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Posts posted by JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS

  1. I should have been more specific ... the Good Ole Boys rebuilding process.

    We're in year 2 of a 3-year process, really year one with a mulligan on the first Chan/Nix draft (for which they were not fully prepared - see also Spiller reach). We'll go 8-8 or so this year, but with a solid draft next year (this year's draft was best in a long time), we should be able to EXPECT playoffs next year or year after, latest. If they can't get it done by year after next, it's not going to happen and we need to blow it up again. But I think Chan will have us in the playoffs next year. For one thing our schedule should be easier, for another they showed us this year they CAN draft well, for another we have our franchise QB and franchise RB (Jackson not Spiller) and have started to build the lines. Now we need some positional players (WR etc.) and DEPTH so we can ride out injuries (see also holes left by Williams, Wood, etc.) and we will be true contenders.

  2. You're right, the defense needs to be better.


    BUT, this stands out to me... Buffalo had 3 offensive possessions that ended in 3 and outs. On ALL THREE of these possessions we dropped back to pass on ALL THREE downs. On every other drive when we used Freddy in the first 2 downs, we successfully made it to the red zone every time, and missed a field goal on one possession at the Dallas 34 yard line. So we were able to get into scoring position every time Freddy ran the ball within the first two downs. I think that's worth noting.


    I noticed that too in the Dallas game. Getting Freddo the ball doesn't solve all our problems, but it is a good start.

  3. We are all students of the game. I have been an avid football fan for decades. We all have seen the game evolve. We all have ideas that may help this team get out of the hole that they have found themselves in. We are a fan forum, we have no power. We can discuss things like short passes to tight ends, power running, two back sets, defensive schemes that don't leave the middle of the field open for short passes, etc. We can all discuss whether Gailey knows what he is doing or not, or ask why Spiller is not being used, or discuss whether Stevie is "elite" or lament the inability to pressure the QB, or wail and gnash our teeth as yet another player goes on IR, but what's the point? All we can do is watch and hope. If that is not satisfying, then what else is there to do? I will always watch and hope, but at this point I feel that even though there is a general consensus among the posters on this forum about how to fix the team, there is nothing that we can do about it. I'm no psychologist, but I guess it's supposed to be healthy to discuss these things with like minded people.

    Yes it's just armchair coaching/managing, but it makes me feel better knowing there are other folks as passionate about the Bills as I am, who have ideas how to make them better, even if I don't often agree with them, and even if the FO doesn't read them. I read this board for over 10 years before finally taking the plunge and posting my first post in September. It's been great therapy. Go Bills!

  4. I can't think of a better guy to come up here and talk to this group of players...he played during the rough times (first few years here)and then enjoyed much success with his teammates...never complained about his contract, worked hard, played hard, led the team and most importantly was a leader of men...we need that outspoken attitude back, that hardnosed approach to the game...Barnett is doing a fine job and was a great pick up by the coach/Nix, but Talley could inspire greatness in this team....or would at least provide some levity to the situation (because quite honestly, I think these younger back-ups are looking at each other without any idea how to handle these losses or how to have fun out there).


    Hmmmm, let's see...Scott Norwood appreciation day or Daryl Talley...I'll take #56....Putting a call out to Spidey...We need some help brother!!!!!



    Amen brother! My favorite Bill of all time . . . because he was the ultimate TEAM player. Loved to watch him get folks fired up.


    I have to agree with some of the posters though, they need more than a pep talk. They need talent.

  5. Please. We're banged up and not the team we were before the bye, but Miami is not the Jets or the Cowboys. Fins are 2-7 for a reason, and I do not see them suddenly wining three in a row after starting 0-7. Losing Wood makes me nervous, but we win this one. Now is your chance to get back on the bandwagon, there's still room . . .

  6. He inherited Jaurons mess...after gutting that roster he went 4-12 now hes looking at going 7-9 - 8-8 until this team stops improving every year can we start calling for his head. This team needs more talent and a QB.



    Injuries to key players make it that much harder. Playoffs were a lot to ask this year . . . 8-8 would be a giant leap forward.

  7. I totally agree, but how do you know the play wasn't designed to go short and fitz looked up and saw one on one coverage and went for it. I agree the down and distance was a stupid spot to go for it but Gaily isn't the one throwing the ball now is he. So you can't blame Gaily's play calling there, blame Fitz for trying to make something out of nothing. He is a gun slinger and that is what we got so we have to live with the good and the bad of that.

    May have been designed as a short pass, but my point is run the ball more often on short. Not just this play, it seems to happen in every game. Teams are probably starting to gameplan for us passing on short yardage at this point.

  8. You have touched on a major point here. The Bills coaching staff, for whatever reason, has failed to get the ball into the hands of two of the best athletes on the team. The failure to utilize Spiller and Brad Smith is downright criminal. These are the type of decisions which reinforce the view that this coaching staff is mediocre at best.


    In addition, Fred Jackson has been phenomenal all season and even he doesn't get enough carries. Who is responsible? Chan Gailey.


    Gailey will never be more than a mediocre coach.

    Spiller has had plenty of upportunities and come up short. Mostly missed plays.


    Brad Smith has also had opportunities and failed to produce.


    I do agree with you about Jackson. I hosted a Cowboys fan at my home today and he kept asking me "why don't you guys just keep giving the ball to 22? He gets a first down on almost every play."

  9. Did anyone actually watch the play? Jones was the only truly open WR at the time of the throw. He ran a great pattern for three yards and then for some reason stopped running and jumped for the ball. If he just keeps running to the back of the end-zone it is an easy catch and TD. Horrible play by Jones.

    It goes beyond short pass or long bomb. Jackson has shown he can get 2 yards almost any play or let McIntyre try. Or quarterback sneak on really short. Pick your running play on short yardage. But it seems Chan likes to try to do the unexpected on short yardage and it never works. Sometimes the "expected" play is expected for a reason - because it usually works. I love Chan but sometimes he tends to outsmart himself. Glad he has faith in Fitz but on short yardage don't be afraid to RUN THE BALL!

  10. @ John - I agree. I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but this team is a work in progress. We had a great start to the season, and when we are healthy, we can play with anybody. The problem? By mid season, most teams are fighting a war of attrition, and the Bills are suffering the same fate. Along with upgrades in the defense, the Bills need to get some quality depth on the roster. Will it happen this off-season? Hopefully. And hopefully we don't continue to let quality free agents leave the team (a la Jabari Greer)

    Rgr. We're in year two of a three year rebuild. Really we're in year one, because the first draft Buddy and Chan were still unaware of just how bad the team really was. I don't think they would have gone for Spiller had they realized how the deep the needs on the lines (both O and D) were at the time. I think they thought the team was OK, but DJ sucked and they would come in and pick things up with better coaching. It took Chan several games into the regular season to realize he had the wrong QB and the team was in deep, deep trouble. We had a great draft this year based on positional needs and Chan has a plan going forward - it will just take time.


    I'm OK with not making the playoffs as long as we continue to improve. Next year is the year we will make a serious run at it. If we make a wildcard spot this year, gravy.

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