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Overseas Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Overseas Bills Fan

  1. Belicheat has had no problems running up the score on everyone in the league. When he's up by five scores late in the third, he still refuses to punt on 4th down and runs out his first stringers (including Brady) to defeat and demoralize the opponent.


    Now that they are exposed, I say everyone should run the score up on them if they can. IF you can drop 50 on them, do it. Remember a few years back when the did it to us. . .55 - 3 was the final score and Brady was still in the game 1/2 through the 4th quarter.


    I hate that classless bunch of jerks. When Steve DeBerg was the QB and they sucked, I hated them. I hate them when they are on top. I hate them when they will suck again (which looks to be now).

  2. ''I want to play today, really,'' defensive tackle Kyle Williams said Wednesday. ''It's such a good week news-wise for the Buffalo Bills, for Buffalo Bills alumni with Jim Kelly, for our region with the Pegulas and going on the road and winning a football game and coming back and playing the Dolphins of all teams. I'm excited about Sunday.''


    The team is excited about playing, not looking at the next week going "how can we lose again this week." All it takes is one to start the ball rolling.


    Maybe the Bears game proved to them they can beat the other team! Let's squish the fish on Sunday!

  3. Response to a Bills fan simply stating "Ahem" in reply to a post that trashed the Bills prior to the opener:


    "Congrats on winning your Super Bowl... come back after the bills move to Canada."




    All class.


    Yet those choads in Chicago talk about the '85 Bears like it happened yesterday.


    The Bears Still Suck


    How many times must we take this disgrace

    Another Bears fan throwing insults in our face

    The Packers are the greatest team to ever play the game

    Even if from time to time they've been a little lame


    How could you ever love a team with Jim McMahon

    Not even Porky Pig was as big a ham

    They got a reputation that's mostly based on luck

    The Bears…Still…Suck


    The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck

    The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck

    They really really really really really really suck

    Yes the Bears…Still…Suck


    If you drive to Soldier Field they make you pay a toll

    For cripes sake they only won one lousy Super Bowl

    They make fun of Wisconsin, but we don't get upset

    Where do you think that they're all headed every chance they get


    We don't really hold a grudge 'cause this is all in fun

    As far as football rivalries we're both number one

    Still we wouldn't mind seeing Ditka run over by a truck

    'Cause the Bears…Still…Suck


    The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck

    The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck

    They really really really really really really suck

    Yes the Bears…Still…Suck


    (All the ladies now) The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck

    The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck

    They really really really really really really suck

    Yes the Bears…Still…Suck


    (Everybody now) The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck

    The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck

    They really really really really really really suck

    Yes the Bears…Still…Suck…HEY !!

  4. As long as the new owner is:


    A) committed to keeping the Bills in Buffalo

    B) committed to putting a winner on the field regardless if the player is a choir boy or a a showboater

    C) understands the game of football

    D) doesn't micromanage the team like Al Davis did and Jerry Jones does


    I can accept anyone, even someone as odious and disgusting at "The Donald."

  5. I was just watching sports center and the ESPN analyst said Buffalo will NOT keep four RB's going into the season. Look for the Bills to unload CJ Spiller before the season starts according to him.


    This could get interesting...........


    Trade for another player or trade for an extra draft pick for next season?


    Great. . .traded Lynch which I thought was stupid and he wins a Super Bowl and the Bills got NOTHING for it really.


    Now trade Spiller (if it's true which ESPN is normally wrong). Note to Running Backs: Don't get comfortable in Buffalo. You'll be gone in two to three years.


    DUMBEST IDEA even if OBD is thinking it (which I sincerely doubt).

  6. HE didn't throw 40 TD passes in his rookie season. . .cut him, he's a bust.

    He dropped a pass. . .release him.

    He had an off year due to injury. . .trade him.

    He got arrested for something minor. . .cut him loose.


    Personally, I'd rather had a a team with a few players with social problems than a team of church going people.


    Christ, the Cowboys beat us twice with a team of felons. Personally, I don't care how much trouble they get into in the off season. Between August and January is all I care about.


    All these people willing to drop Dareus after the year he had (his best so far) need to real explain what he is replaced with, since these same people hate KW too.

  7. This might work is you put it out near Summit Park at the end of the LaSalle Expressway.


    Doubt it would happen there, but that would work well as a location.


    If not, maybe out on Rte. 31 between Niagara University and Smoking Joe's on the Tuscarora Reservation (obviously on the southern side of the road because the northern side is Tuscarora land).


    A third place that might work would off the 990 out toward UB-North. . .but again that's Amherst and it might not be conducive to the rich people there.


    Honestly, there are options, but I believe the team will need to stay in Orchard Park.

  8. Pears and TJ.


    Stop with the nonsense. CJ and Mario are not getting cut, period. I don't get the Mario and CJ hatred. Honestly. . .if the team doesn't field 22 All-Pro starters, people on this board go nuts with "cut them." EJ had an average rookie year. So did Peyton Manning on a bad team. I know. . .EJ should have 60 TDs, and 0 Ints and throw for 7000 yards. Enough of this nonsense, please. Jackson probably won't be cut if he puts up another good year. 890 yds on limited duty wasn't bad.


    KW has a better chance of being cut than Mario, and that's ain't happening either. I'm glad none of you are GM.

  9. When Kiko Alonso is on the field, he is both OLB's and MLB






    Kiko doesn't tackle people. People run into him and fall to their knees, begging for forgiveness

    Kiko doesn't intercept pass. The ball is afraid to go to its intended receiver because Kiko will mash it

    Chuck Cecil looked at Kiko and said "Damn, son. . .you make me look like a powderpuff."

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