know football. I don't rub it in to the naysayers. We need everyone onboard for this ride! Go Bills!


    And think: we just started year two of the Nix/Gailey rebuild. The first draft hardly counts as Chan was still wrapping his head around the shotcomings of this team. (I also wonder how much influence RW had at that first draft, obviously this year Nix and Chan were firmly in control.) Anyway, next year we will draft to fill our current holes, and the three-year rebuild will be complete. If we don't make the playoffs this year, expect to make them next year . . . Chan will.

  2. BTW how bad ass was George Wilson's comments after the game as he was interviewed by reporters. You talk about attitude, this team is really starting to possess what every championship caliber team has... an attitude that nobody is going to talk down or push this team around. It was awesome to see reporters kind of approaching there questions from a standpoint of concern or weakness and George just shut it down. This team acts like a family and we are on are way to becoming winners, from the top down. Ladies and Gentlemen we have our Buffalo Bills back and maybe this time we go all the way...GO BILLS!!!



    This is the result of Chan expecting excellence from his players and accepting nothing less. Winning attitude starts with the HC and we lacked that for many years.

  3. Down 11 going into the half . . . second half is our best game . . . this is very doable.


    We have to get at Brady. Merriman came close but we need to go in and put Brady on the turf. I see pressure on Brady that as the key to the game.


    Looking forward to seeing what adjustments Chan makes after the half.

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