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Overseas Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Overseas Bills Fan

  1. http://profootballta...-money/related/


    He wants $100 mil over 5 years with $40 mil guaranteed.


    I know it's a QB driven league and all, but $20 mil puts a real burden on a team already struggling to retain its talent. Is he worth it? Is it a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario? Do they have a strong enough supporting cast to win with an Alex Smith type?





    if the ravens win the super bowl, he will get it!

  2. Ok Sore Loser, typical Pats moves but people are say it was mean & harsh but other than the 4 wives did she say anything that isn't True


    OJ Simpson was Acquitted of Murder & he couldn't get paid to clean toilets, Ray Lewis is treated like a God in the NFL


    What do you guys think was she wrong


    Very wrong.


    Listen witch. If someone needs to look outside their family for role models, there is a serious problem with that family. Maybe children want to play like Lewis. . .doesn't mean they wanted to be like Lewis. I wanted to sing like Layne Staley when I was a kid and pitch like Doc Gooden. . .it doesn't mean I wanted to be addicted to heroin and cocaine.


    Stupid role model talk. On the field, Lewis is royalty and deserves the HOF. Your little runt, pissant, cowardly and over-rated (built by a system, not talent . . . and cowardly because he takes a dive every time he touches the ball) husband wishes he could half the football and leader Lewis is. . .instead of being Tom Brady's main man-crush. However I hear Gronk will start getting some of that Brady loving soon too.


    Worthless players, coach, owner and fans those choads and chowds in New England.

  3. Not long ago, the *Pats seemed to have one of the all-time great dynasties of all-time. Since then, they posted a perfect regular season, only to lose in the SB. Got caught in the spygate scandal. Lost another SB to the Giants and now have lost the AFC title game at home to the Ravens.


    How do you think history will judge the Belichick/Brady era? Will they win another SB?




    They won three Super Bowls by the skin of their teeth of the foot of Adam Vinateri. Since he left for Indi, the team has been a bride's maid. Brady's magic fails in the Super Bowl as evidenced by winning on FGs and now his work.


    Steelers of the 70s, 49ers of the 80s, Cowboys of the 90s and Broncos of the 90s all won with their QB, not their PK. I view the Pats the same way as I view the Braves of 14 straight division titles and one World Series: Great regular season, passable postseason.

  4. LOL the play in question, Lucks head went down and HIT the helmet from the force of the hit.. That said, the Pats had a lot of penalties in that game, the refs were doing EVERYTHING they could try keep it a close game. They failed...


    Oh and Luck already part of the protected QB club, he is considered the future of the NFL w rogers.


    Don't you have porn to watch, Putzo? Leave football to those who will care. Two words: Steve DeBerg.

  5. First, a little background. I'm a native WNY'er that moved to NC back in '96, met a lovely Tarheel lass and was soon married. We were both passionate about our sports teams, for me it was the Bills, for her UNC men's basketball. We each adopted the other's team and became hard-core fans. Then came 2005 and the Tarheels won the NCAA basketball championship and it dawned upon me that this was the first in my life that a team I followed actually won a championship! It was if a weight had been lifted off of me! I was elated, walking around with a big grin for days afterwards, buying every Championship memorabilia I came across to cement the moment in my mind forever. Fast-forward to 2009 and the Tarheels win the Championship again. While I was very happy, it did not quite have that magical feeling as that first Championship.


    I was wondering if any other fellow Bills fans have had this experience (I was only a toddler when the Bills won the AFL titles) while rooting for another team or are you still waiting for the Bills/Sabres to lift that weight from your shoulders?


    1986 Mets, 1997 Arizona Wildcats (my alma mater), Carmelo's Syracuse Orangemen BB team. . .Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm. . .that's it!

  6. Quoting below: "The devout Christian says his representatives filed on his behalf not for financial gain, but "'to just control how it's used, make sure it's used in the right way.'"




    As strong an argument as I've seen about the need to revisit intellectual property rights. (I know, usually that phrase applies to patents and copyrights, but still.)


    Has anyone started the tumblr page on this yet?


    Other players dropped to a knee on the field before him. Wouldn't that invalidate the trademark?


    I don't care that he is a Christian (or not). Or that he likes to put it on display. But here he has done something else, using trademark laws to 'protect' speech. Almost makes me wish Stevie draws up an awesome mocking Tebow thing next time we play them. (And I hope he is in a position to do so, even more importantly!)




    I wonder if would trademark sucking and sue Fitz for not paying royalities.


    Another scam artist. Tim Tebow is a damn joke!

  7. Hopefully the Bills fan in the pic got his ass kicked. I'd like to see him pull that stunt at a game in Philly, New York or New England. My guess is it would not turn out well....for him.


    If you don't live in Arizona, you have no idea how clueless, stupid and pathetic sports fans of Arizona teams are in Arizona.


    I lived there from 1997 - 2008. I can say I understand how that guy felt. Arizona fans are as pathetic as Dodger fans (that show up during the 4th inning and leave in the 7th), Florida baseball fans and suburban New Jersey fans of New Jersey teams (like the Jets and the Giants).

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