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Posts posted by JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS

  1. Nice half, great to see the offense bounce back from two turnovers like that. Great to see the defense stepping up, even though it's not against an elite QB. Fun game to watch so far.

    Glad to see Chandler involved again. What a difference a TE makes in the O.


    Love to see Roosevelt make plays.


    Always love to watch Freddy. Too bad that nice run was brought back.

  2. Hopefully Bell is back for the Jets game so Levitre can go back to guard where he's played well all year. Than the question becomes when Harriston comes back do you keep him on the bench given how he played, try him at rt, or start him over Bell at LT.... Remember that Demetrius Bell was playing extremely well before getting injured as well.

    I think Bell was (finally) playing too well to lose his job . . . not sure what to do with Harriston though. Replace Pears at RT?

  3. They are 3-3


    Everybody is talking about their injuries. True. No rb, no #1 wr. True.

    What about their opponents?


    They beat the giants, game 1. I'll give them that.

    They barely beat arizona. Arizona sucks and I believe it was in Wash.

    They barely beat the rams. Rams suck too.

    Lost to Dallas. Dall is unpredictable but not great.

    Lost to Phi. We beat Philly.

    Lost to Carolina. Despite cam being great, they have a losing record.


    I like our chances. We lost to the best defense (yards) and best defense (sacks).

    Of all opponents to play in our wasted "home" game, this is the one we wanted. They would be 1-5 against better teams (Giants only real win). We can use the real homefield advantage against the Jets etc.

    What does worry me, is they lost three in a row and may be HUNGRY. Any given Sunday . . . . we cannot be complacent, and I'm glad there record makes them look better than they are.

  4. 1. I am beyond happy where the Bills are sitting today at the bye. Before the season I would have said 3-3 would be the absolute best case scenario. Well we are sitting at 4-2.


    2. Our offense has improved dramatically over the past year. Think about where we were in week 7 last year and look where our offense will be in week 7 this year. If that isn't enough for you think about how good our offense looks inspire of key injuries.


    3. Our defense will improve. We are starting multiple rookies on defense and will probably draft several more players for defense again this year. I would not be shocked at all if our first and second round picks this year are spent on defensive players.


    4. Our offensive line is proof that miracles happen and in Chan's system they are performing like a pro-bowl line.


    5. It's good to hurt as bad as I did after the Giants game. I could not watch or read anything about the NFL for a week I was so sick about the loss. But, it's good to be competitive enough again a loss can make me feel that way. If we were 1-5 or 2-4 right now no loss would have really bothered me.


    6. We beat the Patriots, if we can beat them on a the right day why can't I dream of a Superbowl. What if we get paired opposite of the Patriots in the playoffs and someone knocks them off, no other AFC team really scares me that much. AND EVEN IF we have to play the Patriots we know going in that we have a chance.


    7. It's just time to have fun, if for some reason this season falls short if we finish 9-7 or 10-6 and miss the playoffs at least we can head in to next year knowing we have a reason to believe again.





    Wow, encapsulates everything I've been thinking since I (finally) got over losing to the Giants. That took a week.


    I think we will be very lucky to make the playoffs this year, but not impossible and we're playing good enough to dream. And next year Buddy and Chan will fix the holes in the defense and LOOK OUT!!

  5. http://www.gbnreport.com/weeklydraftorder.html



    Team W-L Opp W-L %


    1 Indianapolis 0-6 .516


    2 Miami 0-5 .567


    3 St. Louis 0-5 .580


    4 Jacksonville 1-5 .495


    5 Carolina 1-5 .516


    6 Minnesota 1-5 .604


    7 Arizona 1-4 .466


    8 Denver 1-4 .607


    9 Philadelphia 2-4 .500


    10 Cleveland 2-3 .483


    11 Seattle 2-3 .489


    12 Dallas 2-3 .522


    13 Kansas City 2-3 .538


    14 Houston 3-3 .418


    15 Cleveland (from Atlanta) 3-3 .468


    16 NY Jets 3-3 .511


    17 Chicago 3-3 .554


    18 Washington 3-2 .422


    19 Pittsburgh 4-2 .483


    20 Oakalnd 4-2 .523


    21P Tennessee 3-2 .419


    22P Cincinnati 4-2 .460


    23P New England (from New Orleans) 4-2 .447


    24P Tampa Bay 4-2 .479


    25P NY Giants 4-2 .500

    26P Buffalo 4-2 .511


    27P Baltimore 4-1 .472


    28P San Diego 4-1 .511


    29P San Francisco 5-1 .465


    30P Detroit 5-1 .543


    31P New England 5-1 .449


    32P Green Bay 6-0 .489




    There we are picking in the 26th hole!!!!!


    What are they thinking? :blush:

    Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?

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