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Donald Duck

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Posts posted by Donald Duck

  1. It's supposed to be "beyond a reasonable doubt," not "beyond a doubt." There may have been some doubt that Casey killed Caylee, but this doubt was by no means reasonable. I think those jurors didn't properly understand this very critical point, but then again what else do you expect from Floridians? Casey should have been sentenced to life in prison, but not the death penalty. Anything else was/is a tragic failure of the United States system of law.


    Good observation, I unintentionally left out a word,


    The death penalty in itself is unethical in my opinion because its virtually impossible to deliberate ones guilt without considering the outcome. Thus, expanding upon in ones mind what should/would be considered reasonable doubt.

  2. A couple of things, Fig, and then I am done. I am not going to change your mind, and you won't change mine. My larger point was that your assertion that "there was no evidence tying Casey to the body" is totally incorrect. There was plenty of evidence... You are looking at them singularly and trying to find doubt for each individual fact, instead of looking at the overall picture.


    I forgot to remind you that cadaver dogs alerted on Casey's car. Cadaver dogs do not alert on rotting food or dead animals. To say that a dead body smells like rotting potatoes or dead animals or rotting hamburger is crazy, and just shows that you haven't ever smelled a dead body before. I have. It is distinctive, and a smell that is never forgotten once you've smelled it. Now, is it reasonable to believe that the dogs, the police officers, the civilians, the doctors, and the sniffer machines are all wrong? No, of course it isn't.


    On to the duct tape. And, yes I am saying that it is not reasonable that the duct tape got stuck in the hair during animal activity. Again, using my common sense and knowing what I know about the basic adhesive properties of duct tape, there is no way that the tape that was used to secure the bag was then unsealed by animals and kept in whole pieces and then still retain enough adhesive after all that time and already being securely wrapped on the bag and then over itself (have you ever tried to pull duct tape apart when it sticks to itself? Does it stay in one piece?) to then stick to hair in the manner described in court. No way. The only reasonable explanation is that the tape was on the child's face while there was still flesh on her skull. Which brings us back to: why would anyone put 3 pieces of overlapping duct tape on a three year olds face if she supposedly died accidentally?


    Which brings us to George. Your theory is that George molested Caylee and then killed and dumped her, and this makes total sense given the evidence. Was George it George who did not report Caylee missing for 31 days? Was it George who was driving around in a car that had a dead body in it? No and no. This theory makes no sense. George was doing everything in his power to try to get Casey to tell them where Caylee was, while Casey refused.


    And, as far as the car being out of gas... Who backs a car into a parking spot when it is out of gas? I don't recall hearing testimony that it was out of gas, but that it is excuse Casey gave her parents when they finally found the car.


    Look at the BIG picture, Fig. I dare ya.


    Lets not forget,12 individuals saw the evidence(or lack there of) the way I did Sig1. Every piece of evidence has to be observed/digested at its own merit. It would be real easy to look at the whole picture and say Casey killed Caylee, but it has to be proven. The argument the prosecution puts forth has to be proven. You can't look at the whole picture and make judgement If some of the pieces of the puzzle don't fit or are missing. The defense doesn't have to prove anything. Casey didn't ditch the car, it was out of gas. If there was a dead body inside the trunk, ditching the car would be the last thing Casey would want to do don't you think. If the duct tape would have been sufficient evidence to prove cause of death, then the cause of death would have been determined to be suffocation, but it wasn't, and this is coming from an expert medical examiner. The crime scene where Caylee's remains where found was compromised so in my opinion you can't trust anything, including the duct tape.


    The cadaver dog evidence was the most compelling because the dogs are not bias, but even then the way in which Caseys car was examined was improper in my opinion. Now had they put her car in a parking lot with other cars and allowed the dog sniffer to identify the car it would have been more credible. You are correct in one respect Sig1, I have never smelled a decomposing body. With that being said, we know Caylee died and decomposed somewhere, but George Cindy and Lee also had access to the car so in looking at the big picture what does it prove? Its fairly safe to say that whatever happened to little Caylee, someone in the family and maybe even more then one family member knew what happened and how Caylee's remains were disposed.


    With all due respect I've enjoyed debating,discussing the case with you Sig1(fellow posters) and you are correct when you say my mind is already made up. If its any consolation I do believe Casey killed Caylee Marie Anthony, but I just don't believe it was proven in a court of law.(beyond a doubt)


    *deep breath* HAHAHAHAHAHA! (I'm sorry, I'll compose myself now)


    Seriously, you make some valid points in questioning aspects of the evidence presented, at least as you know it. Now imagine yourself in a room with myself, or one or two of the people in this thread who are disagreeing with you. No one wants to review any of the 46 days of evidence or testimony in a First Degree Murder case? No questions about the judge's instructions? Eleven hours, and all are in agreement? You guys have been going at this longer than that on this thread, and you still don't have an agreement.


    Sound reasonable?


    With that being said Terry Tate, it doesn't take all 12 jurors to find the defendant not guilty.


    Note: correction, Terry Tate has identified a mistake on my part, all 12 jurors must agree or the result is a mistrial and the case can be retried.

  3. Have to admit I watched most of the trial. Was just as good or better than OJ's.


    Seems to me Casey killed that poor girl. Lying to the police and sending them on wild goose chases. Lying to her parents time and time again about what happened to Caylee. Stealing checks from family members. This kid is a bad seed and her parents knew it. I don't think her father helped her out but he prolly put 1+1 together and figured it out.

    Maybe the thought of his daughter facing the Death sentence and his granddaughters death was enough to push him to kill himself.


    If you believe in karma Casey will get hers.


    As a matter of fact the police just may try to recoup some of the money spent on the search for Caylee. I hope they pinch her hard for any money that she may make because of this .


    I agree Bufcomments, it was just as good or better then the OJ trial


    Instead of "If it doesn't fit,you must acquit" We have "somethings just not right here"

  4. I was thinking that if Casey did it, she is likely to be a sociopath. If that is the case, it is doubtful that she would feel the need to hide the evidence, as she wouldn't think she did anything wrong in the first place.


    In that case, someone was trying to cover it up for her and her parents are the prime suspects.



    Its possible, and I would be lying If I said I didn't think Casey had anything to do with it. Casey was probably knocking little Caylee out so she could party and Caylee overdosed/died. Its rumored Zanny the nanny was slang for Xanax.


    I just didn't see enough evidence to reach a guilty verdict, especially when someones life is on the line.

  5. If Casey did it, I highly doubt that she is the one who disposed of the body


    If George Anthony molested/killed Caylee,the pieces would all fall into place much better then they do with Casey. Explains why George was hell bent on framing Casey and why he didn't want her body examined any time soon. It also explains the suicide because he thought they were closing in on him. If Casey wanted Caylee dead why not just drown her, then say it was an accident. Instead shes going to sufficate her, dispose of her body 15 houses away, leave her body with tape on it so it gets traced back to her, motive, so she can live the good life. Does that make any sense whatsoever?



    The jurors didn't come right out and say it, but they believed George was involved in my opinion.

  6. Tape wasn't stuck to the mouth? Again, I defer back to my common sense. The tape wasn't stuck to the mouth because there wasn't any skin left for it to stick to. And, it certainly was stuck to the mouth at one point because it was still stuck to her hair. Why would anyone put duct tape over the mouth of a 3 year old girl that accidentally drowned in a swimming pool?


    The tape was traced back to both Casey and George. They both lived in the same house.


    As far as the car goes, it had plenty of evidence. Who testified that the car didn't smell like human decomp? Cindy? Nope. George? Nope. Cops? Nope. Tow truck driver? Nope. Dr who is expert in human decomp? Nope. All said it smelled overwhelmingly like human decomp.


    Can you explain why it was ditched the way it was? The only plausible explanation that fits with everything else is that she was trying to cover up the smell of her dead daughter that was in the trunk.

    The car was out of gas (If I'm not mistaken)


    You can't convict someone with smell Sig1, a rotten potato smells just like decomposition and a dead animal probably comes real close.Nobody is trying to say the body wasn't discarded under sinister circumstances, but it doesn't show cause of death or who put the remains where they were found.


    What happened to the duct tape used to tie the bag shut? What would happen If an animal tore the bag open at the top and started pulling body parts out?Are you saying its not possible tape could have become tangled while that was happening?

  7. Fig, I watched about the entire trial...sad to admit, but it held my attention. I came to a much different conclusion regarding the evidence than you did. To me, it was overwhelming circumstantial evidence, and through common sense the dots were easily connected. It seems to me that the jurors, and some observers, left their common sense at the door when it came to examining the evidence in this case.


    The duct tape is from their house

    The car was driven by the defendant

    The car was stashed in a parking lot (backed in) after supposedly running out of gas.

    Trash bag from boyfriends apartment in trunk, when dumpster right next to car in the parking lot where it was stashed.

    Car smelled of human decomp, a fact testified to by about a dozen people and confirmed by scientific methods.

    A mother who makes up story after story of missing child.

    A mother who doesn't care that her only child is known to her to be dead and lives the party life, all the while rebuffing law enforcement attempts at helping her.

    Duct tape placed on the mouth of the body.


    1+1=2 quite easily here.


    With all due respect Sig1


    Duct tape proves absolutely nothing here and was actually traced back to George, not Casey. The car proves nothing because there was no evidence in it. Dozens of people also testified that they didn't smell anything. No DNA on duct tape, tape wasn't stuck to the mouth, and the crime scene was thoroughly compromised by Kronk.


    Let me ask you something Sig, lets say the duct tape was originally stuck to flesh, the flesh completely decomposes and is gone along with the sticky side of the duct tape, so how does it then get stuck to the skull?


    Decomposition was not proven by scientific methods...

  8. People are convicted of murder often when the body isn't even found. It is silly to think that they needed to prove the exact method in which she was murdered.




    No need to change the law. You just need jurors who know how to look at evidence logically.



    Shh, you're going to interrupt the people who are patting the backs of the jury as logical and reasonable examples of doing the right thing.


    After 46 days of listening to evidence and testimony in a First Degree Murder trial, they didn't ask a single question of the judge, didn't want to review any evidence or testimony, and spent a whole 11 hours "deliberating". They then found her not guilty and are now complaining about how hard it was. "Reasonable", my butt.



    I agree with the last two posters. A lawyer friend of mine said there more than enough to convict, but now jurors have watched too much CSI stuff and want to see something like a DNA smoking gun or something.



    Lets hear the evidence


    The duct tape that was traced back to George Anthony? Or the single marker found on the duct tape that didn't match Casey or the victim? Or the heart shape on the duct tape that magically disappears? Or all the coffin flies that should have been in the trunk ,but weren't? Or the stain of decomposition in the trunk you couldn't see or test positive for? We have a compromised crime scene that couldn't be relied upon. Bogus testimony from kronk the person that found Caylee's remains.(skulls originally out of the bag in August,then its in the bag in December, oops that doesn't work, its back out of the bag) We have George and Cindy Anthony who both lied on the stand. We have George faking a suicide, his reasoning, so he can go see Caylee in heaven. Well thats not going to happen now is it.


    The list goes on and on, there was no evidence, no cause of death and anybody that watched 100% of this trial knows it.

  9. First, like many, I think the jury in this case did their job, and the case made by the state was not strong enough to sentence this woman to death. I have very little doubt that she was involved, somehow, in her daughters death. And, I agree, taking the chance of sentencing someone to life in prison, or death, when there is the chance that they might be innocent, no matter how small that chance, is vital. But, I keep hearing this rote response that "better to let one guilty person go, than sentence an innocent person". That would be great, if it meant that letting this one person, possibly slide, does nothing to ensure that an innocent person will not be found guilty...I just think it is a silly response. One case has nothing to do with another.




    And that is one of the fugged up things about this case. One of the jurors admits, he couldn't get the idea of George Anthony sexually abusing his daughter, out of his head. The defense laid out this theory, and did not have one shred of evidence to back it up, not even circumstantial evidence, other than the word of their client, who they are admitting, is truth challenged. But it tainted GA's testimony...I know, it is up to the state to make their case for guilt, but the defense, IMO, was not held to any level of responsibility.



    George Anthony lying on the stand about the Holloway affair tainted his testimony and GA deliberately throwing his daughter under the bus on numerous occasions soured the jurors towards him in my opinion. I've got to tell you though, judging from the family's reaction(George and Cindy) I'm not so sure this wasn't all staged in an effort to save Casey. In order for Casey to be found not guilty, somebody else had to bite the bullet and appear at least partly responsible in part to what happened to little Caylee. The whole family with the exception of Lee seems very capable of giving false statements under oath. Even Georges breakdown on the stand when he starts crying/sobbing was for the most part tearless and did not ring true.


    What If Caylee was molested by George Anthony? Hiding the body would make more sense then wouldn't it.(I'm just saying)


    perhaps they weren't stupid enough...I was watching Nightly News last night and saw a sign carried by one of the protestors "The jury is gulity of muder" :wallbash:



    We can thank the media/ Nancy Grace for this type of BS Nervous Guy

  10. They do have enough evidence to prove, I think, that somebody who had access to the Anthony home committed this murder, or, went way out of their way to cover up an "accident". What little physical evidence they do have, all leads back to that house.



    With all do respect Buftex, what physical evidence do you deem actually leads back to the Anthony house If you don't mind my asking?

  11. With all due respect to everyone out there in regards to the Casey Anthony trial. Putting someone to death without sufficient evidence is improper. Anyone that watched 100% of this trial would know that there was just to many unanswered questions and to much doubt to reach a guilty verdict. The death penalty in itself is unethical, because despite any admonitions from the Judge or State it is impossible to block out sentencing during deliberations when someones life is on the line. Myself personally, two wrongs don't make a right, its not what God would want and its not what Caylee Marie Anthony would want despite the sinister circumstances surrounding her death. The trial itself was well governed/ by the book with exceptional attorneys/arguments from both sides.

  12. Myself personally,the now infamous laughing man/retired prosecution attorney Jeff Ashton alienated the Jury. Kronk thoroughly compromised the crime scene where Caylee's remains were found/Bogus testimony. George Anthony's failed suicide attempt is bogus, how do you commit suicide and even hope to go to heaven to see Caylee? George Anthony adds more bogus testimony refuted by Krystal Holloway/mistress who repeats GA comments, "it was an accident that snowballed out of control". No DNA on duct tape, tape traced back to George Anthony. Bug evidence doesn't jive with a dead body in the trunk. Even the motive doesn't make sense, I'm going to kill my daughter, triple bag her and then dispose of her body in the swamp less then a quarter of a mile from my home so I can live the good life? seriously???The list goes on and on yet the whole country is in an uproar because our Judicial system somehow failed Caylee Marie Anthony.


    Note: Jose Baez was quoted afterwards as saying "This case is a perfect example of why the death penalty doesn't work, and why we should stop and think twice about a Country that kills its own citizens"



    Perhaps a higher power looked down from the heavens and said enough is enough...

  13. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/story?columnist=chadiha_jeffri&id=6712271





    Personally, I'm happier having "Best Innovator" over "Best Sense of Humor", "Best Postgame Interview", and "Best Game Face".


    Go Chan!


    Ryan Fitzpatrick is a good example of Gailey taking a career backup QB and getting enough production to be deemed acceptable in Managements eyes.


    Myself personally, Chan Gaileys exceptional abilities as an innovator does not mean he should be forever limited to sub par talent at the QB position.(as mentioned by the columnist)

  14. I can understand the frustration(OP),but If this was your football team ( as an owner) or your occupation (as a player) you would probably be a little more concerned with the outcome. The National Football League exhibits one of the highest levels of sports entertainment the world has ever seen. Everyone loses when the season gets cancelled.


    I for one can't wait to see Marcell Dareus and Co. hit the football field...

  15. Chan has said he will use David Nelson as a tight-end in some situations because he is a little bigger that the other wide-outs (though not for blocking - just to have another receiver on the field who can create a defensive mis-match).


    Also they are very high on the guy (is Chandler his name?) they picked up on waivers from Dallas late last year. He is huge (good blocker) and has a good set of hands supposedly . . . this is why they didn't draft a TE in April. They are really high on him.


    Shawn Nelson - this will be his year to take a big step forward. He could be great. He could be a bust. I hope for the former. He needs to stay healthty to establish any consistency.


    I love Stupar - good hands & really gritty, but a little small (hurts his ability to block) and not as fast as you'd like to see. Hasn't shown a great ability to get open. But he catches whatever is thrown to him.



    Big Stupar fan, and would like to see him utilized more in the Bills passing game.

  16. I'm glad they are working out, but if they are so hyped about working out now, then why is it every year they complain that the teams have too many work outs? The NFLPA is always investigating some coach who is making the voluntary work outs more or less mandatory. I think it's just another PR driven load of cow dung encouraged by the NFLPA to get public opinion on their side. You know..."The player want to play but the owners won't let them".

    I hope the Bills players get something out of it,I really do, but without structured coaching I highly doubt it.



    Getting everyone united and on the same page is important, especially for a young football team like the Buffalo Bills. So any time spent together will help team chemistry in my opinion.

  17. I give Scotty the fast forward treatment now too...the guy sounds the same every week to me. I don't understand the love affair with this kid at all.


    James KILLED that Muse song, man...I loved that performance...Durbin POWER BABY!!!


    I enjoyed Haley and Lauren, and I thought Jacob was just okay. The guy just seems a bit self-absorbed to me and I don't really care much for the whole "diva" mentality...especially in a gay dude lol.


    Stefano and Casey were good...nothing special, though, IMO.


    Was nice to see Pia back :wub:


    I'm with you on that ajzepp, I've listened/watched Durbins rendition of uprising about a dozen times now and love it more and more each time :thumbsup:

  18. Myself personally, I don't think you will find a GM out there that could possibly have more of an insight on the person and player of Auburns biggest Tiger, Cameron Newton. Buddy Nix's comment "Cam has been a good leader everywhere he's been" should squash any doubts of Newtons leadership abilities. Nix also squashed the rest of the negative comments made by the most recent outlandish attack on Newtons character.


    At 6' 6" 248 Lbs, Newton is a mountain of a man at the QB position. Blessed with the speed and rushing skills of OJ Simpson, Cam rushed for 1,473 yards and scored over 20 TD's on the ground, 30 passing TD's and even had a spectacular highlight reel receiving TD in tight coverage. Newtons 603 yards rushing over a three game span were the most for an Auburn player in a three game stretch since RB Bo Jackson in 1985. Newton also broke Jim Sidles SEC rushing record for a Quarterback, Newton is the 1st QB in SEC History to throw for 2,000 and rush for 1,000 yards in a season. Cam Newton also finished the season with a sparkling 182 QB rating and led the Nation with over 10 yards per pass play average. (1st down per pass play average.)


    Undefeated , Heisman, National Champ, I'm not sure anyone in the history of College Football has ever accomplished as much in one season as Cam Newton. The kid throws the team on his shoulders, marches to the Championship everywhere he goes, and then wins it.


    Buddy Nix knows what he's got with Newton (hell on wheels) and Nix will draft Cam If he's available at number #3 in my opinion.


    No way Nix passes on Cam Newton, no way...

  19. I think it was the prior weeks of ballads. Good voice, but very boring. No personality....thus, little connection. Actually, came across as a little bit pompous. Just my opinion.


    Good observation cablelady, Pia had great vocals but wasn't connecting well with her audience,


    Song choice can also make or break you on AI,

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