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Posts posted by BringBackFlutie

  1. Lack of Execution lost this game. Fitz was inaccurate, yes, but there were missed blocks all over the field and tons of blown coverage on defense. Fitz does a good job to shore up the accuracy issues here and there, but the blown coverage in the secondary and the inability of what should be a very good defensive line is tiring. It was tough to stomach today.

  2. They're playing him like a 4-3 defensive end. That's not his strength. He's being misused.


    This x1000.


    We went out and drafted and signed 3-4 personnel and continue to use 4-3 like we just can't do it. This baffles me. Shawne Merriman is an undersized 4-3 DE.

  3. This defense is PATHETIC. Letting a rookie QB throw almost 300 yards on them and destroy them in the second half is rediculous. This defense can't even put pressure on a rookie QB when the game is on the line?!?!? Time for Wanny to take over and have some creative defensive game planning. Not this high school BS that Edwards runs. Let Edwards coach LB's like he did in Miami. He is way over his head being a DC.




    don't think you'll see that at 3-1.


    Agreed. :(

  4. The offense starting getting better when Chan named Fitz and Freddy starters. Fitz helped to make Stevie a featured receiver. Moving Wood to center was a catalyst.


    The defensive made some strides when they started giving Kyle Williams more reps, but the improvement really gained traction by getting bigger on the line with Dareus, and better at MLB with Barnett.


    The Bills ability to contain the run this year is a huge improvement over last season.



    I agree. I think people that say our defense is just as bad in other ways and we let up too many points don't understand how football is played.


    We have a stout run defense that forces teams to throw on us, and since our offense has always been pretty good under Chan, it's reasonable to assume that we can win games by getting the ball back quickly. We get way more chances to score when the defense isn't allowing the other team to run the ball and drain the clock all game.


    Additionally, as has been said over the weeks, we just came out of a very unique situation where we played 3 prolific scoring offenses both on the ground and in the air. We had to give up something, and when we did, the game was bound to be high-scoring. Most teams that beat the three teams we played are going to have to score a lot of points.

  5. That's one of the greatest articles I've ever read. I love that now that the Bills are winning they don't just write articles about football- they write articles about all of us, and how much the team means to us, and how odd it is that we mean so much to the team. I love WNY and I love being a Bills fan. It's something that nobody else could ever understand.

  6. If you add up all of Fitz' games played, I think this is like his 4th year as a starter (it's usually year 3-4 of straight starts that a rookie's light comes on). I think the best is still yet to come with him, and I feel we've got a good 7-10 years left with him. However, after a great team has been built around him, in about 5 years it will be time to draft a QB and groom him, to keep the continuity going.

  7. I really like the comment page.


    John Strauss wrote:

    The Bills can't even win legally. They have to steal from the Patriots playbook. I guess that will happen when you don't have competent enough coaches to come up with your own gameplan. You have to steal someone else's.


    I'm kinda tempted to sign up on that website just to point out spygate to him.


    It continues to baffle me that fans are entirely unaware of the respect that Gailey commands around the league as an offensive genius. It's been mentioned time and time again by many professionals. He is more than competent on that side of the ball.

  8. To be fair, our defense has looked pretty weak so far, other than the Chiefs game... I hope we hold them to a low scoring total, but I'm also not going to make any guarantees, heh. We need to make more stops. We need to not be behind by 18+ points.


    Our defensive line has been eating up blockers all season. Now that we're playing Andy Dalton, we can afford to bring some LBs through those gaps.

  9. IMO, it was no accident that so many passes were getting batted around as the game wore on. It was a great technique and great play by Dareus. It's also no accident that nobody's run on us so far this year. Anyone see McFadden rip the Jets D yesterday? Marcell has made a huge impact on this team. Can't say enough good things about that pick.


    Cue the Herm Edwards voice: You play to win the game! But if not for Stevie's drop we never get this guy.


    It's vital for fans to recognize that we've played GOOD teams for the past 3 weeks. Even the Chiefs, with a bad record, had Jamaal Charles in week 1. We have been doing what most teams could only hope to do on defense, and our offense is out-scoring teams that, no matter how you play defense, are going to score a lot of points. Sure the pass rush seems like a concern, but remember that it was the defensive line that was actually giving Brady fits. He got the ball out quick every play, but he did it for a reason, and the quicker you're forced to release the ball (especially when you're Tom "I could order a pizza and have it delivered while I stand flat-footed in the pocket" Brady) mistakes can happen against 7 in coverage.


    Things on defense will continue to tighten up regardless (and our secondary is injury depleted already), but make no mistake that this team overall is playing extremely well, and executing their game plan.

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