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Posts posted by Cynical

  1. Seems like he got dinged up if I remember correctly, I could be wrong about that though. Point is, its pointless to say he can't run when he can and if he hadn't injured his knee so badly, he could be the best RB in the game right now.


    I think you are missing the point. McGahee has the physical tools, even after the knee wreck. What he doesn't seem to possess is heart, desire, and dedication to perform consistently.

  2. Yea, the Hogs were named by unknowable Washington fans hungry BACON.


    The Electric Company is just another name....where do you think they came from???


    Your too funny


    What about the Bills O-Line during the early 90s?


    What about the Cowboys O-Line during the same period?


    Not every great O-Line needs a "catchy" nickname to immortalize it.


    Actual performance has a way of doing that.

  3. (JoeSixPack @ Aug 25 2008, 11:00 AM) *

    Can anyone say: "TERRIBLE play call by our inept OC resulting in an Edwards INT in the End Zone"?


    Good, I knew you could.





    Nobody forced Edwards to make that throw.


    Kind of like the Baltimore game where Edward's threw a pick. After the game, Edwards admitted the coaches told him NOT to throw that particular pass, but he did anyways.

  4. Really? I live in Chicago and watched the whole Jauron era. Can't recall any run of great defenses during his time. Flash in the pan for 1 season maybe. Anything sustained, no.


    Overall Defensive ranks

    1999 - 20th points, 29th yards

    2000 - 20th points, 16th yards

    2001 - 1st points, 15th yards

    2002 - 25th points, 25th yards

    2003 - 22nd points, 14th yards


    You're right. Other than 2001, that's pretty underwhelming.


    Cue the "It's not Dicks fault" crowd in ...

  5. Please explain how "firing the guy running the show and making 100% of the decisions" equates to "little to no effort to correct the problem." Thank you.



    Are you talking about Fairchild?


    1.) Newsflash: Fairchild was NOT fired. I know the apologists want to believe that, but, sorry, it is not true.


    2.) What steps did Jauron take during the year in attempt to correct the abortion of an offense? or Out of a 16 game season, how many games does the HC wait before taking action to correct a major problem?

  6. From this article by Clark Judge:



    "I don't really care what we run as long as we score. I couldn't care less what it looks like or the ratio of run-to-pass or those kinds of things. Anything that will score points is fine with me."


    That's straight from the horse's mouth, folks. Really sounds like a guy who is too conservative and hamstrings his OC, doesn't it?


    As somebody has already posted:


    Talk is cheap.


    The Bills were 30th in points scored last year.

    Since Jauron made little to no effort to correct the problem during the year, he must have been 'happy' with the way the offense was scoring.

  7. No discussion of Dick Jauron's tenure at Chicago is complete without the following: In Jauron's first year as coach, he took over a team that had gone 4-12 in 1998 and improved them to 6-10. Just before the 2001 season, Jerry Angelo was hired as Bears GM.


    You forgot to include the 2000 season where Jauron took a 6-10 team of 1999 to 5-11.


    That year the Bears went 13-3 and Jauron won Coach of the Year honors with a marginally talented squad.


    IIRC, Jauron was also given an extension after that season. Angelo must have really hated Jauron.


    The following 2002 season, Soldier Field was being renovated and the Bears played all their home games at the University of Illinois/Champaign. In addition they were devastated by injuries (last year must have been like deja vu for Jauron). The Bears finished 4-12.


    Will Peters hold out and the fact the Bills will have to play 'home' games in Toronto become the new 'reasons' (a/k/a excuses) Jauron fails?


    According to those close to the organization, Angelo had no real regard for Jauron. He inherited him as coach and the two basically had a non-relationship. As would any GM coming in, Angelo wanted to hire his won coach.


    How dare Angelo have no real regard for a HC that already had two losing seasons prior to his arrival.


    In 2003, the Bears finished 7-9. According to the testimony of several Bears players, the team, with Kordell Stewart at quarterback, was low on talent but still played hard including a 4-2 closing stretch that was an attempt to save Jauron's job.


    Players loved Wayne Fontes too. Players played hard for him. Wayne is previous Coach of the Year winner.

    When Jauron is showed the door, I say we hire Wayne Fontes.


    It was not enough. Angelo fired Jauron after the season and hired Lovie Smith. Smith's record after succeeding Jauron in 2004? The Bears finished with two less wins at 5-11. And look at them now. Despite some top shelf talent, they look to me like a team on the downswing (Lovie's record is 36-28 in four seasons).


    You are so right. Smith only has a .563 winning average with a SB appearance.

    Jauron was sssssssooooooooooooooo much better.


    It's actually pretty easy to argue that he's done more with less and that's surely why he's coached 100+ games. I think he's a good coach, maybe not great.


    32 of those 117 games came as HC of the Bills. Buffalo was the only team interested in Jauron at the time of his hire. It was a real possibility if the Bills did not hire DJ, DJ never sees 100 games as a HC.

  8. No, that is not what he is saying at all. He is not saying it is automatic that 100+ games = good coach, but rather that it is worth considering that he has been able to coach 100+ games.


    I know you want to make your point, but goodness gracious, where is reading comprehension? At least Sisyphean was able to make an actual argument...


    A.) Sisyphean Bills post was not visible when I posted.

    B.) My reading comprehension is fine.

    C.) In Jauron's case, why is being able to coach 100+ games worth considering? 32 of those games came as HC of the Bills.

  9. Isn't the fact that Jauron being only one of 83 coaches EVER to be around long enough to coach 100+ games, something in and of itself?


    If only 83 have done something good enough to stick around for 100+ games, I think that says something about Jauron.


    So, when the Bills ditch Jauron, they should run out and hire Bruce Coslett? He is on the list.

    How about Henning?


    Come on, Coslett and Henning have both coached over 100+ so they MUST be good, right?


    Isn't this what you are saying: 100+ games = good coach?

  10. Thank god the front office went out and got us Gibran Hamdan, because Ken Dorsey showed what happens when your team lacks chroise. Eight straight incomplete passes to end the game, all of them in the red zone. If it came down to a showdown of third-QBs, I know who would win.


    Seriously, I know he's a third QB, and everybdoy playing is a backup, and it doesn't count, and it's the preseason, but Dorsey had the worst quarter of quarterback play I've ever seen.


    If we can believe the stories out of south Florida, Dorsey will look like world beater in comparison.

  11. I do think the Jets will be a better team with Favre behind center, but could his signing help us by beating teams that are in contention with us. The Jets play Denver, Tennessee, and New England. If they can sneak out a previously unheard of win against one of these opponents, it might actually give us a better chance (that is if we beat them as well)


    One problem. You forgot to include we play the Jets - twice.


    Just as much as Favre could help the Bills by beating "our" opponents, Favre could help our opponents by beating us.

  12. no, I really just meant we beat him in the AFC championship game and the Broncos basically weren't heard from for about 8 years in the 90s until the Bills faded from the picture.


    I think you are skewing your cause/effect and time lines.

    The Bills beat the Broncos in the AFCC game after the 1991 season. Eight years later, the Broncos had already won and celebrated their second SB.



    Elway wasn't the best example for "tarnished", which by that I was meaning denying glory for those that the media desire to receive it (in the form of victory, not accolade). Marino and the Dolphins are obviously the best examples.



    Of course, in beating Marino and the Dolphins, Buffalo had it's own media darlings such as Kelly, Thomas, B. Smith, Bennett, and even later, Flutie.

  13. I realize that - but I stand by my sentiments. Jets games just got a heck of a lot more interesting. Don't think for a second that our team won't be twice as focused on taking them down. The mere opportunity to tarnish the image of the egomaniac is good enough for me. And I still think it's going to be a trainwreck for the Jets.


    According to you, just like the way we "destroyed" the image of Elway?


    I, for one, love having the opportunity to destroy the image of the media darlings. To me that's a big part of being a Bills fan - beating Marino, Montana in KC, Elway, Boomer, the Dolphins generally.


    The same Elway that is:


    -in the NFL Hall of Fame

    -awarded league MVP in 87

    -started in 5 SB

    -won 2 SB

    -awarded SB MVP


    I do not think his image his "tarnished" in any way shape or form because he lost to Bills a few times.



    Sorry. Favre makes the Jets a better team. Period. How much better is unknown. Just do not bet on them being a cake walk this year.

  14. The off-season (yes, even training camp) is pretty boring around here. Just looking to spark some discussion that doesn't involve Jason Peters.


    Let's say some random billionaire buys the Bills, wants to keep them in western/upstate New York, and will completely privately fund a new stadium. Where would you want it? Not where do you think it would go (save the Toronto jokes), but where would you want it if you were asked by the new owner for input. A few thoughts:


    1 - Orchard Park, right next to/on top of the current site of The Ralph... infrastructure is there, training facilities, plenty of parking, easy access to several major highways, etc.

    2 - Niagara County, either in the city of Niagara Falls or somewhere in Wheatfield, Lewiston, etc... easier commute for the Canadian base the team is trying to grow.

    3 - Buffalo, on the current site of the Perry Projects... plenty of land available for development near HSBC, public transportation, (potentially) the Casino, but would alter tailgating as we know it (perhaps make it more like Cubs games with people flooding bars before and after the game?).

    4 - Buffalo, somewhere on the outer harbor... access would be a B word, especially come December, as many fans would be forced to use the skyway.

    5 - Lackawanna, on redeveloped brownfields... same problem as #4.

    6 - Batavia, or some other point along the 90 in Genesee County... might make seasons tickets or spending corporate dollars on a suite more attractive to people from Rochester, Canandaigua, Syracuse and points east.


    With the apparent apathy of the Toronto market, I am actually leaning towards #6 in the interests of the long-term financial health of the franchise. I get the feeling more folks from Rochester and points east would go to Bills games and more businesses would be interested in suites/partnerships if they had a significantly shorter commute (not to mention access during non-game days for various events). Moving the stadium near Batavia would cut a good 40 minutes or so off the commute TO the game, and a good hour or so after the game when you consider all the folks that would be fighting to head west to Buffalo.



    #2, without question. If am not mistaken, both Buffalo and Rochester are losing population. Until that problem is corrected, the other options sound nice, but are long term failures waiting to happen.


    Do not mistake the apathy you see now with the present Toronto deal as a default attitude towards the NFL. Canadians are interested in the NFL, just not the way it is being shoved down their throat.

  15. And to "Why Not Hamden", If you ever get the chance to experience a Tennessee/Florida game in Knoxville you will understand. Yes, college rivalry games are BETTER than the NFL, hands down.


    After listening to "Rocky Top", he may beg to differ :thumbsup:

  16. Auburn-Alabama? You're not really a Bills fan right? I would rather watch a Bills preseason game than Auburn-Alabama. Sorry, this site is for Bills fans. You should leave immediately.

    Auburn- Alabama! Sheesh.



    Yeah, because there is nothing like watching a game full of camp fodder with nothing at stake vs. one of the nations best, nastiest, and most intense college football rivalry.


    Have you even attended a "real" college football game? (And no, UB, Syracuse, and Pitt do not count as "real" college football)

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