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Posts posted by rockpile


    The question is which one to draft. I remember Alex Van Pelt said he really like Joe Flacco. But because we already had Trent Edwards, they did not pull the trigger. They thought Trent Edwards was good enough. But we could have drafted Flacco anyway.

    I also remember in the Philips Rivers and Eli Manning draft, we could have traded up to get Roethlisberger but did not pull the trigger.

    We have to keep drafting more QB and often so we could increase the odd of hitting one. We have no other choice.


    I was just replying to Screwy when he said they have to draft a QB high in the draft.

    I was pointing out EJ was a #1 pick.


    I am not saying we had many choices. *-)


    I thought that the local broadcast market is defined by a 75 mile radius?


    When the blackout rule was in place this was true, and it was on NBC.


    Because the CBS station in the Syracuse "market radius" over laps a few bars, several homes a bunch of cows, grapevines, a lake, and a swamp, Syracuse would be blacked out under the old rules for a HOME game that did not sell out.


    Rochester news said tonight that in WNY, only the Buffalo station can broadcast the game.


    Buffalo is not even the home team, so they are just making up new blackout rules as they go make money.


    This is 100% about trying to extend the market to the internet. They are getting their feet west testing this out on two crappy teams.


    As I said in another post "Ya-Freaking-Hoo".


    So much for "regionalizing" the franchise!


    I miss the old days where someone would now tell me that if I did not like the blackout I should just shut up and go to the game. I guess i am not a real fan.

  3. Isn't the water kinda cold this time of year?


    I think it is always pretty cold, but I have only been to SF once.


    That is an amazing video!

    I'm taking my Sundays back.


    You have to have low expectations to survive as a Bills fan.


    I started with, "I expect they will play 16 games in 2015 regular season" and did not look for a more lofty goal.




    Well then looks like I'll be missing another Bills game. Oh the horror.


    This actually pisses me off.


    I will be out of town, but cannot DVR the game because it will be BLACKED OUT in Rochester, NY.


    It will only be broadcast by Jacksonville and Buffalo TV stations.


    Now when there was a blackout rule because a HOME game did not sellout 72 hours before kickoff, they extended "local" broadcast blackout to include all the way to east Syracuse stations.


    Yet, when Buffalo is the VISITING team (in f*cking England), the "local" broadcast rule for home games is thrown away.


    Ya - Freaking - Hoo!


    So much for building good will and REGIONALIZING the team. Once again they show us how much they disregard the fans.

  4. It is ironic that the internet, especially social media, is often blamed for making people impersonal, isolated, or "dulled" to the real world.


    Nothing could be more incorrect, in my opinion.


    I have made friends here who I have never met except in virtual reality.


    Some have become friends in the "real" world.

    Some have been my friends for a decade or two.

    We have shared our happiness and our pain.

    My three daughters and son are grown up and are friends with some of you.

    They have graduated high school or maybe college.

    Some are married and have children. I have eight grandchildren.


    We have had some very personal conversations.


    Parents, children, and even some of the TBD people have died since we met here.


    Over the past decade, YOU have sponsored me for well over $10,000 when I do the MS Walk every year.


    Bill, you need to know that you have friends here. Amanda, we have never met but I pray for you and Bill and your family.


    Looking for Bill's thoughts "in no particular order" is a habit for me, and many others.


    Just wanted to let you know in my small way that you matter. :thumbsup:



  5. And those play calls were absolutely wonderful?


    They have not adapted the play calling or continued with what was working. They had success up the seams, they had success putting Clay outside the hashes on routes, but it's not working.


    Yes, EJ isn't playing amazing - won't set his feet, for example - but this is not on Manuel.

    rex isn't workign with anyone. he's a defensive coach with a top 5 talented defensive team.


    the defense has been more of a let down and a coach with some balls would call out his own guys and discipline them. they've been lazy, aloof, and without heart. marrone would have this team doing sprints for hours playing so piss poor.


    counting mckelvin as a loss at this point is ridiculous. darby has been playing as good or better then mckelvin so it's a wash. the aaron williams loss isn't hurting too bad.


    Jeff, changing the D from a 4-3 to a 3-4 was a BAD decision. I blame the coaches, but you make some good points.


    Penalties kill Buffalo, especially after a great play on ALL teams. (offense, defense, special teams)


    Time of possession was exactly 30 minutes each, btw. :w00t:


    Oh, and ScrewyLouie - EJ was a number one pick. Taking a QB early in the draft is not the answer. Taking a good QB would be a better idea.


    But what do I know, I am dumber than a box of rockpiles.


    I survive as a fan by having low expectations. :beer:

  6. when a new coach comes in and turns a top tier defense into a dumpster fire because of a new junk scheme, then its time to make a change. If the new coach can't change then its time to search for another coach.


    Vic Carucci's view:


    With mid-season fast approaching, time is running out. Ryan acknowledged the urgency when he said, “We’ve got to take a long, hard look at what we’re asking our guys to do.”


    They’d better, because it isn’t working.

    “I’m used to knowing what my guy’s doing beside me in a passing situation and things like that,” Mario Williams said. “And being able to cause havoc from different angles as far as getting after the quarterback or setting up the tackle or the tight end or whoever’s blocking you.”

    The company line from the defensive line: Whatever’s called is called. Translation: It’s on the coaches; we’re just doing what we’re told."

  7. Saying a prayer for your father and your family.


    I have a close friend who had a stroke in his mid-forties. It is now a bit over twenty years later and he is doing well. He will be 67 on Thanksgiving Day.


    My friend was with me this year on opening day in Orchard Park. We laugh at each other since his gait is a bit slower after the stroke, and I am no ballerina with my MS, but we both went to the game with seats in the upper deck.


    Tell Bill that Rockpile says "hello".


    Sounds dumb, doesn't it?

    And I think that many here need to see the play again, and when it happened in the game, before talking about how he should have gone out of bounds. But that's the great thing about hindsight.


    I watched it about five times on the DVR. He was being held on his feet but he was also pushing to keep moving. I hated the result, but it was the correct call, Doc! :thumbsup:

  9. I don't think the missed field goal was that big. He hits it. We lose by 11 and not 14.


    It's the penalties that overturned TDs are what really cost us.


    The problem is that Carpenter cannot be counted on.


    In any game, when he misses an extra point, the Bills have to go for two points on their next TD, which is not a "gimme" either.


    If you cannot count on him to kick an extra point or a field goal, he is hurting the team.

    Every kicker will miss one now and then, but the team needs to believe he will do his job most of the time!


    Here's why the FG was huge. Make it and it's 16-6 when they are back down in goal-to-go a few minutes later. If they don't get the TD on 3rd down they kick another one and it's now a one score game at 16-9, still early in the 4th. Completely changes the complexion of the game.


    It was also huge because allowing no points was a big lift for New York.


    Scoring even three points on them after they had been losing while having double digit late game leads in previous weeks, may have made them think "here we go again".

  10. He wasn't exagerating by much. Coldest game in Bills history, January 15th, 1994. 0 degrees(only time in bills history temp was not above zero in a home game) & the wind chill was -32. The next coldest game was that same season December 23rd 1993 against the Jets. 2 degrees/-28 wind chill. I was home from college & took my dad to the game as his Christmas present that year. Yeah some Christmas present. We got to our seats, we were basically sitting on a snow mound, 5 minutes into the game he looked at me, I looked at him with 3 ice cycles hanging from his mustache & we both said at the same time "lets get the f*ck out of here." Went to Ilio Dipallos & had a nice late lunch/early dinner. Best call we made all day.


    I was at the December 23, 1994 game. The Bills and Jets were playing for home field playoff advantage, and were blacked out locally. We decided to go on game day morning and scored 40 yard line seats in the lower bowl. We froze to the bone. I am still glad I went, but never again when the wind chill is a negative number! I really like snow games though. :rolleyes:

  11. Except which is likely more accurate, the previous three? Or ignoring the previous three completely and just using 4-6? It's a laughable argument. But you're right it's not worth it.


    The last four years they averaged in the lowest third percentile overall. Five and six years ago they were poor. Why is this even being discussed?


    Sumbitch. The only getting older than me around here is this sub-thread argument.

  12. Got in the queue about 11:50, inside the gate 2 minutes later. Then had to wait 5 minutes for beer sales to start at noon.


    I watched Kenny and the "ketchup" routine (11:30) at Hammers, then me and my friend walked to stadium.


    Between us, we are 128 years old so we broke no land speed records. LOL


    I got buzzed walking through scanner at gate 3, so they found my cars keys with a wand (my bad).


    There was a long line of three of four people ahead of us. :w00t:


    Beer stands were open.


    We strolled through in 5 minutes, hit the head, and climbed to the upper deck. He has had double hip replacement twice and I have MS.

    Slow freight fits.


    By the time we finally reached our seats, team warm ups were almost over. and they soon left the field.


    Gate one (the store) was jammed. BIG surprise!

  13. This year it will be me and the youngest daughter at the Tailgate and game representing the Rockpile family. A lot of er family will be showing up like they did last year - 10 to 12 great people.


    Where are people going Saturday night besides Danny's?

    Just curious who from this forum is going to the game and if anyone got the tickets from Jay's promo link?


    I'm going and will be in section 307 row 17 and it would be cool to meet you all!






    I will be in the same row.


    Sure he said that, but that doesn't include what he told The AP after he spoke to the rest of the media.




    The full story is out. He was asked if he felt his day's were numbered, and this is the response he gave.

    He was then asked if he has thought of "somewhere else," and his response is included in the full version of the piece.




    Nice report, John.


    It has been my experience that you have tried to communicate what is happening without having an editorial agenda, and cherry picking things to support your perspective.


    Hope to see you again on Saturday in OP. Are you covering the Bills game?




    I'm so sick of your anti-JW agenda, and belief that you're capable of guessing i have any type of agenda. i'm officially crossing you off my short list of people on this board.





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