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Posts posted by rockpile

  1. At the beginning of each season, I try to be optimistic. I have stopped having any expectation except they will play 16 games.


    I stopped buying the hype a few years ago. It makes it easier for me to deal with another year and no championship.


    I am glad I did not know after the Bills did not go to "Super Bowl I" that 50 years later I would still be saying,"wait until next year."



  2. I am really beginning to hate the NFL....




    They do not even bother to hide the fact that it is all about the money.

    In Buffalo, if they want to regionalize the franchise, broadcast the game to the region - at least the "75 mile blackout readius".

    I get NFL network and feel bad for local fans who do not have it.

    IMO those red uniforms should be burned.


    My only reason question is question 1. I'm asking how and why it started................I don't think it can be reversed, either..................I have never once in my life, with many hundreds of games, and hundreds of concerts - asked or told anybody to ever sit down. I think people should be able to get their money's worth.............And, I've been told to sit down tons of times. Many times I say you tell those people in front of me.


    I only asked someone to sit down one time. We were about 20 rows in the upper deck on the Bills side near the goal line. He was the only person standing, and stood most of the game. The action was about mid field moving away from us, and even HE was watching the game on the jumbo. He was also pretty trashed.


    I asked him to sit, and he gave me a real eff you look, turned around and stayed standing, even during commercials. He was about twice my size, and was blocking a few people's view. I just shrugged my shoulders and watched the game on the screen when I had to.


    I have MS and cannot stand the whole game, but I always stand when there is a reason! There is nothing like a live game, so you enjoy the good and try to ignore the dick heads. :lol:


    I have consulted the experts; the fruits and the nuts, the wooly worms and the fog.
    I have watched the sunsets and looked at the water.
    All I can tell you is that it is going to be an up and down Winter across the country. You folks around the Buffalo area and great lakes region; it'll be cold. Ya'll will get some snow but it'll be cold. Late winter you'll get more snow, but it'll be cold.


    You needed to consult fruits nuts, wooley worms, and fog to tell us that it will be cold and it will snow in Buffalo this winter? :w00t:

  5. Sorry I cam off like an ass Rock, was. Not my intention. Agree 100% on the responsibility point.


    You did not come off as an ass. :oops:


    No apology needed. I had three daughters and a son and was delighted when they all had their own wheels!

    I also had trouble sleeping until I heard them get home.

  6. And you guys can tell me till the cows come home she should pay for her own insurance. aint going to happen!


    I defy any of you guys to have a day that starts at 4.00 AM everyday but Sunday, ends no earlier than 8 with homework (with no real breaks in between)...and go out and get a second job to pay for something you don't have right now.


    Different world now...she works 10 times harder than i do.


    I was just relating my experience. I would not presume to tell you what works best for you. :doh:


    My main point, which seems to not apply to your daughter, is that many young people expect that getting a license and driving a car is a given. Too many people do not teach their children responsibility.


    Life is a B word. My children also had schedules that included work, school, and optional after school activities.

    The world is not that different!

  7. First advice. Long story, but I am thinking of buying one of those Keurig type coffee machines. i like my coffee hot and about a 16oz cup. Any recommendations?


    Next prayers. Daughter gets her license at 12:01 AM tomorrow morning. Talk about worry! It's my first one to get license, and I am a mess!


    1. Keurig is handy if you just want a cup. It is a real waste if you go through a pot of coffee a day , or you are making coffee for several people.


    2. I have four grown children (now adults). The driving rule for all had three parts:


    When you turn 16 you can get your learner's permit.

    When you turn 17 you can take your road test to get a license.

    When you can pay for your insurance you can drive a car.


    I would let them stay on my policy as long as they were smart and lived in my house.

    When my oldest was moving out, I told her we had to go to the insurance company and the DMV. I had no idea who might "borrow" her car.

    When she tried to stall, I told her I could sign the title over to her right then, remove the plates from the car, and call the town about an abandoned car in my driveway.

    So, I drove with her to my insurance agent and made the necessary changes. We went to the DMV and changed title and registration on her car.


    I had a few people tell me I was too hard on her.

    Within two weeks, someone driving her car, was in a hit and run fender bender.


    On some things with your children, you do not bluff.

  8. Why would we want him?



    5 years in the NFL

    did not play at all in 2011 and 2013 (with Patriots)


    Career totals:


    13 games

    226 attempts

    120 receptions

    53.1 completion rate

    91.3 avg yards per game

    5 touchdowns

    7 interceptions

    62.7 rating


    EJ Manuel

    3 years in the NFL

    Career totals:

    19 games

    521 attempts

    308 receptions

    59.1 completion rate

    177.4 avg yards per game

    19 touchdowns

    15 interceptions

    78.5 rating

    source: nfl.com

  9. Are people suggesting that 7 games into the new regime we need to fire the coaches and GM? Honestly, this is an absurd notion. I know people are tired of not making the playoffs... But there's not a coach, GM, Free agent or draft pick that's going to come in and be 100% right and good and have us on top of the AFC from day 1. The world doesn't work that way people.


    Dan, you are making sense again and not soiling yourself. Please, if we want a rational opinion, we will read Jerry Sullivan.



  10. So Rochester IS in the local market?



    Isn't this an away game anyways?


    Why wouldn't this be aired in Rochester?


    I am hearing conflicting reports.


    Someone please advise.






    During the blackout days, Rochester was in the local market. All stations within a 75 mile radius of the Ralph were prohibited from airing a HOME game not sold out.


    For this game they decided only one Buffalo station and one Jacksonville station can broadcast the game.


    They are making up the rules as they go.


    I will be out of town, so I can't DVR it.


    I hope the Yahoo servers can handle it.


    Exclusivity is NOT the way I want the NFL to go.

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