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Posts posted by BringBackFlutie

  1. The run defense will improve with film study. If it doesn't, would you rather have different personnel on the D-Line? Could we have remedied the problem differently in the off-season? Should we have picked up someone BESIDES Wannstedt to coach up the interior LBers? I just don't understand if your comparing this team to Jauron's based in part on the run defense. I can't think of any way to not be optimistic about this D-line with the talent involved right now...additionally, I don't know how you can essentially say that seeing a need on D-line and drafting Dareus is analogous to seeing a need on the D-line and drafting Maybin... You sir, are off your rocker.

  2. I have no idea why Gailey is doing what he is, but there is value in "keeping hope alive" throughout the roster. At the pro level, these are pretty competitive guys, with a history of being a top player, from Pop Warner onwards. They are not used to, and the good ones aren't satisfied, with being second stringers. If the starting positions are closed to competition from the get-go, and there's no way you will even be considered for one of them, then it's not hard to imagine non-starters becoming discontented and even losing interest. Imagine your own job, and if no matter how hard you worked, how well you did your job, that the boss was always going to give the plum jobs to his favored guys and you were never going to be considered for advancement. So maybe this is all about keeping morale up. But, like I said, I have no idea why Gailey is doing what he is.


    Ha, oh I get it, trust me. I was in the Army working with a Time in Service ceiling over my head for 4 years. I also played second string QB in HS and never worked to improve during the season because I clearly outperformed our starter every preseason. It was nonsense, and I would not work hard if I were on an OLine that had their positions set either. But the question is whether or not they're doing right by not opening the competition for right guard as well... However, I understand the "keep it to a single variable" thing.

  3. I just don't get it. We took the first 8 weeks to win a game because our coach and offense were finding their way. We finished 4-4 to end the season with injuries running rampant. The obvious reason we lost half of the games we did was because of 169 yards/game let up on the ground and our offense wasn't consistent enough to make up for it. Well, we are probably much better against the run and haven't changed anything on offense except for let go of Lee Evans and add Brad Smith. So, logically that means that we have the same offense with a better defense and should then win at LEAST the 4 games but probably more like 2-4 more. Throw in Fitz for 3 of the games that he missed and our offense scores more. All things considered, I think that common sense says we go .500. Last year we were young with holes at a lot of positions. This year we are 1 year older with young talent at a lot of those holes. Other teams get better too, I know, but every other team in the NFL isn't a bunch of young talent that's just learning to win together- everyone is different. Lastly, what is the deal with the constant idea that the lack of Aaron Rodgers at QB and the best offensive line in the NFL makes us the second-to-last team in the power-rankings? That argument is lunacy.

  4. I don't understand; I thought they liked the guys they had playing offensive line and thought that they were better than most of us out here thought they were.






    EDIT: I love how they went after Atlanta's RT and then after that...they were done.


    "Oh well, we tried."



    It is unlikely, but I would love it if someone from the organization came out and said, "Look, we knew we had a poor Oline, but when FA hit we had an extra 20 plus million dollars and sat on our f****** hands and now we are paying for it and you are going to suffer because of it as fans. So what's the big deal?"


    I'm going to be honest here about Nix first: he should have known better at the beginning...rather than now. There are obvious problems on the O-Line. BUT judging by last year he was probably right. We had a carousel of linemen at the end of the year and they all filled their jobs in at least an adequate manner. Some were bad but I'm sure Nix and Co. were banking on all of the line coming back healthy and being better when all 5 of the best were out there, but unfortunately it didn't happen that way and everyone is even worse than they seemed before. He did say they thought they had better O-Linemen...Well, whatever, point made.


    I am extremely happy with Nix, at least he is acknowledging that the line is a problem, which makes me confident that he will fix it if he can. Which leads to the next point. We are building a young team for the future. He's not going to find stop-gap players. If he's going to sign a FA and let them fill our holes on the O-Line then you better hope those young players of ours can step up next year like they didn't this year, or that we draft all starting caliber O-linemen right away next year, because the stop-gap is gonna have to be signed short-term unless he's young enough. Why? The answer is simple and clearly overlooked by fans at an alarming rate: We have 20 million dollars of cap room which needs to stay there because next year we need to keep everyone of our skill positions. In the past we've argued that the Bills don't keep their talent when they can afford it. Well, if we go out and dump a bunch of money into free agency this year, chances are, next year we won't even be able to keep our big-name young talent. I'm pretty sure that Buddy is just going about this the most cautious way possible. He's waiting for final cuts by all of the teams. If he can sign a good O-Lineman that will pay dividends and be worth the money for years to come, he's gonna do it. If not, then he's gonna have to go out and take a hit to sign depth players and hope that the ones on the team now are gonna be adequate to mix in with some rookies next year.

  5. Now I understand that we already have a thread about Levitre's move yesterday, however, he has been moved back to starting LG today already.




    Whatever, who cares right? Obviously Levitre moving BACK to HIS position within one day to at least "split time" there is no big deal. The question of the day is this: Why move Levitre back to the 1's and still not even have Rhinhart at RG? Why is this shake-up happening only on the left? Why is Urbik untouched so far?


    I guess what I'm trying to get at is, does anyone know the logic or reasoning behind this? Does the coaching staff know something about Urbik that we just don't? Was it secretly Levitre screwing up the whole time and that made it look bad on everybody? I just want some more rationale, since Gailey and CB clearly won't provide.

  6. At this stage in the season it's silly to assume that this means flat-out, "Levitre is demoted." I think it's just a matter of shifting things around to see who works best together, so that we don't have a repeat of the Chicago game. While it seemed to be mostly Urbik, there were other missed blocks further down-field and I bet the line is being addressed as a whole. No big deal. They aren't going to just roll the dice on the O-Line- Gaily doesn't want Fitz to get killed.

  7. I went home to Rochester a few weeks ago to see the Bills' first night practice. I remember the first thing I saw was Aaron Williams doing a coverage drill. He was sticking to all of the receivers like glue. He is a physical specimen, and I was impressed. The same can be said for McKelvin- if not for his in-game mental breakdowns he'd be one of the best in the league, he is SO INCREDIBLY TALENTED.

  8. He was the team leader in San Diego too.

    Drew Brees even ripped him off with his pre-game chants that you began to see a couple of year sago when Saints were getting pub.

    That was Merrimen's thing.

    I was happy to see the Bills land him for that reason alone-leadership, even if he couldn't perform-he can lead!

    Also Merrimen has star power, last star we had was T.O.-always a good thing to have some guys who get national attention and encourage other players to consider the Bills. Wish him well this season.


    I think that we're shaping a new kind of team- one that we've really never had before. Our whole defense is shaping up to be big and nasty, plus we've got high-profile rookies and leaders. Additionally, you have people emerging on offense like Stevie who is a media darling. I think that attitude thing is huge. It makes for more publicity (with good performance) that could be both more intimidating to other teams and way more exciting for us fans.


    And players are genuinely excited about each other. Merriman was laughing and having fun with how Marcel was ready to take all the credit for his sacks. I thought that was cool because it means that Merriman feeds off of the rookie's excitement, and he is also acknowledging that teams can't stop all of them.

  9. I just find it rather interesting that


    The defense doesnt deserve credit because Chicago's offense was not the strength of the team




    Our offense doesn't deserve any credit for driving on what WAS the strenght of the Chicago's team which was the defense....Bell and Pears went agains a pair of VERY good DE's.




    I FULLY agree with this. As much as people say the Bears O-Line was horrible, it can't be much worse than ours (if at all), and the Bears (Pass-rushing strength) couldn't penetrate our line like we did theirs- so by comparison, our pass rush is better than the BEARS, which is good company to be in (or above). And yes, our first team offense definitely out-performed theirs. Granted, this is all preseason, so all of these conclusions could mean nothing.


    The point that I have made, however, is that as great as our first team looked, it was scary to see us get run on like we did, even with a lot of the starters still in there. That was worrisome. It's not that we weren't a lot better, and didn't make plays we haven't seen the Bills make in years, it's more that I feel the big plays may have overshadowed some pretty poor run defense. I'm personally just scared, because we now have a large aggressive interior line, but if we aren't better about the run come next week, what's the answer?

  10. Yes, wood and urbik missed a block on that play, wood went flying into the ground and urbik let urlacher shed him effortlessly. Levitre was on the bottom of the screen. He did the same thing wood did, went flying into the ground head first. Yes urbik got blown up on spillers first run. Other than that and the shed block by urlacher on the screen, his play was adequate.


    Fitzs pass to Nelson....I can't tell from the camera view where the ball was. If it was catchable or not. Fitz threw a lot of badly thrown uncatchable balls on 3rd down last year. Not sure if this was the same type of throw, or if Nelson just wasn't ready for it.


    -our D-Line looked awesome. Let's hope it's not due to chicagos lack of oline



    Ah, I was talking about the throw to Jones down the sideline. Looked strange and poorly planned or miscommunicated.

  11. It is completely hilarious how much NFL fans and analysts on various sports networks just totally blow the preseason into something it totally isn't. I'll give you an example: In the Bills game last night, Shawn Merriman had back to back sacks on Chicago's suddenly "inept" offensive line. So the old Shawn Merriman is back, right?-More on that later. WGR's Paul Hamilton has an article on the station's web site that the Bills' offense, in so many words...Stinks! That the Lee Evans trade was the biggest, most disasterous mistake since hiring Tom Donahoe as the general manager. And Donald Jones as Evans' replacement is completely ridiculous. On the flip side, every side of Chicago, north side, south side, you name it, is ready to HANG Jay Cutler. Bears' fans are so bitter over the way Cutler left the playoff game last year that they can't get past the one thing that all NFL fans, sports-writers, sports-anchors, commentators and fantasy nerds should understand: The NFL preseason is completely, and utterly, a bona-fide scrimmage.


    The final scores do not matter, no coach loses his job, no playoff spots are clinched, no Lombardi Trophies are won and, lastly, no team can be labled a trainwreck disaster of a team in the preseason...not even our "poor" Buffalo Bills. Listen, the early part of the football season, including the current preseason, is going to be about as attractive and smooth as Jamarcus Russell's waist line and stretch-marks. We are coming off a four-month lockout, a free-for-all, frenzy of free-agency, resulting in players having to crash course to learn playbooks.


    Back to Shawn Merriman, the man had two sacks. Be happy with that! Print the pictures off NFL.com and frame them on your wall. Why? Because anybody who truly believes this man is going to be anywhere near as dominant as he was in his prime, you are catagorically DILLUSIONAL! I do believe Merriman can still make plays, but he isn't even going to be the best LB on this team, let alone a force in the leagus. I hope I'm wrong on that one...but I won't be.


    I don't care that the Bills scored 3 points last night, maybe massive tools like Jerry Sullivan do, but I do not. I am happy with Ryan Fitzpatrick completed 7 of 9 passed for 44 yards and didn't get blindsided by Julius Peppers, I am happy that Tyler Thigpen only completed one pass and is well on his way to becoming the mistake I thought he'd be as an "big" off-season acquisition. The NFL preseason is strictly for evaluating talent, and determining a depth-chart and roster cuts. But, alas, I guess we all need to stomach the overblown criticisms of the media. Such is life...


    I think you're nuts. Sure, pre-season doesn't mean very much, and I'm sure those sacks were a residual effect of the Bears' offense's second drive of the season- I'll take that argument. But in order to exploit that line Merriman had to show a bit of athleticism and explosiveness to beat his one on ones and punish the quarterback. ...I didn't see the vaunted Bears' pass-rush get to Fitz in our first two drives with our HORRIBLE O-Line. Additionally, Merriman is the best OLB on this team, which means your dreams came true, and you are wrong. Being better than Kelsey doesn't take much more than average, and even average players will look like Merriman 2007 with Williams and Dareus up front.


    I really thought your post was reasonable, because the rest of it seems to be well thought-out and more objective, but to say what you're saying about Merriman? I mean, that's just an unfounded opinion. An opinion which, as already stated, I think is nuts :)

  12. Agree with almost all of this.




    -It didn't look to me like Urbik played as bad as many have stated. He wasn't great, but really only missed one block on the spiller WR screen. Wood and Levitre both missed blocks badly on that play as well. Both falling face first. If that play was executed by the OL, it may have been a big gain.


    - Levitre played well. Wood played better than average. I like having these two guys together. It allows us to focus our help to the right side


    - fitz' throw that Donald jones had the pass interference call looked ridiculous in slow mo. Can't believe he would attempt such a throw. If you have the game on dvr, watch it in slow mo. You'll agree.


    Wood and Urbik were the missed blocks on that middle screen with Spiller. It was actually Wood's fault because Spiller had to cut to the left side of Urbik and got pounded (didn't help that Urlacher shed Urbik with ease). Urbik's only big downfall was the first running play that was blown up in the backfield. Urbik was practically catapulted off of the line. He was beaten miserably.


    I'm not sure what you're seeing besides possibly the safety coming over the top, but the ball Fitz threw was into single-coverage and he was giving his receiver a chance to make the play- again, I don't know what you saw though, so maybe it was worse than I thought. I would say this: take a close look at how the play developed, it seemed as if Fitz was a little hesitant, as if there was a miscommunication, but he threw it anyway at the last second. ...Pure speculation on my part.

  13. I feel that a few very good players will be available late in the preseason as teams cut a few high priced players



    Agreed. I don't have a link (gasp) but I think that Buddy did mention that he is still waiting to see who comes available and if he thinks they will "upgrade our football team" he'll do it. I think that, with Gailey practically crying out for help on the O-Line and the fact that we haven't signed anyone to help out, there's gotta be something that we don't see about those names available right now.

  14. i agree as well, love the white uniforms. cant wait for the PREASEASON home opener, ill be there and against detroit as well to catch em in the blue home uni's. cant wait


    AND you have to assume that will be the best of the preseason games because the starters will play the most. Great game all around for you.

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