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Donald Duck

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Posts posted by Donald Duck

  1. Some guys do more with less, but can't do more with more. Jauron was like that; could squeeze 7 wins out of a 3 win team. I wonder how Gailey would do with a stocked roster...


    Chan Gailey's loyalty to his players and his ability to make more out of less may prevent that from ever happening JR In Ann Arbor.

  2. Its no secret that Chan Gailey is a very creative, football savvy coach capable of accomplishing more with less. My question is, does there come a point when Gaileys exceptional innovative skills actual works against him and the team when it comes to accomplishing the ultimate goal,winning a Championship. Gailey can take no name WR's and turn them into stars, Stevie Johnson is a good example. Now I'm not saying Johnson's not a good athlete because he is, but I am saying without Chan Gailey coordinating the offense Johnson is just another average WR in the NFL. Career backup, Ryan Fitzpatrick is another good example. In all probability Fitzpatrick is about to have the best season of his career as a starting signal caller in the NFL. The Bills O-line is another good example, in my opinion the Bills O-line is in the top 5 worse O-lines in the league. On the other hand, Chan Gailey will take our current below average O-line and he's going to disguise it with exceptional scheming/ play calling and win football games.


    Gailey can do more with less, no doubt about it, but my question to Buddy Nix is, can you be Football savvy enough to realize that with better talent accross the board on Offense and a good defense backing them up, Chan Gailey and the Buffalo Bills could win a Championship.

  3. I'm gonna try to be nice about this… Pears is the presumed starter at right tackle.


    Bryant McKinnie has played his entire career (including college) at left tackle… think about that for a second.


    This is the ultimate "I've heard of him" thread.


    People who are actually advocating for McKinnie are in my eyes, not very knowledgeable about football, McKinnie, or what makes a good decision or a good investment. I wouldn't buy McKinnie if he was a penny stock… in other words, at any price. You couldn't give him to me and I'm incredulous that there are some people who actually think it would be a good idea to sign him.


    Here's only one glimpse into his character (Wiki):


    "McKinnie was selected to his first NFL Pro Bowl game in during the 2009 season, but before the event it was announced that he would not play in the game. The league said they had kicked him off his Pro Bowl squad for for skipping most of the team practices and obligations. He had previously told NFC offensive line coach Hudson Houck that he was ill. Houck told reporters, "he said Tuesday that he had the flu. Maybe it was the flu." According to McKinnie's Twitter account, bigmacvikings, three days before the Pro Bowl, McKinnie told followers "on my way 2 Mansion," referencing the Mansion Miami nightclub in his hometown. The next night, he wrote "leaving the beach headed 2 KOD's". KOD's meaning the King of Diamonds gentlemen's club. He had unexcused absences these two days in a row. When made aware of these Twitter updates, Houck was surprised. "Really? Well, this really is kind of a unique situation."[4] Bryant told reporters that due to injuries in his feet and left ankle he had decided he didn't want to play.[5] He said he called his agent and told him he was going to withdraw, but this was improperly communicated. Several weeks later has was ordered by the league to reimburse the NFL $4,285 for expenses in Miami that week. He also forfeited his $22,500 game check."



    With all due respect San Jose there are people who think every player on the Bills roster needs to be a goody two shoes and people who don't.


    To say anyone who is advocating bringing McKinnie into Buffalo for an interview doesn't know football is somewhat disrespectful in my opinion. Especially considering the guys been an iron man when it comes to doing his job on the football field and regardless of what happened, the guy was still selected to the pro bowl by his peers in 2009. That alone should tell you the guy can play.

  4. I wouldn't be against it, because that would mean that Nix, Whaley and Gailey REALLY thought he could help the team. I just see extremely little chance they will, however. They have made a concerted effort to change the culture of the Bills, and have signed and drafted (almost exclusively) tough, hungry, leaders who give 100% on the field.


    McKinnie is none of those.



    Durable, never misses a start, was just selected to the pro bowl in 09, its not like this guys a complete slouch

  5. Metaphorically speaking of course. The board is better with you "out" as dog. Come out of the closet, NY is a very liberal state:)


    Hypothetically speaking... under another alias/fur of course... If dog14787 was somehow posting on these sacred walls once again...it would probably be wise of him not to push the issue...the tapes got sold at a yard sale...so get over it...

  6. So then Peters and Poz left because of the fans and not because of the much larger salary they were trying to get? Sounds about right.


    The Bills as an organization have been a revolving door for coaches and players with very little unity or loyalty as a result.


    To answer your question, it surely doesn't help matters when your not appreciated by the majority of the fans for your effort/ hard work.


    Revealed!!!!! There is no way Fig would've known about that bet! Fig Newton is obviously dog14787. Dude, come on out and own it.


    Out of respect to upper management,dog14787/Holy Trent Worshiper is gone forever...

  7. for a relatively new member (February 2011), you seem to know an awful lot about past events on this board....


    Please, enlighten us as to how Peters and POS would still be here if not for "delusional" Bills fans.



    Bills fans (in part) are negative and can't say as I blame them, but players do hear and read what the fans are saying about them and If they don't feel welcome, chances are they will want to leave. Especially when the football team hasn't seen the playoffs in over a decade.

  8. he is on the Buffalobills.com message board

    Im pretty sure he left because of me


    I'm pretty sure not, rumor is dog14787 messed with the wrong guy(Nervous Guy)


    HA...that guy. I had a few run ins with him for sure...it was funny, he had sent me some messages to my inbox too about Trent and noticed that the senders account was no longer active. It was a little creepy that on more than one occasion he kept trying to goat me into giving out personal info about myself like name and location. He is the reason I literally keep that all private outside of just the city I live in.


    The best part about him was how he would insult everyone constantly who just didn't share the same man crush on Trent, however would literally get his panties in a wad and flip out if anyone dare say anything to him that he felt was insulting.


    His rambles were so crazy and out there that it literally became comical...I think my personal favorite (and there were many) was when he invented, and admittedly so, a second phantom concussion to Trent later in the season when we won just one game after starting 6-2 to explain how bad he was...good times. Maybe he is still here under a different name :unsure:




    HA, I was going to say the same thing...he did have a lot of posters here he would try and rumble with about Trent.


    Seriously, you're delusional buddy,stop making stuff up, (like your fake football career) dog14787 is a normal fan. He still follows JP Losman , he followed Frank Reich when he departed from Buffalo. He does that with most Bills players because to him they're not just players they're real people. dog stands behind his football team, and not 75% or 90% of the team,he stands behind 100% of the damn team :wallbash:


    You guys want to make dog out to be the bad guy for being a normal fan. Ever stop to think that maybe its a little weird/nuts not backing your own teams players. Maybe our better players like Poz or Jason Peters would still be here if half the Bills fan base wasn't delusional like Alphadawg here is

  9. Or maybe they are doing a service to society. Maybe they are sick of people getting away with killing children just because they look good on TV. Maybe they respect the legal system but realize the only way to punish killers is to heap shame upon them. The system will not punish you if you look good and you can find a dirt bag lawyer able to distort the meaning of "reasonable" in the term reasonable doubt. Maybe the only punishment left is for people to have their feelings known in a non-violent and lawful manner. You know, freedom of speech and all that.


    Maybe the mentally ill ones are the people who criticize people sticking to a moral standard while they sit back in an arm chair and let society burn.


    Like having thousands of fingers pointing at you, all whispering, we know what you did, so you can run ,but you can't hide because you know what you did, now live with it.


    Sometimes the only punishment left is for people to have thier feelings known in a non-vilolent manner.


    and the wrath of God... :devil:

  10. When I saw the news clip of her release, I thought this:

    What kind of miserable lives do these people have to go out at midnight, make up signs,& scream at someone who has just been released after 3 years in jail. Don't they have anything better to do? Do any of them go around to all the other places where people are released after being aquitted or released from jail after serving their sentence. Or...

    Do they just want to get on TV and do they really care about 1 little dead girl; and where are they for the rest of the abused and/or dead children? Are they Nancy Grace's version of dittoheads?

    I think they're all mentally ill.



    Once celebrity status is reached, regardless of how good or bad the circumstances are in reaching that status, its on with the public/Paparazzi. Like her, hate her, believe she's guilty, believe she's inoccent, or better yet, belongs in a mental Institution. Casey Anthony is one of the most well known faces in the Nation right about now. Only names/faces like Obama or Osama can compete,or Jose Baez/living legend/Defense attorney.


    and some folks don't seem to think Casey's capable of making a good living telling her story,




  11. With this post you just reinforced how bad Chan Gailey is at building a team and how good Fitz was working with a bunch of nobody's



    IT WAS ALL FITZ!!!!!!!!! Ryan Fitzpatrick saved Chan Gaileys ass last season, Gailey put it all on the QB's shoulders with virtually no upgrades for the offense in the draft or free agency, and although Fitz played well in some games, he also fell on his face in others.Try and understand it was all Fitz in his ability to get the ball out of his hands in 3 seconds or under, then he would locate the proper open receiver and hit him with the ball. GUESS WHAT, SSDY, same shiet...different year. The Bills didn't upgrade any part of the offense in the draft this year, and I doubt they will in free agency either. The team is going to start this season with the same scrubs at RT that they picked up off the street last year.



    Did Chan Gailey help Brian Brom or Trent Edwards at all? ...answer NO! .... COACHING FAILURE


    Did Chan Gailey start Ryan Fitzpatrick at the beginning of the season? NO! He clearly thought Edwards was better because he spent the off season grooming him to be the starter, even though Perry Fewell benched Edwards and made Fitz the starter last season.....COACHING FAILURE


    Did Chan Gailey name CJ Spiller the starting RB to open the season, then bench him after a few running plays because the rook couldn't block for protections, couldn't find the hole, didn't know his routes...COACHING FAILURE!


    Did Chan Gailey start Cornell Green at RT, only to see that he couldn't even block for a few milliseconds, something about any one of the drunken fans in the stands could do......COACHING FAILURE!


    Did Chan Gailey have an adequate backup at RT..NO! COACHING FAILURE!



    "youtube" that Stevie Johnson dropped pass and watch it closely, Fitz took a deep drop about 10 yards and had that ball out in 3 1/2 seconds youtube.com/watch?v=UHhK2pWZ2dM&feature=related





    The simple reason the Buffalo Bills only won 4 games last season was because the team wasn't prepared properly to start the season, they showed that with the line problems, QB problems, RB problems, they went 0-8 remember. They lost 12 games because this new HC decided to switch to a 3-4 defense even though he didn't have the personnel for it. This same HC hired someone that doesn't know what he is doing to run his defense, the same can be said about many of Chan Gaileys assistant coaches.This HC doesn't know the difference between a good player and a bad one, he proved this with Green at RT and Edwards at QB.


    No backup QB, no backup RB, should Fitz or Jackson suffer a long term injury, this team is screwed. Last season the Buffalo Bills got worse on defense, special teams, and in the running game. The ONLY area that improved on the team was the passing game, and that was only because of Fitz. Both Edwards and Brohm stunk it up.


    Gailey and his staff might get another year after this one because of the excuse of the lockout effect. Although, I've already seen enough bad coaching decisions, this team will never compete for the playoffs in this division with Gailey as HC.



    Fitz this, Fitz that, well If thats how you feel then how about the HC's decision to stay with what everyone else (or majority of folks anyway) thinks is a career backup signal caller. Hell or high water Chan gailey stands behind his players and regardless if you like it or not I'm willing to bet Chan gailey is going to have you eating crow by the end of the season.


    I'll admit I'm a "the glass is half full" type person, but anyone with eyes can see that for the first time in years we might actually be building something worthwhile. You mentioned Gaileys decision to start TE over Fitz, but to be honest the way it all went down it seemed to me RW was pushing Gailey to make a starter out of Edwards. It wasn't working out so Gailey sent TE packing, end of story.


    So brag about Ryan Fitzpatrick all you want, but you can thank our new HC Chan Gailey for that one also...

  12. Bills fans are a strange breed, If this team hired them then they must be good...








    .....at least until they get run them out of town after 3-5 losing seasons :lol:



    1st season, Backup QB, a group of no name WR's, inexperienced O-line, yet somehow Gailey manages to show us more Offensive Explosion/Bang for the buck, then we have seen in years.


    With any kind of Defense at all Buffalo's record could just as easily been 8-8. How often does a Ray Lewis led Defense get smacked in the face like the Buffalo Bills smacked them last season?


    This Bills football team is finally headed in the right direction in my opinion.


    Thanks In big part to Chan Gailey...

  13. Don't make me laugh, if this guy were worth a crap he wouldn't have been demoted from OC, and then stripped of play calling, and then ultimately fired 3 weeks before the start of the 08 season while at KC. Then he was out of football for the 09 NFL & college season, if he were actually a decent play caller he would have been employed as such by an NFL team over the last 10 years. He tried to run the pistol offense during his one year at KC, and all it got him was 2 wins and out the door.




    Ya know what, when the team goes 0-8 to start the season and then only wins 4 games all season, and those 4 games they won were against cellar dwellers just like the Bills....that doesn't give anyone the right to gloat about how good the HC is at calling plays


    Gailey is no better the Turk Schonert as he had his QB's in shotgun most of the entire game, and then he calls a shotgun passing play again on 3rd and short and throws the ball, being unpredictable goes right out the window.




    Ryan Fitzpatrick was the only reason last years Buffalo Bills team won 4 games, and he is the only reason the team might win a few games this up coming season. Gailey failed with Trent Edwards after wasting the off season preparing him to start, he also failed with Brian Brohm. So should the Bills pick up a FA QB that can't get the ball out to the open receiver in under 3 seconds like Fitz can....then he will fail with that QB also.



    You are joking right? If that is a fact then why did nobody want him in the NFL for the past decade, and even he was surprised when the Bills came calling-when they ran out of all other options. Now, I hope he turns this thing around as much as anyone, but you are sounding ridiculous with that statement.



    :w00t: You guys are hilarious

  14. To me the jury is in....0-8 to start the season....so many fans is disbelief that this guy could be so much worse then Jauron.... but he was.



    So many fans are still defending him and his multiple boneheaded moves he made in several areas of the team, both he and Nix made critical mistakes that smart football people would never do.



    Last season the Bills managed to beat Cincy-Cleveland-Miami-Detroit....all bottom of the division teams like the Bills



    Ya know what, when I see him call a passing play on 3rd and short it makes me think of Turk Schonert and his stupidity. I expected so much more from offensive minded Gailey over defensive minded Jauron, especially when he and Nix both stated that drafting for the O line would be a priority in their first draft, then he drafted a RB with the first pick and proclaims that this RB will make the O line block better. I would have never thought the team could possibly get worse against the run then Jauron's Tampon 2, but it did.



    I was thinking that he would be fired after this next season, but now he will have the lockout as an excuse, so pencil him in for at least 2 more PP years. Another 3 years wasted because this owner hires bad to mediocre coaches.



    Ya know what, calling a passing play on 3rd and short is how you fool the defense and being predictable is stupidity.


    Chan Gailey is one of the best play callers in the League in my opinion,


    Nobody sets up plays better...

  15. Could be wrong but I believe a big part of his testimony was that it wasn't consistent with any food product the defense said could have caused it. But maybe she had some ground beef rotting in her trunk (which would in fact be chemically different still)


    Michael Sigman, a chemist at the National Center for Forensic Science, said that air samples from Casey Anthony's car trunk tested positive mainly for gasoline. Chloroform and two other chemicals were present.


    Michael Sigman: "I could not conclusively determine that the presence of those compounds indicated that there had been human remains in the trunk of that car,"


    Dr Furton: if you are going to state that fluorinated compounds are important indicators of human decomposition and they are not there, then their absence should be interpreted as a human body was not there.

  16. That's one of the reasons many (if not most) death penalty states have separate hearings in death penalty cases - first the jury hears the case, then if they come back with a guilty plea, the parties get to argue to the jury for and against the penalty.


    Biggest problem there would be that, to the best of my knowledge, it's the same jury in both phases, which then results in the same bias you describe. Better that there were a different jury for each.



    Agreed DC Tom, having a different Jury for the sentencing phase makes sense. If I'm not mistaken, an effort to change this procedure in the state of Florida is now underway. Once found guilty, it would be much easier for a different Jury to hear arguments and commence sentencing properly in knowing they were not originally responsible for deciding guilt or innocence.

  17. Oops, sorry - you were just eliminated from the jury pool for a First Degree Murder trial.


    But say you made it on. You still haven't convinced me. We're waaaay over 11 hours now. You've reviewed a number of different evidence entries. Why didn't the jury? You've stated it doesn't take all 12 jurors to find the defendant not guilty - I think you're wrong - it takes a unanimous decision either way in a capital crime, otherwise it's a hung jury and a mistrial. Sure you don't want to ask the judge for clarification on that?


    This jury did not ask a single question, did not review any evidence or testimony, requested not a single clarification on instructions, and wrapped it up in 11 hours. I've spent more time reviewing information and getting "testimony" when deciding on purchases over $100.


    I would have voted guilty. On the chance 11 agreed with me, I would have slept soundly with that decision. If I were the only one, I would have hung this jury, and there would have been a mistrial. Perhaps that would have been the only decision that would have satisfied everyone.


    My mistake, you're correct, hung Jury in the U.S. results in a mistrial.


    Thanks for correcting me :thumbsup:

  18. Good to hear he worked on his strength. Hopefully he's been working on the accuracy issues.



    I'm hoping one will follow the other. Specifically, I'm thinking that increased strength will mean he won't have to strain to get the ball to go as far or fast as he needs, and instead will be able to throw more naturally, thus yielding increased precision.


    That's my hope anyway... ;)



    Stands to reason yall :thumbsup:

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