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Posts posted by eball

  1. i think it's irresponsible of you to let your dog off the leash if you know she has this propensity. it's not her fault. either keep her on the leash or get some professional help with obedience training. and i agree with the other poster -- why take her somewhere that obviously stresses her out?

  2. just how exactly did pissburgh come out "flat" last week? they led 10-0 after the first quarter and dominated play. if that's flat i'll take a flat showing by the bills every week.


    "say it don't spray it" cowher's sphincter will be so tight this week (read: fearing yet another home championship game loss) he'll make marty schottenheimer look like don coryell.

  3. i'm usually wrong with my predictions, but i think we will see a pats-falcons super bowl. how can anyone possibly pick against new england at this point? i don't think pissburgh's home field means anything, and despite the record they still have a rookie at QB going up against the gameplan master. then you add "say it don't spray it" cowher's tight sphincter and marty schottenheimer-like playoff gameplans...the pats win this one by a TD.


    as for atlanta-philly: the falcons are actually set up well for cold, nasty weather. they run the ball extremely well, which is the weakness of philly's D. they have a "triple threat" of vick, dunn, and duckett. they have more playmakers than the eagles do, and the defenses are essentially a draw. atlanta's special teams are very good as well. if owens were playing, i'd take the eagles in a close one. without him, the balance shifts to the falcons.


    vick v. belichick will be fun. that's the game i hope to see.

  4. man I heard it was real bad out 3 hours you could walk faster.  Glad i went home at lunch time and just sat here and watched the traffic jam on the road near my house.



    i work near RTP and went home (6 miles away) for lunch. took me 2.5 hours to get back to work.


    i laugh at how the south handles winter weather as much as anyone, but the timing of this "storm" was perfect for causing chaos. the roads were incredibly slick -- and that comes from someone who grew up driving in the northeast. on the news last night they were "on location" at several schools where kids had to stay overnight b/c buses couldn't get there and parents were stuck in traffic.


    unbelievable. i swear, there was an inch of snow at most. go figure.

  5. miami, tampa, now arizona...i realize it's just buzz at this point, but who else thinks TD may really be able to pull off a trade that gives the bills another 2nd round pick? if he can do it, it will be one of his best moves as GM. with two #2s, buffalo can find two "immediate impact" players in the draft.


    i hate to get too excited about the prospects, but it's looking better and better that it will happen.

  6. yesterdays perfomance is one that should be kept for training purposes.  the patriots were nearly flawless and and an awesome display of football, and any moron that pins this loss on peyton hasn't got a clue about football.



    i'm really glad somebody started this thread. it's easy to "hate" those who are on top -- particularly if you root for a team that is a chief rival. but what we're watching the patriots doing right now is something to behold.


    they're damn good. yesterday's game was a clinic. forget tom emanski's tapes. this is the video to watch if you want to learn how to get results. i'm sure fred mcgriff would agree.

  7. I was psyched that they beat Seattle because I think that that protects his job for another year.


    The league is much better off having Martz in it. Think about how many times his arrogance combined with his poor decision making makes you smile during the year. The guy is priceless. St. Louis fans deserve better, but without any emotional attachment I say keep the guy in the league and the good times rollin'.



    exactly. having coaches like martz makes it fun to follow other NFL news besides that having to do with the bills. martz is the worst HC in the league, hands down.



    If you want to get lasers and pixel by pixel slow motion animation involved in figuring out a lateral, then I dont want to watch the NFL..


    All you need is two f-cking eyes to see that Wycheck was a GOOD yard and a half BEHIND dyson..

    f-cking a...



    you know what? i'm sick and tired of fans who whine about the titans' game. do you want to give back don beebe's obvious step out of bounds during the houston comeback game?


    breaks happen. to all teams. get over it. if the bills' special teams hadn't completely broken down it wouldn't have mattered whether or not it was a lateral. give the titans credit for an imaginative play and stop whining when buffalo catches a bad break. we've had our share of breaks going our way over the years.

  9. Great intelligent points for your second post  :P .  I hate the Pats as much as any Bills fan (especially Marcia) but this team has 2 of the last 3 SBs, so they do not win simply by "cheating" and questionable officiating.  They're good but I think as Vanderjerk said "they are ripe for picking" with the injuries in the secondary and Seymour the defense could get torn apart by the jugernaut that is Indy.



    thanks for posting that. it gets really old reading the "they cheat" crap. can anyone be a bills' fan without having to resort to childish crap to disparage our rivals?


    sportsmanship is a quality sorely lacking around here. not to say that it exists anywhere else. and that sucks.

  10. it was ok. i like the concept. i rarely watched the live shows, but i like the "game of the week" stuff. if the channel were to go away, i wouldn't really miss it.


    now, for impact, however, the sirius sat radio NFL channel was HUGE. i listened to that every day. got tons of information. i'd definitely be disappointed if it went off the air.

  11. i keep reading these "if losman isn't ready to play" posts, and it's just puzzling the hell out of me.


    yes, he broke his leg and missed some practice time. but he was in every team meeting, watched every bit of film, got to pick the brain of sam wyche for an entire season, and practiced the last half of the year as the #2 QB. he'll have the entire offseason to continue working out and meeting w/ coaches.


    perhaps i'm being overly critical, but if he's NOT ready to play this year i've got some serious concerns about his ability "upstairs." should he be able to step in and be an instant all-pro? of course not. but should he be able to step in and put up comparable play to what we've seen the last two years? god, i hope so.


    to me, the only question is whether or not the coaching staff will really allow the QB job to be an open competition.



  12. i don't think anyone has to 'grudgingly' admit anything...this will be a great ballgame to watch as a football fan. i also don't 'begrudge' either team. i respect what the pats have done under belichick, and i'm a big tony dungy/peyton manning fan.


    since the bills can't be there, i'm pulling for the horseshoes to win it all. polian deserves one.

  13. here is a excellent site for Camera Reviews


    Digital Photography Review


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    A excellent Digital SLR camera  is the Nikon  D70 6 mp digital camera costs about $800



    i was just going to post that link myself. that's where i went before i bought my latest camera -- the canon powershot sd300. 4 mp, 3x optical zoom. the damn thing is tiny! i love it -- i can put it in my pocket and have a great camera anywhere i go. it's not for the "serious" photographer -- not a lot of manual settings. but there's enough for an amateur like me to play with. bought a high-speed 512 sd card to go with it. total cost approx. $400.

  14. I don't have faith in Bledsoe period.

    Its not the mediocre part that bothers me so much about Bledsoe, its the way he breaks down in big games that really gets to me and the reason why he shouldn't be the quarterback for this team(Or any team, IMO) next year.



    why did you quote the entire post? rookie move. :unsure:


    that said, i think your point is not so much a revelation as it is proof of bledsoe's inadequacies. against weak opponents the bills can overcome his deficiencies; against good teams his weaknesses are exploited.

  15. i've listened to him speak on talk radio (sirius NFL channel has him on weekly) and i honestly like him. he's engaging and doesn't shy away from tough questions. he's a good motivator and the players probably like him.


    but that's where it ends, in my opinion. he can't manage the clock -- had to hire a "clock management specialist" for his staff. he doesn't seem to ever look like he knows what is going on out on the field. what was that b.s. w/ his running backs coach on the sideline last night? that's embarrassing. a HC can't lose his cool like that. and when the defense had 10 players on the field for two consecutive plays? he didn't seem to have a clue.


    i don't know...i've just seen numerous examples of stuff like this over the past several years and i think most observers would agree that the jets have underachieved during that time.

  16. I know there is a large LOST contingent on this board, but are there a lot of 24 watchers?


    Just curious since the new season starts on Sunday. Since the BIlls are out of the playoffs and I am in football mourning, I am glad 24 is around to ease the pain.



    my wife and i are big fans...have been watching since episode one. there have been ups and downs like with any show, but it's as entertaining as anything else i've seen out there.

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